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Nintendo's future (revulotion a handheld?)


I was thinking last night, Nnintendo lost the console wars. This gen and the last. Im not saying they are not making money, they are, but sales of big titles like Zelda and Mario, has been lower than their predecessors.
And now, next gen is coming. The Playstation brand is stronger than ever. No doubt the PS3 will be a huge success. Xbox had gained good reputation, with xenon being the first next gen console, I'm sure it will also be a success. And there is Nintendo, if they had a bad time with the cube, and im talking about shaking their kidy image and getting more 3rd party support, with the revulotion it will be even harder for them.
Than I rememberd the PSP,sony really want that handheld market too, and damn, they managed to make a handheld that have graphcis close to those on the ps2, and sell it for only 200$. On the othar hand, Nintendo are the kings of handheld gaming. While their consoles have "failed", they fucking own the handheld market.
Nintendo was talking about how the revulotion will change gaming, and how it will give us a new way to control. With Nintendo desging the GameCube so good, and looking at what sony did with the psp, do you thing it possible for Nintendo, by the year 2006, to make a handheld with next gen graphics, that lets say looks pretty much like the PSP :)D) and will also be a home console, you will be able to plug it in your TV and enjoy it just like a console. And you will be able to take it with you, and play everyware.
While Microsoft and Sony are turning their console into and all-in-one home entartaiment devices, Nintendo are turning their console into the things they are most successfull with,a handheld. THAT WOULD BE WESOME. Imagine, a pokemon mmorpg, with next gen graphics, that you could also play at home on your big ass tv, and you can take it and play any time anywhere!
God damn, this turned to be too long. Are these the thought's of a crazy Nintendo fan boy? Any one else think it's possible? Oh and sorry about the grammer.


A handheld with a docking station that connects to the TV and gives you a controller with a touch screen and mic.




olimario said:
A handheld with a docking station that connects to the TV and gives you a controller with a touch screen and mic.
YES. Think about it, there will be the ps3, and xbox 2, and for the same price more or less, nintendo's next gen console that's also a freaking handheld.
bogg said:
I was thinking last night, Nnintendo lost the console wars. This gen and the last. Im not saying they are not making money, they are, but sales of big titles like Zelda and Mario, has been lower than their predecessors. And now, next gen is coming. The Playstation brand is stronger than ever. No doubt the PS3 will be a huge success. Xbox had gained good reputation, with xenon being the first next gen console, I'm sure it will also be a success. And now we have Nintendo, if they had a bad time with the cube, and im talking about shaking their kidy image and getting more 3rd party support, with the revulotion it will be even harder for them. And than I rememberd the PSP,sony really want that handheld market too, and damn, they managed to make a handheld that have graphcis close to those on the ps2. On the othar hand, Nintendo are the kings of handheld gaming. While their consoles have "failed", they fucking own the handheld market. Nintendo was talking about how the revulotion will change gaming, and how it will give us a new way to control. With Nintendo desging the GameCube so good, and of course looking at what sony did with the psp, do you thing it possible for Nintendo, by the year 2006, to make a handheld with next gen graphics, that lets say looks pretty much like the PSP :)D) and will also be a home console, you will be able to plug it in your TV and enjoy just like a console. And you will be ablse to take it with you, and play everyware. While Microsoft and Sony are turning their console into and all-in-one home entartaiment devices, Nintendo are turning their console into the things they are most successfull with,a handheld. THAT WOULD BE WESOME. Imagine, a pokemon mmorpg, with next gen graphics, that you could also play at home on your big ass tv, and you can take it and play any time anywhere!
God damn, this turned to be too long. Are these the thought's of a crazy Nintendo fan boy? Any one else think it's possible? Oh and sorry about the grammer.

First symptom of sociopathic disorder: Lack of paragraph usage.

Seek help.
olimario said:
A handheld with a docking station that connects to the TV and gives you a controller with a touch screen and mic.

Which would explain why it would connect to a PC monitor. Actually makes some sense (Not that I like the idea).


