Unhandled Exception
Kings need to permanently switch to these unis, everything from the '98 redesign - onward is complete garbage.
Oh my god what the fuck is wrong with the NHL home page
Leafs cant ______ for shit
Yeah. This fucking powerplay.
At least we didn't give up a goal. That's something.
These Old Spice commercials are worse than cancer
These Old Spice commercials are worse than cancer
Their ads with Terry Crews were amusing, but these new ones legitimately make me want to boycott all their products. I don't get it at all.I feel like by just talking about how awful they are Old Spice somehow wins, but how can you possibly watch a single one of their weirdo abominations and not immediately need to vent about it.
These Old Spice commercials are worse than cancer
Kings need to permanently switch to these unis, everything from the '98 redesign - onward is complete garbage.