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no jumping in killzone


yep, thats the word on the street.

Just thought you would like to know.

not like it matters anyway :(



Heh...I used to be really excited about this game. All the lukewarm impressions have really turned me off on Killzone.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Same here. There's too many games coming out anyway, and this is one game that I'll overlook


Lack of a jump button never hurt Timesplitters 2 any. (Besides, most people don't hop around in a firefight like rabbits on crack anyway, last time I checked.)


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
It's funny because I was just thinking the other day how I can't stand FPS that don't have jumping. Not that I like rampant bunny hopping in online games, but if you watch any speed runs you realize how important it is to people who know how to properly navigate levels.

This is the dumbest design decision I've heard regarding the game so far. At this rate I probably will not be buying it.
I'm going to return my copy of Goldeneye 64 and exchange it for a Turok game because my ordered infomercial-featured gaming age logic pack came in the mail today and showed me the way.


No FPS focusing on combat should not have jumping. I have no idea what these guys are thinking. Even when I play the slower Halo, I still use jumping to get myself out of tight situations.

This missing feature did diminish TS2 a lot for me. I would much rather play Monkey Assist with jumping.


Bunny Hopping is one of the many moronic modern contradictions of FPS games. It's got to be realistic! Except for the part where I can run one way and look the other way while hopping around like a crackhead!
Bunny hopping is idiotic. It's a mechanic that works in games, which wouldn't work in real life. The abuse hurts the gameplay. There are few games where being able to jump is an option, yet it doesn't hurt a firefight. Battlefield 1942 is one. Halo is not.


Subitai said:
No FPS focusing on combat should not have jumping. I have no idea what these guys are thinking. Even when I play the slower Halo, I still use jumping to get myself out of tight situations.
This is exactly what I'm talking about.
If it's a realistic setting, jumping should only be allowed if it: 1.) Winds your character and 2.) Causees immediate and signifcant impairment to aiming and accuracy. Anything else is asinine and if you don't think so, fly to Iraq, start bunning hopping through the streets, and see how long your ass lasts before you're capped.
You can however use the action button. If there's something blocking your way, one press of the action button, and you'll jump over it in a cool fashion.
Killzone is geared more towards realism and atmosphere than your average FPS. Running around jumping would just seem incredibly silly.
Littleberu said:
You can however use the action button. If there's something blocking your way, one press of the action button, and you'll jump over it in a cool fashion.

Which indicates a more "Ocarina of Time" style jumping system that renders the topic moot.


Crazymoogle said:
Which indicates a more "Ocarina of Time" style jumping system that renders the topic moot.

No it's still a valid topic. Jumping while maybe not super real has allways been a good way to evade shots from the enemy, both in singleplayer and multiplayer games.
Shompola said:
No it's still a valid topic. Jumping while maybe not super real has allways been a good way to evade shots from the enemy, both in singleplayer and multiplayer games.

NO! Jumping is annoying! Specially in multiplayer FPS like Battlefield 1942 or Halo! Specially in Halo! Go play a multiplayer deathmatch and u will find out why


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I forgot about the object jumping animations. While it's good that they have an attention to detail, not being able to jump regularly gives me the impression the levels are going to be somewhat flat. I know there's a character that's supposed to be able to climb wires to go from one level of a building to another, but leaving out jumping these days just seems weird. It's not like there's a shortage of buttons on the controller.
I generally like when people bunny hop in Halo because it makes it simple to figure out where they are headed. No sudden changes in direction and whatnot.
Jumping in Halo is probably the most annoying multiplayer jump of any game. It's not bad in BF1942 or Vietnam either. However, it was annoying in Counter-Strike.
Mr. Lemming said:
I generally like when people bunny hop in Halo because it makes it simple to figure out where they are headed. No sudden changes in direction and whatnot.
jumping close range... jumping around from afar is like asking to be killed...


I'll wait for reviews of the game before I decide, but I wanted to comment on this:

Even when I play the slower Halo, I still use jumping to get myself out of tight situations.

LOL.. I love it when people are dumb enough to jump in tight situations in Halo. Not only do they move real slow, but you know thier movement until they land. Frag +1


being watched
I loved the double jump in Unreal Championship - where you could vault your character up to some tricky positions to snipe unsuspecting bods off.