Has problems recognising girls
bogg = insider

Personally I dunno, the gist of a handheld is that battery power right now is not what it can be. I don't mind 10 hours of gaming in my bed under the covers or whatever, but it sorta restricts it a little. Nice idea though if you think about it explained better.
bogg said:
I was thinking last night, Nnintendo lost the console wars. This gen and the last. Im not saying they are not making money, they are, but sales of big titles like Zelda and Mario, has been lower than their predecessors.

Depends which predecessors you compare to. Mario is the bigger offender. The Wind Waker sold as well as any Zelda EXCEPT Ocarina of Time.

And now, next gen is coming. The Playstation brand is stronger than ever. No doubt the PS3 will be a huge success. Xbox had gained good reputation, with xenon being the first next gen console, I'm sure it will also be a success.

The Xbox is the reason I don't think the PlayStation brand is stronger than ever. Yes, PS2 has sold four times (or more) than Xbox this gen, but the recent sales charts are the teller. Xbox sales are starting to seem inversely proportional to PS2 sales. They affect one another more and more. Next gen Sony will have 2 markets to compete in, just like Nintendo have. These are all going to be very interesing dynamics. I can see the playing field changing... I'm just not sure how.

And there is Nintendo, if they had a bad time with the cube, and im talking about shaking their kidy image and getting more 3rd party support, with the revulotion it will be even harder for them.

The kiddy image thing isn't even a problem. There are several problems. They've released a bright purple cube as a console. You can't even take true advantage of the genius of wavebird and hide the console away under your TV because its proportions defy the notion entirely. Further, they have awesome first party exclusives that sell as good as many other system exclusives (and they have a LOT more first party hits than competitors)... the problem here is that people have been playing with these brands for 20 years. They're not as fresh as exclusives like Halo 2, MGS3, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. And the thing doesn't play DVDs. It probably wouldn't matter so much now, but I think it mattered a little in 2001. The gamecube is a great system that everyone who likes good games should own. It's also really cheap. But if someone's faced with the choice, they go where the value is. Where the big games are. The biggest ones aren't on Nintendo's system. And Nintendo aren't throwing $2 billion at the cube like MS are with their system.

Than I rememberd the PSP,sony really want that handheld market too, and damn, they managed to make a handheld that have graphcis close to those on the ps2, and sell it for only 200$. On the othar hand, Nintendo are the kings of handheld gaming. While their consoles have "failed", they fucking own the handheld market.
Nintendo was talking about how the revulotion will change gaming, and how it will give us a new way to control. With Nintendo desging the GameCube so good, and looking at what sony did with the psp, do you thing it possible for Nintendo, by the year 2006, to make a handheld with next gen graphics, that lets say looks pretty much like the PSP :)D) and will also be a home console, you will be able to plug it in your TV and enjoy it just like a console. And you will be able to take it with you, and play everyware.

They'll definately do another home console. But I think you could be right that the next Gameboy will connect to TVs. It was a promised feature of PSP if I remember rightly. Gamecube backwards compatability would be fantastic. Even if I am not too fond of the idea of discs in handhelds.

While Microsoft and Sony are turning their console into and all-in-one home entartaiment devices, Nintendo are turning their console into the things they are most successfull with,a handheld. THAT WOULD BE WESOME. Imagine, a pokemon mmorpg, with next gen graphics, that you could also play at home on your big ass tv, and you can take it and play any time anywhere!
God damn, this turned to be too long. Are these the thought's of a crazy Nintendo fan boy? Any one else think it's possible? Oh and sorry about the grammer.

Let me put it this way. I would be disgusted if I was forced to connect a relatively unergonomic handheld video game machine (when compared with usual regular Nintendo pad designs) to my TV to play my next gen Nintendo games.


Actually, this guy has a great vision about Nintendo's future. A hybrid handheld/console can be produced with current technology. It would not compete with PS3/Xbox2, would sell a lot and could have great implications in conectivity.

The only problem would be the price.

And yes, the lack of paragraphs is disturbing.


I'd love to see the Revolution turn out to be the successor to the GameBoy, or an iteration in the Game Boy line. For fear that the next Nintendo Console may turn out worse than the Gamecube.


