It's the other way around....Fimbulvetr said::lol @ the sea being the most religious?
It's the other way around....Fimbulvetr said::lol @ the sea being the most religious?
Fimbulvetr said::lol @ the sea being the most religious?
Extollere said:You trying to tell me that the crusades had nothing to do with Christian control of Israel? Or with Conversion? Trade or not, there were still tens of thousands killed in God's name. That's my point. The fact that wars often try to hit 2 or more birds with one stone isn't.
methos75 said:That was the end product, as I said people were mislead into that action, but the causes of the crusades had nothing to do with religion at all. Jerusalem, Islam, etc were used as excuses to get what the Merchants really wanted.
Extollere said:Fimbulvetr
Don't read graphs
(Today, 06:07 PM)
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I know what Atheism is, but I want a clarification. Is Atheism the absence of religious beliefs or beliefs about God, or is it the absence of belief in anything? Because if it's the latter, it's not really possible outside of the theoretical world, and if it's the last, then it doesn't stop people from being extremist about other things. In the end, the onset of Atheism changes the world, but I don't if it necessarily makes the world all that better.Kinitari said:I'll use my point again. Atheism is a terrible word. It implies a sort of unity, a 'group' of people as it were. The Atheists. Atheists are individuals who are completely self-motivated and driven. That's the beauty of it - there is no driving factor influencing all Atheists to disbelieve, or to carry things out in the name of disbelief. We just don't believe and do whatever we want. 'Atheism' can't be held responsible for any heinous acts - because Atheism isn't anything. It's nothing.
SoulPlaya said:I know what Atheism is, but I want a clarification. Is Atheism the absence of religious beliefs or beliefs about God, or is it the absence of belief in anything?
In the end, the onset of Atheism changes the world, but I don't if it necessarily makes the world all that better.
And I gotta say as just a general statement to GAF, please stop generalizing all religions. There actually differences in the beliefs and actions of Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc.
subrock said:this article is relevant to this thread. I know it made my jaw drop.
New Jersey atheist couple forced to give up their adopted son because they dont believe in god.
Asmodai said:Atheism has many, many definitions. They are called different things, sometimes agnostics, sometimes nontheists, etc.
Personally, I am what am usually defined as a "positive agnostic", which means that I admit that I do not know anything with regard to divine entities. I don't know whether they do or do not exist.
There are "strong atheists" who are convinced that there is NO god, similarly to how religious people are convinced that there IS a god, or several gods.
Wikipedia explains it decently enough.
The Catholic Church was responsible for the Spanish Inquisition and a thousand other atrocities over its bloodied history, as well as dozens of child molestations in more recent times, aiding the spead of STDs by condemning contraceptives, etc.
Does that stop the Pope from sitting in his golden palace in Rome, or his flock from listening to whatever he says?
Blame accomplishes very little.
No doubt. Mostly irrelevant ones. Plenty of my friends are Christians, Muslims, Jews, even Mormons, and they're all intelligent and reasonable people. The question is not which religion you're part of, it's how fanatical about it are you. The fanatics of each religion are equally insane and equally dangerous in my eyes.
beermonkey@tehbias said:Anybody who only has morals because they are afraid that God is going to come and kick their ass has NO VALUES AT ALL.
Die in a fire, Calvinists.
SoulPlaya said:I know what Atheism is, but I want a clarification. Is Atheism the absence of religious beliefs or beliefs about God, or is it the absence of belief in anything? Because if it's the latter, it's not really possible outside of the theoretical world, and if it's the last, then it doesn't stop people from being extremist about other things. In the end, the onset of Atheism changes the world, but I don't if it necessarily makes the world all that better.
And I gotta say as just a general statement to GAF, please stop generalizing all religions. There actually differences in the beliefs and actions of Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc.
SoulPlaya said:I know what Atheism is, but I want a clarification. Is Atheism the absence of religious beliefs or beliefs about God, or is it the absence of belief in anything? Because if it's the latter, it's not really possible outside of the theoretical world, and if it's the last, then it doesn't stop people from being extremist about other things. In the end, the onset of Atheism changes the world, but I don't if it necessarily makes the world all that better.
And I gotta say as just a general statement to GAF, please stop generalizing all religions. There actually differences in the beliefs and actions of Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc.
My point was that people always go, "religion is causing terrible crimes all over the world". Not all religions are.beermonkey@tehbias said:Regarding "please stop generalizing all religions"...
Which religions are not based on events that we can verify to any contemporary standard of evidence?
They all seem the same to me. Some old book of anecdotal evidence, written by somebody making claims that can't be validated in any respect.
If you are happy with your faith, good for you. Don't pretend your belief is based on something that anybody in 2009 could accept based on anything other than faith.
