It's all about Emilia Clarke.
Yeah it is natural and the books have a lot of sex too. It seems to be more of an issue on GAF than other sites I've visited. Not sure why... maybe we just have a lot of prudes and internet virgins on this site, who knows? Some people take offense to Ros too since she is a TV show addition and that means less book material covered I guess.
SMH. Anyways I really didn't have a problem with it until I started watching with my family and realized most of them aren't necessary and decrease the audience for this show. I wan't everyone to be able to watch. I don't mind sex and sexual situations, just keep it a little more classy and covered and only when required.
SMH. Anyways I really didn't have a problem with it until I started watching with my family and realized most of them aren't necessary and decrease the audience for this show. I wan't everyone to be able to watch. I don't mind sex and sexual situations, just keep it a little more classy and covered and only when required.
It is not just you and I ignore spelling altogether.The raw sex in the show matches the rest of the universe. It's a brutal place and reserved sex scenes would be out of place. They don't hold back with the language or violence and neither should they with the sex.
Is it just me who struggles with names in this show? When I'm watching I know who people are talking about, but after I stop I couldn't name 75% of them. I'm bad with names as it is but there's just so many characters to keep track of in this show!
Gah, now I have a 2 week wait...![]()
You simply cannot watch a good HBO show and at the same time avoid gratuitous sex and violence. Be it The Sopranos, The Wire, Rome, Deadwood, etc. From your previous post, your family reacted childishly to the show and made you feel bad. It's their problem, not yours or the show's. If they can't handle it then they don't deserve the awesome ride that is to come.
If they make you feel that uncomfortable, watch it without them. The show isn't going to have less sexual content at any forseeable time.
The raw sex in the show matches the rest of the universe. It's a brutal place and reserved sex scenes would be out of place. They don't hold back with the language or violence and neither should they with the sex.
General thoughts on Episode 2:
Much better than the first! I was glad that Arya got quite a bit of screentime, although I must admit you really do have suspend disbelief that only one person has realised she's a girl. Other than that, I can see quite a good friendship developing with the bastard, especially since they're both hunted.
Not sure what to make of that ending at all. I suppose the White Walkers have been roaming that area for quite a while if he's giving them the male babies? I think it's a bit of a red herring with Jon's leader also being there, though, as I can't see him being a "bad" character.
Is it just me who struggles with names in this show? When I'm watching I know who people are talking about, but after I stop I couldn't name 75% of them. I'm bad with names as it is but there's just so many characters to keep track of in this show!
Gah, now I have a 2 week wait...![]()
It's all about Emilia Clarke.
EP2the part with Arya seemed very rushed. Not a very good episode on the whole
She looks like Holly Earl.
I'm glad it's not just me. I brought this up last season and ones were questioning the strength of my marriage lol.Even after I got rid of the more immature family members and just watched with those who wanted to watch, it was still akward at those sex scenes. I have no problem if it is in the book but they shouldn't just add scenes for the sake of it or make them extra graphic. I think there can be a better middle ground.
This is my issue with it. They're using way deep/shallow imagery to display something that is already known.Well it showed that Littlefinger is really a shrewd and pitiless man, but we already knew that.
Either by accident or illegally. I dont think it's available anymore otherwise.How are people watching episode 2 already? Is it out?
EP2I don't understand why the white walkers would make a "deal" with him for male babies. He must get them all the damn time and then it makes the walkers seem less terrifying if they can be bargained with
Either by accident or illegally. I dont think it's available anymore otherwise.
We just happen to have a lot of Polish and Dutch GAFfers watching the show this week.The second episode of season two was briefly available today on HBO GO in the Netherlands and Poland, but has since been removed. I reached out to HBO about the reports we had heard of these territories claiming they will be airing every episode of season two a week early and they confirmed that that will not happen. The episodes will continue to air in the US first and then on the foreign subsidiaries sometime thereafter.
