She represents a fire god, different from the Old Gods of the North and The Seven of the south (ie the statues that were being burned). Another major difference is that it is a monotheistic god, whereas everyone else has a polytheistic view of many gods.
Please don't confirm or deny but iti sounds like she is going to try and steal the Dragons. Stannis doesn't seem to have much of an army so he needs something to strengthen his assault on the throne.
It appears that Greyjoy now sees an opening for his people by providing Rob with a fleet of ships and will ultimately betray Rob Stark. Rob should have listened to his mother, he is getting a little arrogant. Looks like Cersei is now seeing the monster that her and Jamie have created, will be interesting to see what happens w/ the Tyrion/Cersei/Joffrey dynamic going forward.
Still not sure how Bran's connection with the Direwolves will play out in the story.