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No, really. Drinking and games dont mix?


Junior Member
Ok. I admit it. I like to drink beer. Lately I have noticed I just dont play games as much as I should. I would love to down 2 (pints) of beer Lao and show off my skills at games like Gradius V but...

It just doesnt work. (even though I think I am kicking ass if I dont die in the first 3 minutes!)

What are some good games for people with "bad habits"?


sasimirobot said:
Ok. I admit it. I like to drink beer. Lately I have noticed I just dont play games as much as I should. I would love to down 2 (pints) of beer Lao and show off my skills at games like Gradius V but...

It just doesnt work. (even though I think I am kicking ass if I dont die in the first 3 minutes!)

What are some good games for people with "bad habits"?

Super Monkey Ball, Super Monkey Ball 2.


Junior Member
I could never have made it to the Master Levels of Super Monkey Ball drunk. Sorry. I had to quit drinking for like 2 weeks to do that. Stop being silly


they call me "Man Gravy".
I remember an old editorial piece in a PC Gamer where their sims guy got increasingly drunk while playing some ridiculous racing sim, and chronicled it. It was hilarious. At the end he was having trouble clearing one lap on the track. Great example of a number of things, not the least of which is the danger of drunk driving.


there was actually some documentary on recently where they got a group of people to drive around in a huge expensive driving simulator at the ford factory (or somewhere similar) and then gave them all lots of vodka and made them do it again - the results were pretty obvious but still quite amusing. Especially watching people claim that they were not effected in anyway while clearly driving into anything that moved, or didnt.


I tend to kick ass and take names while I'm drunk and playing fighters.

Seriously, even fighters I have never played before I can be unstoppable while under the influence of beer. I don't even think about it either, I guess my fingers have just gained the ability to take over once my brain shuts down from multiple years of gaming.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
xsarien said:
Super Monkey Ball, Super Monkey Ball 2.

The monkey ball series is literally one of the worst to play if you want to have a good time while consuming alcohol. It's just too hard and when you die like 10 times in a row you just lose interest.


GDJustin said:
The monkey ball series is literally one of the worst to play if you want to have a good time while consuming alcohol. It's just too hard and when you die like 10 times in a row you just lose interest.

I think they're talking about the mini/party games. Not the main game.


My roommate bought a projector and a 10 foot screen last summer.

We hooked up his computer to the projector and decided to get really drunk and play Need For Speed: Underground.

I've never been so angry at a game in all my life.

Not to mention the fact we both got motion sickness from the blur effect and the bastard threw up all over my couch.


Console Market Analyst
Wario Ware, Donkey Konga, Monkey Target, SSBM, Mario Party 4 or 5, Gamecube is the system to own for drinking party games. The simple controls coupled with the colorful graphics help with blurred vision and loss of motor skills.

On other systems, Eye Toy or any rhythm game for PS2. And I've actually seen ads for "BYOB Halo fests".


Knows the Score
The first time I fought the level 4 boss in Rez, I was heavily under the influence of mushrooms and grass. I thought my heart was going to explode.
I remember, in the dorms, my crew and I used to all hop on the Counter-Strike server at like 3 AM when we were stumbling drunk. Those were some interesting matches.

Soul Calibur / Dead or Alive / other fighting games works pretty well too.

Ranger X

lol i'm actually BETTER when i have one or maybe 2 beers.
Seems like it clean my thoughts a bit and i concentrate more easily or something.


If I have more than a beer or two I completely lose all interest in anything gaming related. I'll be in the mood for more beer and interaction with the opposite sex. I never understood how people could mix alcohol and gaming and actually have fun.


My crappy bowling skills get slightly better the more I drink (I guess it's because I become less tense). Also, I once played Vampire Night in the arcade from start to finish while being drunk. I think my reflexes were twice as good as usual (which I admit sounds strange).


And even i am moderately surprised
"Ok. I admit it. I like to drink beer. Lately I have noticed I just dont play games as much as I should. I would love to down 2 (pints) of beer Lao and show off my skills at games like Gradius V but..."

... 2 pints? we need to hook up so we can toughen your resolve! :)

Burnout 3 becomes very difficult after a bottle of whiskey or so, and Guitaroo man becomes very very very difficult.


hyperbolically metafictive
i don't play games when i'm really drunk, but i often play them when i've gotten home from a night of drinking, by which point i've sobered up a bit. and honestly my performance doesn't seem to suffer much. i've had some of my better gradius v runs under those circumstances.

but then i can also type pretty well when i'm drunk, and to judge by the "hilarious" drunken emails and forum posts i'm sure we've all read, that isn't the case for some people.
drohne said:
but then i can also type pretty well when i'm drunk, and to judge by the "hilarious" drunken emails and forum posts i'm sure we've all read, that isn't the case for some people.

Good thing I wasn't one of those people!


Fusebox said:
Drinking and fighting/sports games = good
Drinking and fps/rpg games = very very bad

Heh, I frequently played quake while drinking. I'd always end up switching my playing style though. Going from being a methodical rail-whore, to a run the map rocket launching machine.

Of course, this is probably a lot like the fighting game issue. I played quake so much that after I started drinking I probably just relied on instincts and muscle memory to get me by.


A friend and I played so much Virtua Tennis while being drunk, we got really good at playing it drunk. When we played sober the game was awful in comparison. I have to admit though that there was a fine line between being drunk and playing really good, and to be a little drunker and not playing that well
I can't play games for shit when drinking...unless it's mahjong or cards. Aside from the nasty effects of someone barfing onto stuff, the result is usually displeasing, IME. In the case of a friend a long time ago, someone barfed into a running PS1 at a party...and closed the lid afterward (I assume to hide the evidence or something)....

Mary Jane + Gaming = much better gaming...well, sort of... At worst, you just pass out.

Beat 'em ups and fighting games are good choices, IMO. 4-player Chu-Chu Rocket or Bomberman while under the influence is usually a good thing.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
I played a lot of Grand Theft Auto 2 & Vice City pretty drunk - in cinematic camera mode, driving at insane speeds with the fastest cars, without crashing for about 4 minutes on a row. A friend clocked it. I guess at that time (Holiday work in a hotel in Switzerland) GTA's architecture had no secrets for me. Try it, it looks really cool for spectators while you (driver) have to be pretty fuckin' alert.

Also, Soul Calibur can be extremely fun when stoned. The colors ar teh bright and everything moves sooo fast ;D.

User 406

I used to get blitzed and play fighting games and did pretty well. One time I was blind stinking drunk and made it to the semifinals of a Street Fighter Alpha 2 tournament. Fell off my chair a few times during the matches.

When we lived in England, my dad used to hang out at this pub, and he'd tell me about these regulars who came in to play darts. As the evening wore on and they got progressively more shitfaced, their accuracy would dramatically improve. I guess if you practice while drunk, you'll be better while drunk. :p


mario kart drinking games = good

4th place and whoever gets hit with a green shell takes ashot of vodka. Hehe by the end of 10 rounds we were all fucked up. Good times, good times. :D
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