So wait...people getting:
-Tongues ripped out
-Blood and gore poured everywhere
Are all A-OK, but a nude scene and some moaning is too over-the-top and unnecessary? Bullshit.
We just happen to have a lot of Polish and Dutch GAFfers watching the show this week.
I'm pretty sure that I would stop watching the show if I had to watch even a 5 second long disemboweling so I'm not sure if that's comparable. I agree that if one can't wath that then it's not their problem. That doesn't mean the show is flawless as a result of having it in there. It's just a flaw in storytelling imo.So wait...people getting:
-Tongues ripped out
-Blood and gore poured everywhere
Are all A-OK, but a nude scene and some moaning is too over-the-top and unnecessary? Bullshit. The show is based off the books of course but I'm not going to fault the show's creators for taking some liberty with the material. The show is a visceral feast on the eyes. It's ok to show the violence and physicality of that world.
If a person can't or won't deal with that and won't watch the show I don't think it's the show's fault for not appealing to them. It's just a matter of taste. Would I show this to my 7 year old nephew? No. But it'd be because I didn't want him to see ANY of it. Not just the nudity. But that's my choice as a viewer.
I think all the slamming of sex in this show is funny. It's just as much a tool in establishing the world and how people interact as anything else that happens. Strong passion is displayed in all manner in this world. Sex, violence, political ambition, etc. Seeing how frivolously a character has sex, how many different people, if they sleep with whores, etc. most certainly speaks about their character and how society is in general in this world. Furthermore, sex can also convey power and that's what this show is all about. Sex is integral whether squeamish people want to admit it or not.
How aboutwiping semen off of a whore's lips?
Like I said, it'll be interesting to see what happens when more people watch the episode :x
He can't deal with sex scenes? What?It really does diminish the broad appeal. I know that my dad would absolutely love the underlying story in this show, but he can't deal with the sex scenes.
EP 2:
That scene showed how disgusting the whore houses are and how little respect Littlefinger has for any of his customers. He thinks nothing of wiping another guy's come off a woman's face just for a bit of coin.
A very significant action that if you ask me.
I agree, it's a small and (filthy) detail that really sets the tone for his character.
i was more grossed out by the fact that Theon fingered his sister.
So wait...people getting:
-Tongues ripped out
-Blood and gore poured everywhere
Are all A-OK, but a nude scene and some moaning is too over-the-top and unnecessary? Bullshit. The show is based off the books of course but I'm not going to fault the show's creators for taking some liberty with the material. The show is a visceral feast on the eyes. It's ok to show the violence and physicality of that world.
If a person can't or won't deal with that and won't watch the show I don't think it's the show's fault for not appealing to them. It's just a matter of taste. Would I show this to my 7 year old nephew? No. But it'd be because I didn't want him to see ANY of it. Not just the nudity. But that's my choice as a viewer.
EP 2:
That scene showed how disgusting the whore houses are and how little respect Littlefinger has for any of his customers. He thinks nothing of wiping another guy's come off a woman's face just for a bit of coin.
A very significant action that if you ask me.
I agree, it's a small and (filthy) detail that really sets the tone for his character.
EP2:I'm not saying those sex scenes have any more purpose than showing boobs, but sometimes they are used to establish character or I think in Theon's case show where he thinks he is in society and how he is greeted when he gets back to his home. He was clearly expecting a warm welcome as he got with some captain's daughter (who probably only liked him because he was a lord). It sort of creates a bit of contrast. Plus there is the possibility that that scene will have a bigger meaning further down the line. The only thing I think would qualify as excessive was Littlefinger wiping the cum off that whores face.
I think all the slamming of sex in this show is funny. It's just as much a tool in establishing the world and how people interact as anything else that happens. Strong passion is displayed in all manner in this world. Sex, violence, political ambition, etc. Seeing how frivolously a character has sex, how many different people, if they sleep with whores, etc. most certainly speaks about their character and how society is in general in this world. Furthermore, sex can also convey power and that's what this show is all about. Sex is integral whether squeamish people want to admit it or not.
