Pulling hair is a horsecollar now?
Bahahahaha, you can't review if a horse collar was actually a fist full of dreads? Browns gonna win because of it.
What the hell is going on today
Nope, our secondary sucks ass.Please tell me there aren't any more fans left here who actually think that this team is good or has any chance at the playoffs. I want to see this team burst into flames and lose out, maybe, just maybe, a message can finally be sent to this bunch of chumps.
Are you really advocating LOLmo throwing from his own endzone while they're ahead?Too quick.
Chicken shit Garrett. How do you try to ice the game by giving it to your worst offensive player?
What the hell is going on today
fatford is terrible.
JagsLOL Packers having a hard time beating the Lions. Haha. NFsChit
What happened to big boy football?
j/k bro
Dodger season starts soon.. I wish