I've always been a big fan of the characters in Ninja Theory's first game Heavenly Sword for the PS3. As far as I can tell, this was the first game to use "performance capture" to bring its characters to life (voice/face/body movements all at once). I wanted to showcase how much that made a difference here and how teaming up with Andy Serkis helped create some really eccentric personalities. Most notably with the game's main villain who has stuck with me since I first played it. I hope you enjoy this throwback and gain a bit more appreciation for the game. The game was significantly improved by playing it over PS3 emulation. It's no longer hindered by frame drops and screen tearing! This game's development set the stage for what they'd eventually do with Hellblade. Are you a fan of any of their games? Personally, I've always disliked Enslaved and DmC, but I have some admiration for Heavenly Sword and Hellblade's development.