<3It's all about Emilia Clarke.
walbertsmith said:Pretty much. The attitude tends to be a reflection of American culture. In Europe, violence is heavily censored and more disdained, whereas in the U.S. no one bats an eye. Whereas the naked body is far more prevalent in Europe when here there's a national uproar over a bare nipple.
Taken objectively, it makes far more sense to be offended at violence since that's actually more abhorrent to, you know.... living. But Americans have been desensitized to it, while (natural) nudity is almost universally panned.
It is what it is, and HBO isn't going to change their decades long M.O. over one show.
That's the thng- it's not necessarily important at all. It denotes a character trait I guess, but the trait is already well known. It's not about beigng uptight about sex.Yep.
How a particular character treats sex is just as important as how he/she treats war, death, honor, justice, etiquette, laws, etc.
There are numerous things that the more bawdy scenes tell us about the world and about the characters involved in that world.
Show, don't tell.
That's the thng- it's not necessarily important at all. It denotes a character trait I guess, but the trait is already well known. It's not about beigng uptight about sex.
Finding out that Renly has the knight as a lover last season is an important scene, sound effects or not. It tells us something about the character and how it ties in politically to everything.
Overall, it's not required to see what a character's sex life is like to know the character. We haven't needed that with any major character yet. It's padding and to mask it as padding (Which on HBO is actually good enough), they attach important dialogue to it. It comes off a bad sex scene that also is pretentious. Just showing a couple of characters humping and talking later does wonders for the flow of the story without removing the sex and nudity.
I can't think of too many scenes that explain the world in a way that wasn't already known if not for the sex scene. Brothels are Midieval Fantasy 101 and it's the most mundane part of the story. I don't regret them being there since they are a normal part of the society and the book, as a story device they come across as weak occasionally.
I can't think of too many scenes that explain the world in a way that wasn't already known if not for the sex scene. Brothels are Midieval Fantasy 101 and it's the most mundane part of the story. I don't regret them being there since they are a normal part of the society and the book, as a story device they come across as weak occasionally.
That's the thng- it's not necessarily important at all. It denotes a character trait I guess, but the trait is already well known. It's not about beigng uptight about sex.
Finding out that Renly has the knight as a lover last season is an important scene, sound effects or not. It tells us something about the character and how it ties in politically to everything.
Overall, it's not required to see what a character's sex life is like to know the character. We haven't needed that with any major character yet. It's padding and to mask it as padding (Which on HBO is actually good enough), they attach important dialogue to it. It comes off a bad sex scene that also is pretentious. Just showing a couple of characters humping and talking later does wonders for the flow of the story without removing the sex and nudity.
I can't think of too many scenes that explain the world in a way that wasn't already known if not for the sex scene. Brothels are Midieval Fantasy 101 and it's the most mundane part of the story. I don't regret them being there since they are a normal part of the society and the book, as a story device they come across as weak occasionally.
The Night Lands
Tyrion chastens Cersei for alienating the king's subjects; Arya shares a secret with Gendry; one of Dany's scouts returns with news; Theon Greyjoy reunites with his father; Davos enlists a pirate to join forces with Stannis and Melisandre.
That was my intial point. Sex & nudity add to the setting for sure for an HBO show (However, I will say this show would be fine on AMC or FX as well with their limitations in tact. It's all about location on the TV dial). No one is asking for sex and nudity to be removed from the show.You're missing the point. It's not about sex connecting the plot threads together. It's about sex ADDING to the setting and culture of this world. Adds another layer to the characters performing it. Sex is just one of the elements that make up this world and give us an impression of how things are run and makes it more vivid.
That's true but that doesn't change that they are used poorly as a storytelling device. Besides a series doesn't have to punctuate the depravity unless it's new (The baby killing or the guy who weds his daughters). The mundane depravity reveals itself each episode.Zeliard said:Setting is part of story, you know. Those scenes aren't always conducive to the plot but they do help to establish the general depraved atmosphere.