Ok, off to bed for real now.
I will awaken to Iwata's sweet voice <3
I will awaken to Iwata's sweet voice <3
So no youtube live stream for the NoA stream yet?
No biggie, it is just a prediction. I figured they may have moved it since it was planned for 2014 like they did with Tropical Freeze. It could be April. I figured they had so many games on Q1 2015 that Jan. would make sense for one of them.
Hey are you guys hyped for this?
Hey are you guys hyped for this?
I need my mario kart dlc fix. 8 more hours until link/triforce cup gameplay....
Maybe Star Fox in April?
isn't it at 5pm EST? the youtube link usually goes live like an hour before, I think
Dunno. StarFox looked soooo far from being done when Miyamoto showed and taked about it. Besides the game wasn't listed as "1st half" in the recent schedule posted after the financial meeting, just TBA 2015 or something like that.
I'd gladly welcome StarFox sooner though.
Ready for that Nintendo Land DLC.
Ah, that's right, it was changed. Given how much work it seemed to need I was surrpised they ever had it slated for H1 2015. So that does make sense for it not to come out then. H2 would be pretty heavy on releases if we really get Kirby, Mario vs. DK, Star Fox, Project Guard and/or Giant Robot (was it the latter said to be coming H1? Did that change?), Xenoblade Chronicles X, and Zelda. (Am I forgetting any? Oh, right, Mario Party 10.)
Ah, that's right, it was changed. Given how much work it seemed to need I was surrpised they ever had it slated for H1 2015. So that does make sense for it not to come out then. H2 would be pretty heavy on releases if we really get Kirby, Mario vs. DK, Star Fox, Project Guard and/or Giant Robot (was it the latter said to be coming H1? Did that change?), Xenoblade Chronicles X, and Zelda. (Am I forgetting any? Oh, right, Mario Party 10.)
Giant Robot is indeed first half. 3DS 2015 is worse than I remembered, basically a wasteland.
There's a decent amount of stuff they could have localized if they're desperate. FF Explorers might be a thing square enix localizees itself? Then ninty could always pick up the tab on dq7. Story of seasons has kind of disappeared and is probably 2015 at this point.
Ready for that Nintendo Land DLC.
Fingers crossed for Super Mario 64 remastered for Wii U.
There's been a bunch of rumors about remakes coming for Wii U next year. Hoping this is one of them.
Fingers crossed for Super Mario 64 remastered for Wii U.
There's been a bunch of rumors about remakes coming for Wii U next year. Hoping this is one of them.
It will neat to see how much they flesh out Splatoon to make it feel more like a retail package.
Here it is:
This is NintendoGaf where the hype levels never stop rising once we punch the tickets for the hype train we don't stop until it crashes and then we repeat on the next direct. I love NintendoGaf it's such a fun place to be a part of.
Twitch for Europe too? FINALLY.
Cross over between Turrican and Metroid for Wii U by Retro Studios and Factor 5 DE.
I've played and beat M64 a shitton of times....
and I'd gladly play a remake.
fucking love that game.
The one that was pushed by only one clickbait site and promised dual GamePad gameplay? Yeah, I remember that shit... wouldn't be surprised if the guy who imagined it built it solely on this 2012-esque crappy "U" pun.
Also, Star Fox X Metroid
Yeah, I figured Giant Robot was going to be May/June 2015.Here it is:
Giant Robot is indeed first half. 3DS 2015 is worse than I remembered, basically a wasteland.