Heres hoping anyway.they'll skip right past Tim and have Damien
Also, they need to get Dylan O'Brian as Dick. It's that boy's time.
Was American Assassin filmed before Dylan's accident?
Edit: Googled the guy and apparently he has 4 metal plates holding one side of his face together. Jesus.
Is a movie real if it never really starts?There is a live action Nightwing movie?
It'll be nice if we get a DC movie that doesn't devolve into a CGI-infested third act.
If Jon is there too then I don't mind.
The Goten and Trunks of DC. The fun that we deserve. And need.
Dick > Tim > Carrie > Damian > Stephanie > Jason
But Damian + Jon gets second place.
DCEU Superman would be a terrible father. He'd be sucked off by a Tornado. Red one.
Red Tornado is stuck in the same movie hell that Martian Manhunter will never escape from. But at least there's Surpergirl.
Cavill could be a fun and goofy Superdad with the right director. Costner would be the worst ghost grandad though.
That was a set joke.Dick was already killed by Snyder's bloodlust in BvS
I think Scott McCall would be a better Nightwing.
Yes because that is obviously exclusive to DC movies.
I edited my post, I meant the Supergirl tv show
But now I have come up with a great theory about Costner's Pa Kent being Darkseid all along. I'll tell you all about it in my upcoming newsletter update.
Also, they need to get Dylan O'Brian as Dick. It's that boy's time.
I don't think he's jumping on any sort of bandwagon. Dude is known for his work in animation, specifically the CGI Lego movies. He's probably just hyped as hell and wants to deliver an authentic Nightwing, which means a lot of stuntwork and somewhat grounded fighting.*shrug*
practical bandwagon
Every other character lives in a rough version of the age that theyre in. Very few characters actually grow up in the comics and become something else, and go from being a boy to being an adult, and have their own life and become their own thing.
I still wonder if they're going to go down the "Jared Leto is actually Todd" path, so we can get a recast real Joker.
If the movie doesn't have Blockbuster they can pass
Yeah. Hopefully they deliver and show people that Robin isn't some "embarrassing" character (seriously hate that narrative).The director, if nothing else, understands why Dick Grayson matters, why Robin matters, and why that story is integral to Batman's universe.