My challenge :
No 2020 games (or the strict minimum). I can buy older games as my "physical backlog" is quite limited ( 2 physical games and 1 from PS+ I really wanted to play).
"Physical backlog" :
Xenoblade Chronicles Done !
Final Fantasy XII Gave up ! Done !
The Last of Us (PS+) Done !
The surge (PS+, still don't know if I want to play it or not) Not interested finally
Games completed :
- Dragon Age Origins (started early 2019, finished 6th January 20, around 80h)
- The Last of us + Left Behind (Started 1st January, finished 19th January 20, 18h30 + 2h20, Survivor Difficulty)
- Dark Souls Remastered (thanks to the lockdown, finish a coop playthrough (half NG and full NG+) with a friend)
- Xenoblade Chronicles (Started 25th January 2020, finished 10th May 20, 78h30)
- Streets of Rage 4 (Online coop with friends, still playing Mania arcade and scoring)
- Assassin's Creed (Started 12th of May, finished the 30rd of May)
- Assassin's Creed II (Started 2nd of June, finished 17th of June, 15h30)
- Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Started 20th of June; finished the 5th of July, 14h42)
- Assassin's Creed Revelations (Started 5th of July; finished 11th of July, 9h03)
- Final Fantasy XII : The Zodiac age (Started 25th of July,
stopped 21st of August Finish the 3rd of November, around 64h)
- Batman Arkham Knight's DLC : Batgirl, Red Hood, Catwoman and Harley Quinn (21/22 nd of August, around 3h)
- Assassin's Creed 3 (Started the 23th of August, ended the 5th of September, 19h)
- Baldur's Gate (PS4) (Started the 14th of September, ended the 5th of October, "162 days")
- Demon's Souls (PS3) (Started the 5th of October, ended the 17th of October, 25h)
- Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition + DLCs (Gladio, Prompto, Ignis and Ardyn) (Started 7th of November, ended 5th of Decenver around 58h)
It was my second playthrough. This game is far to be perfect but still I really like it.
Story has some pacing issue but it got me really invested and emotional toward the end. From chapter 9 to the end, I got really hooked. I really like the late chapters (13 and 14).
Combat is messy but have a lot of room for experimentation. Unfortunately you don't really need it since it's near impossible to die (Why allow healing item use when in "Danger" state ? Just only allow to be helped by your friends... After all the relation between Noctis and his bro is the core of the game).
The open world is a generic AAA standard filled with meh sidequest. But I find that you usually get rewarded when completing the successive quest from a NPC by finding new dungeons/royal arm/new weapon...
Fishing is awesome and, as in my first playthrough, I spended a lot of time into it.
Noctis and his bro relation resonate particularly strong with me. It's probably why I like this game so much. I just enjoyed witnessing this tale of friendship.
Soundtrack is top notch for me and what I expect from a Final Fantasy. There is the unforgettable tracks (Somnus, Apocalypsis Noctis...), battle themes are a pleasure (Veiled in black...) and ambiance soundtrack are really setting the mood of dungeons (What lies within, Lurking Danger)...
DLCs are overall good. Only Episode Prompto is bad (bad TPS gameplay and story... But at least there is more Aranea time

Episode Gladiolus is my favorite. The gameplay is really good. The final boss was a pleasure (this version of his theme made the fight EPIC) and was a bit challenging. Then the special combat unlocked was really challenging and forced you to learn mechanics and boss pattern. It was really good and shows how it makes you play better when you have very limited healing items in stock.
The special combat in all DLCs are interesting on this point.
Episode Ignis is also really good on the story side.
Episode Ardyn have a lot of lore on the world that should have been in the main game... Combat is fun at first since Ardyn is really powerful but it gets boring on the long run. His story was nice but which they took more time for it. His change of personality just come out of nowhere and feels completely unnatural (he switching from good guy to evil in few seconds xD)
So yes, on the paper this game is flawed but not that bad.
In the end, what matter to me in games is the pleasure I have to play them. And in this area Final Fantasy XV surpasses many other titles that are on the paper far better.
I know that I will play it again in the future. And now I also consider it like a true Final Fantasy, there is just a thick coat of paint on it that make it look different.
What to play next :
I wanted to go for
Baldur's Gate : Siege of Dragonspear but Final Fantasy XV kind of reignited my thirst for JRPGs and I looked into some old one that I could do... and I ended up buying a PSP for
Valkyrie Profile Lenneth (started 9th of December). This will be the next game...