Vagabond said:
I'd love to see the Revolution turn out to be the successor to the GameBoy, or an iteration in the Game Boy line. For fear that the next Nintendo Console may turn out worse than the Gamecube.

don't you mean the opposite? ;)


Vagabond said:
I'd love to see the Revolution turn out to be the successor to the GameBoy, or an iteration in the Game Boy line. For fear that the next Nintendo Console may turn out worse than the Gamecube.
Sorta like Dreamcast. :p


Too be honest I'd rather them go all console. THe GBA is way too underpowered and the DS so far seems nothing like a cheap gimmick like the GBA connectivity was.

Ranger X

For sure Nintendo are going to be there dude!! And you will continue to get screwed i suppose. GBA2 in 2006? after that, DS-SP 2007, GBA2-SP 2008, GameboyNext 2009, and so on and on.


Chittagong said:
Either my IQ has been going recently up or the average IQ of people posting in GAF down.

Its not that crazy. Stick a TV out on the PSP and you have effectively a PS2.

Even better - have a wifi receiver attached to your TV, and broadcast the picture that way. Then you've got a wireless controller too! sony already have that tech with their high end Vaio desktops.
I agree with Nintendo when they say people want something more than just new hardware with better graphics. That can only last so long before people just stop buying new consoles. There's already way too many games out for the consoles we have.

If I'm gonna buy new hardware it's got to have some new functionality (like dual screens).
It goes without saying that whatever Nintendo decides to do with the Revolution, we're in for a surprise. I don't think anyone expected the DS to turn out the way it is when it was first announced.

Now, it remains to be seen if that "surprise" will be attached to disappointment or OMGWTFAWWHELLNAWAW3SUM!! For Nintendo's sake and their fans such as myself, I can only pray for the best.

...Unfortunately, I fully expect them to fuck up and break my heart all over again.
PS2 and XBox did bring new functionality for many consumers.

Most had never played online with their consoles before, PS2 also introduced the Eye Toy which is definitely a unique new way to interface with your game console. XBox introduced the HDD which offers new features like content downloads and custom game tracks.

I think its a bit narrowminded to think the next-generation will just be about better graphics. Ultimately there will be new ways to play on all the machines (Sony's even talking about making Eye Toy standard with PS3).

If anything Nintendo was the one that tried to sell the GameCube as being just a standard game console with a better chipset than the last generation.

As for Revolution being a "handheld", I doubt that. It might be quasi-portable like the PSOne is since Nintendo likes making their systems very compact anyway.
soundwave05 said:
PS2 and XBox did bring new functionality for many consumers.

Most had never played online with their consoles before, PS2 also introduced the Eye Toy which is definitely a unique new way to interface with your game console. XBox introduced the HDD which offers new features like content downloads and custom game tracks.

I think its a bit narrowminded to think the next-generation will just be about better graphics. Ultimately there will be new ways to play on all the machines (Sony's even talking about making Eye Toy standard with PS3).

If anything Nintendo was the one that tried to sell the GameCube as being just a standard game console with a better chipset than the last generation.

As for Revolution being a "handheld", I doubt that. It might be quasi-portable like the PSOne is since Nintendo likes making their systems very compact anyway.

It's actually really amusing it turned out that way.

There was a gamecube IBM minidrive supposed to be in the works, a new GBA camera + stage debut shown at no less than two E3 shows, an attempt to get people to be creative with connectivity (which had it actually worked was intended to push both systems in symbiosis... har har. 70 million GBA, meet 15 mil GC)... Donkey Konga is round abouts the best thing they could pull in terms of new hardware based experiences. Sony's UK based division got EyeToy and Singstar out there before them, Xbox had a large hard drive and ethernet adaptor built in, and Nintendo is only just releasing toy like game-specific peripherals for its system.

Bongos, microphone, dance mat, and possible manebito camera -- long in development, slow to the punch.

Not that I've minded the wait thanks to the greater amount of games over N64, but you're definately right. DS is a good sign IMO. If Nintendo are that daring with their home console they could really differentiate themselves from the competition. They need to make sure they're graphically competitive though (I'm sure they and ATI will make sure of that but ya never know).


Well, we know that the revolution will be able to hook up to a PC monitor (they said as much themselves) so that leads me to believe that the direction they are going to go with Revolution will be something we totally don't expect. More often than not though, that leads to dissapointment.
All the three consoles I expect will have a DVI output (the next step up from component video), which will be for HDTV monitors but can also allow the systems to hook up to PC monitors.

