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NFL Week 12 |OT| What Are You Thankful For?



hey guys you aren't being respectful of saints as they kick people in the head and take out other players for extra bonus money :(


After all the shit about saints getting ref treatment, fucking silence when it's the Niners holding and mugging receivers. It's all good though. See u Thursday.

Randy Moss play, yes definitely so.... the rest no or iffy...both ways really.

but as a 9er fan...I'm rooting for yall this Thursday. :) GO SAINTS!


RESPECT THEM! They only paid money to injure a 49er WR and kicked our player in the head. What a stand up franchise!

To be fair, the 49ers coach clearly beats his family after every loss. That's why teams go out of their way to gift them wins... out of fear for Bipolarbuagh's family :( I'm surprised there's no articles being written on the situation.
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