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No sleep for the wicked, especially when THERE ARE BUGS IN MY BED

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i'm just sitting here, typing away in AIM when all of a sudden, i see something slither by.

i begin tracking it, grabbing the nearest blunt object - an old nintendo controller. taking aim, i smash my opponent again and again. i assume victory, and grab my digital camera.


alarmingly, during the course of this picture, my foe awakened and began moving once more! taking my trusty controller in hand, i begin the battle once more. confident he is slain, i take yet another picture.


defying the laws of nature, mr "because of me you won't be able to sleep tonight" is determined to escape from this battle with his life. unfortunately for him, me and the NES had a different idea - and as we are superior to him, we won! marvel at the stupidity of nature.


now i have to change my sheets. fuck.
Ugh. Christ, I hate bugs. I remember when I saw one of those things on my wall one night before going to sleep. I was afraid there would be more that would like fall on my face while I was sleeping.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I dare ya to pick it up.


EWWWW that's gross...where do you live? (the ghetto?)

If it's anything that creeps me out it's insects.

I have this huge ass centipede crawling out of my basement sink (luckily I don't use it)


biggest thing I've ever had in my room is a small mouse. It scurried to the kitchen, then it met....the killer dog.

Ok...it's a miniature Daschund. And she's named Razzberrie (don't ask, it's my sis' dog)

Anyway, she killed it and dragged it to the door. Heh. It was pretty funny actually.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Dude I just had a mouse in my house and want to know what killed it.....a trap!

Trap > over girly dog




I was gonna pick it up and take a pic for Matrix.

I poked it with the NES controller and it STARTED MOVING IT'S LEGS.


Matrix said:
Dude I just had a mouse in my house and want to know what killed it.....a trap!

Trap > over girly dog


Plus, if my German Sheppard tried to attack it, the mouse would just run around in circles until the dog fell over. Like in starwars with the ATwhatevers.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
BuddyChrist83 said:


I was gonna pick it up and take a pic for Matrix.

I poked it with the NES controller and it STARTED MOVING IT'S LEGS.



Good move.

I sleep on the floor in my living room (tv room) a lot, mainly due to the fact that there's cable, and it makes my back feel good, and lordy do I hate when I see a bug in there.



This is about the size of roaches we get in our house. We don't have many roaches at all, but the one we have are GIGANTIC.


That's nothing. Several weeks ago I saw a massive garden spider crawl up my wall and then fall into the crevice of my bed. I had some bleach in a watergun(don't ask) and begin shooting the bastard. It crawled under my bed and I lifted the mattress trying to find it, but i got nothing. Spent the rest of the night paranoid, too afraid to sleep.


Dude i dont think i've laughed more. Wait till you have freaking brown recluse's in your room and get bit by one. I've got some nice wounds, one in the leg and one in the stomach. But none the less there freaky bigger cousins have got in my room and when you have one you've got more. Trust me there will be more coming for you and that NES controler. One down now its u vs the bugs.

This should put you to sleep nicely.

If this dont put you to sleep get on XBL and play some games. I'm always up for something.


Oh my god, that's horrifying. I found a spider on my desk the other day and it freaked me out, I can't even imagine if I saw that freaking monster in my bed.


I would burn that mattress if I were you. All its eggs (these things are unseen to the naked eye) are now on or in the mattress fibers.


BuddyChrist83 said:
I swear to god it just fucking moved again.

Its not gonna go anywhere if you burn it.

Hurry quick the eggs are hatching you have a chance. Get it together and burn the matress before they spawn out of the eggs and start to get inside you and eat your skin.


I love you too Buddy c.

its ok just focus your attention on something fun. Like playing a game or something i'm sure you've got enough of those.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I've heard a story that for every centi/millipeed you see, there is ten you don't see.

Apparently, the nasal cavity of a human is warm.

Have a great sleep!
tenchir said:

This is about the size of roaches we get in our house. We don't have many roaches at all, but the one we have are GIGANTIC.

*changes res to 640x*



I'd like to thank you guys for making it absolute hell to fall asleep last night, and yes, I ended up sleeping in my bed.


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GOD...GOOGLE is sending you a message.. it is your choice.
i got bugs
i got bugs in my room
bugs in my bed
bugs in my ears
their eggs in my head
bugs in my pockets
bugs in my shoes
bugs in the way i feel about you
bugs on my window
trying to get in
they don't go nowhere
waiting, waiting...
bugs on my ceiling
crowded the floor
standing, sitting, kneeling...
a few block the door
and now the question's:
do i kill them?
become their friend?
do i eat them?
raw or well done?
do i trick them?
i don't think they're that dumb
do i join them?
looks like that's the one
i got bugs on my skin
tickle my nausea
i let it happen again
they're always takin' over
i see they surround me, i see...
see them deciding my fate
oh, that which was once...was once up to me...
now it's too late
i got bugs in my room...one on one
that's when i had a chance
i'll just stop now
i'll become naked
and with the...i'll become one

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