SoulPlaya said:Just to be clear, doesn't being "anti-religious" mean that you aren't Atheist? Since, you have a negative belief about religions, it goes against the Atheist principle of no religious belief whatsoever? Shouldn't you just not care.
SoulPlaya said:Well, then, if it's simply the absence of a belief in God, then why would it make the world any better? You have no proof in God, so you don't believe in the concept. Yet, you have no proof that an Atheist world would be any better, so why are you guys so adamant about it?
Just to be clear, doesn't being "anti-religious" mean that you aren't Atheist? Since, you have a negative belief about religions, go against the Atheist principle of no religious belief whatsoever? Shouldn't you just not care.
SoulPlaya said:Well, then, if it's simply the absence of a belief in God, then why would it make the world any better?
You have no proof in God, so you don't believe in the concept. Yet, you have no proof that an Atheist world would be any better, so why are you guys so adamant about it?
Just to be clear, doesn't being "anti-religious" mean that you aren't Atheist? Since, you have a negative belief about religions, it goes against the Atheist principle of no religious belief whatsoever? Shouldn't you just not care.
We got it because of Atheism?soul creator said:well in theory I wouldn't care, except for the idea that a lot of times people do and support various actions directly because of their religious belief. And just in general, whenever people make decisions based on flawed assumptions, there's a good chance it'd lead to flawed results. This has been shown time and time again throughout history.
Of course, people make flawed decisions for all sorts of reasons besides religion/god/etc. and we can always work on those as well. It just so happens that "religion" tends to be one of the strongest motivators for flawed reasoning, but largely gets off the hook for it. Why? Because we have to "respect" religion.
And it's not really even an "atheist" world that would be better, but rather a secular one. That said, a secular one would probably naturally lead to a more "atheist" one, almost by definition. If there's no strong social pressure to take faith-based thinking seriously, religion sort of inherently becomes less interesting (in the traditional sense of how religion has been seen). At that point you get kind of the "cute old tradition" version of religion, rather than the "what does god say we should do?" form of religion.
And as mentioned, there is evidence that lessening faith-based thinking leads to a "better" world, since a lot of progressive ideas that have taken hold, are pretty much the exact opposite of a large amount of religious beliefs. We didn't get democratic ideals from monotheistic religion, that's for sure.
KHarvey16 said:"The world would be better without religion" != "Without religion there would be nothing wrong in the world"
Also, being an atheist ONLY means you lack a belief in god. It says absolutely nothing about any other belief you may have, including any belief about religion.
Soulplaya said:We got it because of Atheism?
SoulPlaya said:Well, then, if it's simply the absence of a belief in God, then why would it make the world any better? You have no proof in God, so you don't believe in the concept. Yet, you have no proof that an Atheist world would be any better, so why are you guys so adamant about it?
Just to be clear, doesn't being "anti-religious" mean that you aren't Atheist? Since, you have a negative belief about religions, it goes against the Atheist principle of no religious belief whatsoever? Shouldn't you just not care.
Oh for crying out loud... :lol :lol :lolAsmodai said:Are you familiar with history? Politics? Geography?
If you were, you'd know that throughout history and throughout the world today, the more highly educated a society, the more wealthy a society, the less religious.
If you consider educated, wealthy societies to be superior to poverty stricken, ignorant societies, then yes, less religious belief would make the world a better place.
chubigans said:Oh for crying out loud... :lol :lol :lol
Isn't "disbelief" a principle? There are rules to Atheism, aren't there? It isn't an anything goes kind of thing, right? Isn't disbelief in God a principle of Atheism? My point is, if you were a truly ATheist person (at least from what I understand) you wouldn't care about religion, because you wouldn't have ANY belief about it.Kinitari said:My examples were simple enough, but I will give you a direct example. Without religious belief, there would currently be no, or next to no homosexual persecution. Simple.
The concept of what? Of course I have no 'proof' that an Atheist world will be better, I am not a time traveler. But I mean.. just using basic reasoning, you can (using my previous example) see where removing religion would 'make the world better'.
What? No, you're thinking about it all wrong. There are no "Atheist principles". There is just disbelief. Are there any principles that you adhere to because you don't believe in Odin?
The "Anti-religious" sentiment is just that. Some people do not like religion, or do not like what comes with it at least. It doesn't mean like... I believe in a deity that commands me to be against religion - that would no longer make me Atheist. "Shouldn't you just not care" I think you are confusing Atheists with people who just don't give a shit.
We got it from man thinking morals, ethics, and justice. No God needed but I wouldn't say it is 'because of atheism' . . . it just does not involve any god.SoulPlaya said:We got it because of Atheism?