I'm not a big believer that hardware innovations, even valid ones, sell platforms though. I don't think people went "oh I'm buying an N64 because it has analog control" (when the PSOne initially did not).

You still gotta have good content, marketing, and other factors. Nintendo was also helped with the N64 because at the time they were the market leader the previous generation. A lot of people bought the N64 thinking it would take the place of the NES/SNES.


I think "Revolution" is going to end up being more of a toy than anything else. Nintendo has went out of its way to be like that in the past (similar to Mattel), so I think that may be the direction it's attempting to go.


snapty00 said:
I think "Revolution" is going to end up being more of a toy than anything else. Nintendo has went out of its way to be like that in the past (similar to Mattel), so I think that may be the direction it's attempting to go.

In the past. not recently.
Mashing said:
Well, we know that the revolution will be able to hook up to a PC monitor (they said as much themselves) so that leads me to believe that the direction they are going to go with Revolution will be something we totally don't expect. More often than not though, that leads to dissapointment.

Remember the old RF switches? They could put a cheap online plan together that comes with a USB 2 / Firewire cable, and a passthrough switch like that old adaptor, which would go inbetween your PC and monitor. A simple switch from PC to Revolution output so that the Revolution could use the existing online connections in households. Think about it - most broadband connection points that come into the home and have a modem set up to them are by the PC. Not the television.

Because all you need are the right drivers to tell your monitor to switch modes, simple software could be included for the pass through that switches between PC and Revolution. It would be freaking awesome.

Which is of course, why I don't think they'll do it. They probably know more than me. It's probably not that easy.
I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo dumps the broadband adaptor entirely and just builds WiFi into the Revolution. You could then use a wireless router to hook up for online gaming, provided of course Nintendo even wants that option.

It also of course doubles as a reciever/transmitter for DS/GB communication right out of the box and could even act as an internal "Wave Bird" type reciever if neccessary.


ATI are anticipating similar license revenue from both N5 and Xenon ($25m pa each). For me this doesn't indicate a cheap or handheld games machine where the IP licensing costs would be lower. I'm sure Nintendo will surprise though, they always do, be it good or bad news.


I speculate about this ALL the time, but I really wonder now, is Nintendo going to try to compete next generation or just go back to the N64 ways of just caring about themselves? If third parties are going to continue support Nintendo half-heartedly and Nintendo isn't going to represent themselves like the competition does then maybe they should just settle for thier niche and focus on remaining profitable in it. People pretty much have it set in thier mind that Nintendo isn't gonna be half of what they once were (in mindshare, popularity & sales) then maybe Nintendo should purposely be more obscure and be happy not competiting dirrectly with the "big boys"? They should expand and diversify thier in house software output! And maybe even hardware? No more boasting about how great they are for the industry or promicing to get 50M units of thier next console sold. No more comparing themselves to the competition with sales, but instead do it with the games. If third parties are gonna leave anyways, might as well go back to a N64 model where Nintendo made money hand over fist and dispite "losing" the console "war" they still have legendary games like Mario 64, OOT, SSBros. & Goldeneye in thier portfolio?

Nintendo needs to decide what they're gonna focus on with Revolution (aim for a casual market who will never think Nintendo is cool or solidify thier loyal base and just be happy with being profitable) before the system launches. If they aim for making thier fans happy instead of failing at trying to make everyone happy then I think they have room to do something bold like the NDS like they've been saying. Some idea's I've been kicking around:
-wireless everything
-put a screen on each controller to give each game it's own "Nintendo touch"
-use PC's to "piggyback" thier way online (most people who want online gaming have a PC anyways, so why not just connect that way and use that as a portal for it?)
-make it to where you can download chapters from the console onto the next GameBoy so as to play the game on the go
-make it to where in a (for example: FPS) game they can use one console to WiFi data to each person with a new GameBoy nearby making it to where more than just 4 people can play with thier own screen
-sell the next GameBoy & console together (sell the idea to developers & consumers that you reach both the console and portable market with just ONE game)
-look more into Gyro technology for new gaming interfaces
-create an iQue-like distribution system here for cheaper distribution of older or experimental games as well as demo's
-make it to where the console is like an at-home WiFi hub for this kind of distribution between NDS's, GBA's and the next GameBoy
-more peripherals to expand player interface and open up the door for profitability on hardware as well as software

