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No Cell Phones While Driving

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Ninja Scooter said:
plenty of people are probably perfectly capable of driving safely and talking on the phone at the same time. it doesn't automatically make you irresponsible, but unfortunately, there are far too many dumbass fucktards on the roads, and we have to pass laws for them, so im all for this.

Will this argument work with the police officer who pulls you over in states where it's illegal?
"Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch?"

It's basic psychology; that of divided attention. Because you're attending to two things at once, both of them suffer. Needless to say, this is much more dangerous when it's concerning heavy machinery going 60 MPH at a minimum.

Handsfree is a little better, but still not the solution. We read an article in one of my classes about how there was little difference seen when handsfree was used, as the attention was still focused on the conversation and the road. Others in the thread have already stated about the fact that it is not the talking that is causing these accidents, but the fact that the other person is NOT perceiving the same stimuli (i.e. the road,) cannot attend to it if somebody cuts you off, and stop talking for a second.

On a personal note, my best friend's-friend's girlfriend was killed while on her cellphone. I didn't know her that well, having only met her twice, and I don't know all the details about it, but apparently she was trying to get over a lane, and she got railed by an SUV. The family is still dealing, but the girl on the other end of the line is totally messed up now. I mean, imagine what she heard.

Honestly, you seriously don't need to be on a cell phone 24/7. Give people a chance to miss you.


As I had occasionally posted about on the predecessor of this forum, I had spent almost 7 years of my life monitoring Metro Atlanta traffic for the GA DOT throught the use of close-circuit cameras set up along the interstate system. Seeing accidents happen. Watching traffic back up. Occassionally witnessing some very gruesome end results, such as body parts on the road and, on one horrific day, seeing a car full of people burn completely up because there was nothing anyone could do in time. And while far from it for me to say that cellphone usage by distracted motorists were the primary culprits of these situations, I think, in light of what I've seen and had delt with, that if given the opportunity, I would GLADLY CAP EACH AND EVERY GOD-DAMMED MOTHER-FUCKIN' MORON I SEE DRIVING WHILE ON THEIR GOD-DAMMED PIECE OF SHIT CELLPHONES STUCK NEXT TO THEIR SHIT-FILLED HEADS, SO HELP ME GOD. Needless to say, I use a complete hands-free option for my phone, if I ever deem it necessary to use the frickin' thing while on the road-something that I take great pains not to use while in motion. After all, if these GOD-DAMMED FUCKTARDS CAN'T LEARN ANY-FUCKING-THING FROM THEIR MISTAKES, at least I should, having observed them doing it, and the end-results. Not to say that I'm a perfect driver-I actually think that I'm only fair at best-but that I try to keep in mind what I have seen and do my utmost not to do it myself.

And, yes, I'm aware that I have anger issues. It's just that the stupidity of my fellow man does not do me many favors. If only if I had chosen the life of a hermit....
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