SoulPlaya said:Isn't "disbelief" a principle? There are rules to Atheism, aren't there? It isn't an anything goes kind of thing, right? Isn't disbelief in God a principle of Atheism? My point is, if you were a truly ATheist person (at least from what I understand) you wouldn't care about religion, because you wouldn't have ANY belief about it.
How can you even prove that there would be no homosexual persecution in an Atheist world? How can you prove that religious people wouldn't be persecuted? How can you sound so sure of yourself?
SoulPlaya said:Isn't "disbelief" a principle? There are rules to Atheism, aren't there? It isn't an anything goes kind of thing, right? Isn't disbelief in God a principle of Atheism? My point is, if you were a truly ATheist person (at least from what I understand) you wouldn't care about religion, because you wouldn't have ANY belief about it.
How can you even provethat there would be no homosexual persecution in an Atheist world? How can you prove that religious people wouldn't be persecuted? How can you sound so sure of yourself?
The richest societies are Atheist? take a trip to the Gulf oil states, and come tell me that again.Asmodai said:Are you familiar with history?
If you were, you'd know that throughout history and throughout the world today, the more highly educated a society, the more wealthy a society, the less religious.
If you consider educated, wealthy societies to be superior to poverty stricken, ignorant societies, then yes, less religious belief would make the world a better place.
SoulPlaya said:Well, then, if it's simply the absence of a belief in God, then why would it make the world any better? You have no proof in God, so you don't believe in the concept. Yet, you have no proof that an Atheist world would be any better, so why are you guys so adamant about it?
Just to be clear, doesn't being "anti-religious" mean that you aren't Atheist? Since, you have a negative belief about religions, go against the Atheist principle of no religious belief whatsoever? Shouldn't you just not care.
There are no poor, uneducated atheists, and there are no smart wealthy religious folk either in all of history eh?Asmodai said:If you're familiar with cases that defy my post, by all means, post them.
Somehow I doubt that you will.
And that's secular thought, which I fully approve of.speculawyer said:We got it from man thinking morals, ethics, and justice. No God needed but I wouldn't say it is 'because of atheism' . . . it just does not involve any god.
"being without a belief in God" isn't a rule?Kharvey16 said:No, you're adding things to atheism. A - without, theism - belief in god. It is simply being without a belief in god. Nothing more. Anything beyond this you were thinking belongs, does not.
I don't think so.SoulPlaya said:Isn't "disbelief" a principle?
SoulPlaya said:There are rules to Atheism, aren't there?
We are still bound the by the laws of the land. But other than that . . . yeah. We are free to eat what ever food we want. Free to where what ever we want. Free to have sex any consenting partner.SoulPlaya said:It isn't an anything goes kind of thing, right?
SoulPlaya said:Isn't disbelief in God a principle of Atheism?
I don't like 'disbelief' . . . it is lack of belief. I don't know know if there is a god. And since I don't know and lack any evidence, I don't believe.
Well yeah . . . as long as they leave us alone. But when religious people pass laws that restrict our our freedoms due to their beliefs, we get upset. When they fly planes into buildings we get upset. When they invade countries because god told them to, we get upset.SoulPlaya said:My point is, if you were a truly ATheist person (at least from what I understand) you wouldn't care about religion, because you wouldn't have ANY belief about it.
Both of these would still occur to some degree . . . we'd need to continue to fight against such persecution.SoulPlaya said:How can you even prove that there would be no homosexual persecution in an Atheist world? How can you prove that religious people wouldn't be persecuted?
You have faith, my man. The faith that an Atheist world would be better than a religious one. Since you have no proof of that, you are going simply off faith.Atrus said:Atheism is merely the lack of a belief in God, so you're incorrect, Atheists are free to care or not care as much about religion as they please. The mere act of caring tends to be inextricably linked to the process of enlightenment, and Plato described as much in The Republic.
Lastly, a world with one less irrational foundation for human misanthropy is a world just slightly better than todays. Almost all forms of conflict exhibited by humans make sense in one way or another. You have genetic or social abberations, and then you have the competition for limited resources.
Where then does 'faith' and 'religion' come in? In what way does sacrificing children to Tlaloc help? In what way does crippling 50% of humanity help? In what way does the veneration of ancient books to the point of murder help?
For as advanced as some religions think they are, they really haven't advanced much beyond the rock worshipping, human sacrificing primitives they claim they aren't. Killing apostates, adulterers and gays, skinning the genitals of children, and worshipping the Wailing Wall, Foundation Stone or the Kaaba, are nothing more than elaborate takes on the same mindless and primitive actions.
