1 Cheeseburger, Jushin Thunder Liger, Tiger Mask IV, Yohei Komatsu and Yoshiaki Fujiwara vs. Manabu Nakanishi, Ryusuke Taguchi, Sho Tanaka, Shiro Koshinaka and Yuji Nagata 10-man tag team match -
Taguchi wins with the Dodon on Komatsu, he was doing plenty of butt stuff with Koshinaka, Cheeseburger also was all over the match and got a headbutt from Fujiwara afterwards to be a dick.
2 David Finlay and Jay White vs. Matt Sydal and Ricochet - Sydal and Ricochet won with the Double SSP, afterwards they said they want a shot at the Young Bucks Jr. tag titles.
3 Jay Lethal vs. Juice Robinson - Lethal wins with the Lethal Injection.
4 Bullet Club (Doc Gallows, Karl Anderson, King Haku, Tama Tonga and Yujiro Takahashi) vs. G.B.H. (Togi Makabe and Tomoaki Honma), KUSHIDA and Tencozy (Hiroyoshi Tenzan and Satoshi Kojima) 10-man tag team match - Haku was awesome in this match, motherfucker can still go and he looks like he's barely aged in the last 20 years. Gallows and Anderson pin Honma with the Magic Killer, and afterwards challenge GBH to a tag title rematch.
5 Los Ingobernables de Japón (BUSHI, EVIL and Tetsuya Naito) vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi, Mascara Dorada and Michael Elgin 6-man tag team match - BUSHI pins Dorada with the MX, afterwards LIDJ attack all three men, KUSHIDA makes the save but gets misted by BUSHI, who then challenges him to an IWGP Jr. title match. It looks like Naito vs. Tanahashi was set up as well.
6 Bullet Club (A.J. Styles and Kenny Omega) vs. Chaos (Shinshuke Nakamura and YOSHI-HASHI) - Omega beats Nakamura with the One Winged Angel, then shockingly takes out AJ with the move as well! The rest of Bullet Club make the save seemingly...then everyone turns on AJ, kicking him out of the group. Omega takes the mike and says he's moving to heavyweight, challenging Nakamura for the IC belt. Apparently he is the new leader of Bullet Club. AJ gets up under his own power and bows to the crowd, apparently this was his goodbye and he is done with NJPW.
7 Chaos (Beretta, Kazuchika Okada, Rocky Romero and Tomohiro Ishii) vs. Meiyu Tag (Hirooki Goto and Katsuyori Shibata) and reDRagon (Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly) 8-man tag team match - Goto wins by making Berreta tap out to the Shoryu Kekkai. He then challenges Okada to a Heavyweight Title match. Okada accepts saying he wants to avenge his loss in the G1, and can't wait to unify the Heavyweight title with the IC title...oh wait, Goto isn't IC champ anymore. Ishii and Shibata also got into each other, so a rematch between them for the NEVER title is likely as well.
8 Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale, Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson) vs. The Briscoe Brothers (Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe) and Toru Yano (c) NEVER Openweight 6-man Tag Team Championship - Briscoes win with a Jay Driller from Jay followed by the Froggy Bow from Mark on Matt. Afterwards the Briscoes say they will be back in NJPW, and Yano says he knows the fans can't understand them, but it's okay because he can't understand them either. He then thanks the Briscoes for being wrestlers after his own heart. YANO....TO....RU!!!! ¯\_(ツ
