Some guy in front of me is watching the game via GameCenter, while I'm on HockeyStreams. The delay on GC is pretty bad compared to HS.
Clarkson looks like he's skating in mud.
Why this delay exists for services like Gamecenter and Gamepass baffles me. I definitely wish there was a NFL equivalent to Hockeystreams.
The guy probably needs to refresh his feed to get closer to mine, but he's a good 30 seconds behind my HS feed.
What the hell kind of commercial is this?!
The guy probably needs to refresh his feed to get closer to mine, but he's a good 30 seconds behind my HS feed.
this is ugly
Desharnais is incapable of shooting.
Desharnais needs to shoot.
DD needs to shoot the puck.
That new camera angle (flyover?) looks great.
Is it me or does the broadcast look crisper and livelier?
The fuck were the Leafs doing there? All 4 guys down low?