SoulPlaya said:The richest societies are Atheist? take a trip to the Gulf oil states, and come tell me that again.
chubigans said:There are no poor, uneducated atheists, and there are no smart wealthy religious folk either in all of history eh?
Blanket statements like that are just dumb, that's all.
SoulPlaya said:"being without a belief in God" isn't a rule?
SoulPlaya said:Isn't "disbelief" a principle?
There are rules to Atheism, aren't there?
It isn't an anything goes kind of thing, right?
I guess if you wanted to word it like that you could. But I don't see why you would.Isn't disbelief in God a principle of Atheism?
My point is, if you were a truly ATheist person (at least from what I understand) you wouldn't care about religion, because you wouldn't have ANY belief about it.
How can you even prove that there would be no homosexual persecution in an Atheist world? How can you prove that religious people wouldn't be persecuted? How can you sound so sure of yourself?
Asmodai said:Are you familiar with history?
If you were, you'd know that throughout history and throughout the world today, the more highly educated a society, the more wealthy a society, the less religious.
It is not a 'rule', it is just a definition. You are free to believe in a god . . . there is no penalty for it. You just won't be an atheist anymore by definition.SoulPlaya said:"being without a belief in God" isn't a rule?
No need for insults, of course the oil states have low GDP per capita, the vast majority of the people in those countries are poor foreign workers who receive no govt aid, and aren't allowed to become citizens of the land. The actual citizens of these oil states (you know, the RELIGIOUS ONES) are stinkin rich. Here let me give you PROOF.Asmodai said:Are you honestly implying that countries like Saudi Arabia are richer than Western European states like Switzerland?
The darker purple the color, the higher the GDP per capita, the more prosperous the nation. Tell me if your Gulf oil states are the most prosperous. They aren't even close.
I almost can't believe how ignorant you are. That is not an insult, it is a fact. If anything you should be embarrassed to enter a discussion of which you know next to nothing about. For your own sake, educate yourself.
I gave you general trends, you wrongly assumed I was talking in absolutes. Your fault, not mine.
I know that without Mormonism, Prop 8 would have passed; sounds like homosexuals are better off already! A religious person asking for evidence though, that's funny - I wonder what takes a bigger leap of faith.. believing in a made-up space deity or seeing the scorched earth destruction religion has done over the centuries + thinking the world would be better off without it. Your grouping of atheism into a set ideology or religion tells me you are not very educated on the subject.SoulPlaya said:You have faith, my man. The faith that an Atheist world would be better than a religious one. Since you have no proof of that, you are going simply off faith.
That's a better definition than the one you used previously (your use of "disbelief" was a bit fuzzy).SoulPlaya said:"being without a belief in God" isn't a rule?
speculawyer said:I don't think so.
We are still bound the by the laws of the land. But other than that . . . yeah. We are free to eat what ever food we want. Free to where what ever we want. Free to have sex any consenting partner.
Well, then, can you talk to Asmodai and clear him up, lol? But, of course, the ideal world would be a secular world where people left their beliefs to themselves.SoulPlaya said:Isn't disbelief in God a principle of Atheism?
I don't like 'disbelief' . . . it is lack of belief. I don't know know if there is a god. And since I don't know and lack any evidence, I don't believe.
Well yeah . . . as long as they leave us alone. But when religious people pass laws that restrict our our freedoms due to their beliefs, we get upset. When they fly planes into buildings we get upset. When they invade countries because god told them to, we get upset.
Both of these would still occur to some degree . . . we'd need to continue to fight against such persecution.
Oh they are rich alright . . . they are rich because they are sitting on a zillion barrels of oil.SoulPlaya said:The richest societies are Atheist? take a trip to the Gulf oil states, and come tell me that again.
Who ever says that is an asshole. Killing people is stupid . . . the only religious people that need to be killed are the far extremists that kill people not in their religion (which would include atheists that kill people).SoulPlaya said:Unfortunately, going by some posts on NeoGAF, some people would have no problem with killing off all religious people.
SoulPlaya said:The actual citizens of these oil states (you know, the RELIGIOUS ONES) are stinkin rich. Here let me give you PROOF.
"As of 2007, Kuwait's population was estimated to be 3 to 3.5 million people which included approximately 2 million non-nationals.[55] Kuwaiti citizens are therefore a minority of those who reside in Kuwait. The government rarely grants citizenship to foreigners to maintain status quo."
So, I suggest you do your homework.
You can also see where it'd make things worse.Kinitari said:The concept of what? Of course I have no 'proof' that an Atheist world will be better, I am not a time traveler. But I mean.. just using basic reasoning, you can (using my previous example) see where removing religion would 'make the world better'.