These are all idea's I think Nintendo should consider. But just as important I think they need to realize that if they can't sure thier own Ninja Gaiden or RE next generation that they need to diversify and create thier OWN ninja game or thier OWN horror game. That way profits from those titles go to them, they don't have to play the "exclussivity" game with outside parties *and* they fill in holes in thier lineup themselves instead of trying to rely on someone else. If third parties are gonna ditch them in the end anyways, might as well become more self-reliant to soften the blow.
I would be pretty surprised if another third-party gave Nintendo a big exclusive like Resident Evil (certainly Capcom won't), not until they can show they can get marketshare, but that creates the whole chicken and egg situation doesn't it?

Nintendo can't get a mass audience just off their own games.

They haven't bothered to internally diversify anyway (selling Rare and dumping Silicon Knights was a step backwards), it may take several years for them to really be recoginized as a company capable of doing anything beyond the "cartoony" relam.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
mrklaw said:
Its not that crazy. Stick a TV out on the PSP and you have effectively a PS2.

Even better - have a wifi receiver attached to your TV, and broadcast the picture that way. Then you've got a wireless controller too! sony already have that tech with their high end Vaio desktops.

Sony tech.... where is DC when you need him?

aoi tsuki

soundwave05 said:
I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo dumps the broadband adaptor entirely and just builds WiFi into the Revolution. You could then use a wireless router to hook up for online gaming, provided of course Nintendo even wants that option.

It also of course doubles as a reciever/transmitter for DS/GB communication right out of the box and could even act as an internal "Wave Bird" type reciever if neccessary.
Unfortunately, the GB wireless adapter is not WiFi compatible (it's using Motorola's short range radio tech), nor is the Wavebird, which would throw a wrench in things if Revolution were backwardly-compatible with the Gamecube. Frankly, i'd like to see the Gamecube and DS connect via WiFi, so we could get a taste of the possibilities with Revolution, but it would require them to release an adapter for the Gamecube, or to connect the Gamecube to a WiFi router/adapter, and i don't see either (especially the latter) happening any time soon.

"Revulotion"? Is it water-based?


This a lil' off topic, but I feel like I haven't been able to speculate bout Revolution beyond just general ideas (in the past I would draw up like ergonomics and asthetics of my ideas) 'cos that last serial port on the GAMECUBE has me sorta stumped.

I was thinking that it would've been used by now especially with Nintendo starting to go peripheral crazy, but they haven't yet (I could be wrong, I still dunno if that dancepad uses a controller port or not, but I'm sure it does)? Anyways, so this last serial port isn't for a new controller, the mic, a dancepad, bongos or whatever...what is it for then? Do you think Nintendo will let it be unused?

This is what I gather from it:
-there are no metal connections (like with the other two expansion spaces), meaning that whatever it is, it is self-powered
-the space left for whatever plugs in there is small, so either it is small or it's a seperatly connected device
-the opening on the side of the GAMECUBE is rounded off suggesting that whatever is plugged into that port can be seperatly connected thru a cable that runs thru this opening

So (knowing these things) what is this self-contained, self-powered and seperatly connected device? Is this a link to another system? Is it for an external HD? A WiFi base allowing for wireless transmissions to other Nintendo devices (Nintendo DS, GBA w/ wireless adaptor)? But what would it transmit? If it's an external HD then what do you put on it? It's too late for an online plan. But if it is an external HD and they're simply using it to somehow extend the life of GAMECUBE, then how would they do that without something to connect to download content from? Maybe they won't use serial port 2 afterall?


No additional functions
I've been hoping Nintendo would go that route for awhile. It's definately possible and not a bad idea, especially given Nintendos situation and their stance on graphics. They could really pull it off if they wanted to.
On another note, Panasonic was developing a mobile monitor to attach to GameCube, but it was quietly discontinued. One of the main things Nintendo was showing them off for was LAN games. Multiplayer is becoming a big functionality w/NDS and Reggie has said the online model is "Flawed" and that people are looking tor a "Community." Maybe the whole connect to a PC monitor thing is derived off of that?
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