just beat the game, my dudes were around 85 so the final boss was pretty easy
random thoughts: Catastroceros is OP as fuck
Amen, makes the game a breeze.
just beat the game, my dudes were around 85 so the final boss was pretty easy
random thoughts: Catastroceros is OP as fuck
just beat the game, my dudes were around 85 so the final boss was pretty easy
random thoughts: Catastroceros is OP as fuck
how is the post-game?
aah it never gets old
I'm considering picking this up now that it's cheap but this thread really isn't helping me make up my mind lol.
I'm considering picking this up now that it's cheap but this thread really isn't helping me make up my mind lol.
Do it now, it's amazing.
For the price it's at now, I'd say absolutely go for it. Yeah, NNK is a flawed game, but you're likely to get a good chunk of playtime out of it depending on how much postgame stuff you want to do, and the game's strengths (art direction, soundtrack, familar collecting, Drippy when he's not in tutorial mode) are worth experiencing.
I just got the third party member, and it's starting to really make me hate the battles. I don't know if I've ever seen AI this bad, it's even worse than Persona 3 (just try using Mitsuru). Basically you just have to babysit everyone the whole rest of the game and play healer? What is even the point of them having 3 familiars? I've never seen either of them use any but the one in the first slot.
I feel you. They should've opted for a better AI.
My greatest annoyance is when I'm about to cast my spell and then Esther's familiar interrupts me, then Oliver will not proceed on casting the spell after. I can't find any reason why they allowed this.
This is one of the games I recently picked up a PS3 for.
No No Kuni, the first hour or two: The story beginnings are really fast paced, but this is still a JRPG and not a Miyazaki movie, so I guess that's how it is. The battle system is different, a bit strange. I've only just now gotten my first mite (I named him Zeke :3) and played through the tutorial battle with him. Am I correct in thinking that you can only have one PC in the battle field at a time? Basically, throw a mite out, use it until its stamina runs out, recall it, and then put Ollie (or I guess eventually a second mite) into battle?
Graphics are great. Music is great so far. Animals and baddies look a bit too Toriyama but it otherwise pulls off the cel-shaded/Ghibli look just fine. Voice acting is... well... it's a JRPG.
Baatender is freaking hilarious.
I'm considering picking this up now that it's cheap but this thread really isn't helping me make up my mind lol.
just beat the game, my dudes were around 85 so the final boss was pretty easy
random thoughts: Catastroceros is OP as fuck
how is the post-game?
Is the postgame stuff worth doing? Seems like there's a good amount.
All in all, this is the PS3 JRPG everyone deserves. Way better than the trainwreck that is FFXIII and just about anything else I can think of.
Yeah the art, graphics and atmosphere of this game are second to none. It's unbelievably good.
I did not finish it yet (55hrs in) - I am past the "last" boss, before the next "last" boss but I have some minor gripes:
- 95% of the side quests are Give & Take Heart. What a wasted opportunity. Quests like "Stolen Cat Whiskers" or "Level this Familiar up to LVL 40" are very rare.
- "Tactics" command is pretty useless. What they should have is an option stating: "Use only the following Abilities -->" and a submenu where you could mark the current Familiar's Abilities to be used.
- Perdida and Yule do not feature exclusive musicWhat in the fuck?
- the dungeons are a joke... the only one dungeon that only resembles a random dungeon from DQ8 is the Glittering Grotto. The rest are worthless - very short and very easy.
On the plus side:
+ production values. The game OOZES with them.
+ Wizard's Companion (absolutely amazing and a blast to read)
+ Al-Khemi! (Alchemy, get it?)
+ Merit Card Awards system
+ Hunts (but they are kinda repeatable in the end)
+ story and characters. Lord High Lord of the Fairies is one of the best supporting characters in jRPGs history.
+ ultra-fast loading
+ flying around on Tengri
+ best overworld since FF8
+ ultra-fast battles, almost as fast as FF13 ones
Game is still a 10/10 for me. My dream anime jRPG.
Currently stuck during the Mam dungeon, one of the rooms has a whale looking enemy, and it absolutely DESTROYED the stupid AI.
Doesn't help that it takes forever to cast a spell or use a provision.
I ate a burger, and by the time it healed me, I was already dead, since you stand still to use it, and it takes a while before you can access all your commands again after an item usage.
I have this in my basket on PSN and am wondering if it's worth it. IGN's review says it's takes cues from Pokemon and Tales but Pokemon is literally the only JRPG I have ever played and I'm not too sure what to expect.
Loved Anime when I was younger and quite enjoy most things Japanese (Sentai and what-not) but I never really play Japanese games although I love Western RPGs.
For £6 can I really go wrong with this game?