dem drops, smh Redskins
Tice is an idiot. Run the ball! Only excuse I can think of is Panthers coming off a bye and Bears on a short week. Still... It's the Panthers.
Chargers really Want to lose.
Did something happen at the Pats game? The station changed over to the GB/JAX game.
Did something happen at the Pats game? The station changed over to the GB/JAX game.
Did something happen at the Pats game? The station changed over to the GB/JAX game.
Wait....tripping? When you grab their leg?
That's weak as fuck, that's part of a tackle.
...just sayin'
The hell is with these Tebow trade rumors on I haven't even heard of any until today.
This Tues..Hey guys, is Assassin's Creed coming out soon?
Better that than political commercials at least!
Belicheat got his cameras back.Probably because its 38-7
Wait wait wait. I thought Manning was the OC when he was in Indy? I thought it was more a lack of talent thing in Indy.
We told you so. Arians only believes in going balls deep. He doesn't give a fuck about running the ball, screens, or protecting the qb. That system can work with Ben because he is a baller, but he is probably the worst coordinator for a rookie.