Count me in the NO JUMPING camp. It looks stupid, and I much prefer FPS which don't have it. Rainbow Six for example.
It's the "No Jump" camp for me. I've always been annoyed by the silly notion in "realistic" FPS games that a fully geared-up soldier, loaded down by his weapon(s), his body armor, his ammo, and his combat equipment, could still manage a vertical jump that's equivalent to his own body height.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
If it's a realistic setting, jumping should only be allowed if it: 1.) Winds your character and 2.) Causees immediate and signifcant impairment to aiming and accuracy.
I agree. There should be no reason to limit jumping in less realistic ways, such as they way KZ is doing by relegating it as a context-sensitive action. Just add a stamina meter, not like this is an advanced game mechanic that's hard to implement.


This SUX! :mad:

In real combat, soldiers are known for bunny hopping around to get out of "though" situations. I mean, look at the Wehrmachts old black and white newsreel.



Chili Con Carnage!
'though' situations, lol, anyway jumping only important if developers put reasons to jump in the game, like in Halo 2 you can jump ghosts and other vehicles so you dont get run over. I assume there are no situations where you need to jump in Killzone, so not having a jump button wont be a problem.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Jumping in Halo is probably the most annoying multiplayer jump of any game. It's not bad in BF1942 or Vietnam either. However, it was annoying in Counter-Strike.
You must have never played Unreal Tournament, people jumped around like psychos in that game. The only time I ever use jump for is when jumping down "death from above" style to get a little better placement or when someone shoots a rocket right at my feet (anything else I'll just strafe dodge), usually accompanied by going backwards.

I can understand this in games like Quake and Unreal Tournament, but for something that is trying to be realistic like Killzone it doesn't make sense unless it has limits like Mike mentioned. I don't know why people jump a lot anyway, it just makes it easier to judge where they are going.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Im in the "no jumping" camp. Its cheap and unrealistc. But that being said, I have to admit that I constantly use the jump buttons in many games :(.


Forsete said:
This SUX! :mad:

In real combat, soldiers are known for bunny hopping around to get out of "though" situations. I mean, look at the Wehrmachts old black and white newsreel.


Ya, you also see them disappearing and respawning when they're killed. Geez...

For some people realism != fun. For sane people, real war != fun.

Personally I'm squarely in the jetpacks camp. After playing Tribes for 2 years, anything without vertical movement just seems so 2D. I can't f'n wait for Tribes: Vengeance!


Quake 3 jumping is the most annoying of them all

at least UT provided you with more weapons that could properly deal with all the retarded ways people play online


And even i am moderately surprised
"Jumping in Halo is probably the most annoying multiplayer jump of any game."

eh? the jump in halo is slow and leaves you totally ownable because you have very limited movement in the air: try and bunny hop in halo and you'll get owned by anyone who is half arsed.

I don't particularly have an opinion on jumping, but i hate games where it decides for you where you can and can't jump. If i wanna try and jump onto a certain ledge, then i should be able to make my own decission and try and go there.


LOL.. I love it when people are dumb enough to jump in tight situations in Halo. Not only do they move real slow, but you know thier movement until they land. Frag +1

That's true. In multiplayer it only has the usefulness of perching yourselves in nice places, getting on top of buildings, etc.

In single player it's a good part of your strategy though...very useful.

The jumping in MP was executed perfectly. Well I guess it wasn't attempting to be ultra-realistic.

I disagree, I had a lot of problems with how they've implemented jumping. It's different than Halo since you can't look around, it's like your head is tied down to your body, and while there is slight movement of the camera, it doesn't really help much when you are jumping from platform to platform. Good thing they made the platforms big...otherwise it would have been an absolute pain to navigate throughout some parts. I think the problem could have been solved if the camera looked down at your feet as you were coming down from the jump.
Really, I think it just depends on what the game is like and what the designers have in mind that determines what is appropriate or not. Me, I don't mind either way. Some games certainly benefit from it, IMO, like the UT, Tribes, and Halo games. Others, like Rainbow Six don't. I'm still waiting for someone to include Action Quake/Action Half-Life-style diving in a full-fledged FPS.
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