Yes because 500 employees since 2020 didn't release a single original game are on another level... of wokeness..This is an insult ND, NT's not even in the same stratosphere as them.
where ninja theory that are almost 1/5th its size was able to produce a game that graphically is the best-looking game to date on consoles ( I don't even like it. but I do give credit where it's due. To me, hell blade 2 is one of those games that looks amazing and plays like shit. but again.. this thread is about best looking not best game as that hands down goes to ND. I think all their games play better than anything Ninja Theory released ... except maybe DmC as that game was awesome for what it was )
It's hard to swallow for a PlayStation fan, but I get it. Here's tissue. Take as much as you want.
I honestly would argue at this point that ND isn't even a shell of its former self. those remasters or remakes or putting the Last of us 2 engine in Last of us 1 aren't really worth mentioning as ports because they are simply a scam to suck more money from the blind fanboys.
you get a bigger difference from the same game on PC when it's low vs high settings lol.
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