Doesn't look bad considering his hard partying lifestyle when he was active--must have the Keith Richards gene.
Some excerpts
On ranking Oasis among the legendary British rock bands
On his partying days:
On the current generation of musicians:
Fun stuff. More at the link.
Doesn't look bad considering his hard partying lifestyle when he was active--must have the Keith Richards gene.
Some excerpts
On ranking Oasis among the legendary British rock bands
I used to put us at number seven. It went The Beatles, the Stones, the Sex Pistols, The Who, The Kinks who came in at six? I dont know. We were at seven. The Smiths were in there, The Specials. Where would I put us now? I guess Id probably put us in the top 10. We werent as great as the greats but we were the best of the rest. We did more than The Stone Roses could fucking even fathom. Were better than The Verve: couldnt fucking keep it together for more than six months at a time. If all the greats are in the top four, were in the bottom of the top four, were kind of constantly fighting for fifth, just missing out. Just missing out on the top four, Id say.
On his partying days:
I had 30 to 40 kids sleeping outside my house every night, so much so that the council put in two benches, fucking bolted them to my wall. And a litter bin on a fucking side street in Primrose Hill. The neighbours went fucking ape-shit.
Wed be partying with supermodels and all sorts. Itd be like, Were out of cigs. Whos gonna go to the shop? No way. Press are outside. So, you just go out and say to one of the kids, Do us a fucking favour: go round the Tescos and get us 400 Benson and Hedges, can you?
In the Nineties, all of us were high on fucking cocaine, all the time. Having it. The last party. Nobody gave a fuck.
On the current generation of musicians:
This new generation of rock stars, they look great: Alex Turner, Miles Kane, the guys from Royal Blood. Theyve got the fucking skinny jeans and the boots, and all that eyeliner. Ive got a cat thats more rocknroll than all of them put together. Pigeons? Rips their fucking heads off.
I go back to this: fame is fucking wasted on these people. The new generation of rock stars, when have they ever said anything that made you laugh? When have they ever said anything you remember? People say, Theyre interesting. Interesting! Thats a word thats crept in to music: Yeah, man. Have you heard the new Skrillex record? No. Yeah, man. Its really interesting. I dont want interesting! Rocknrolls not about that. To me, its about fucking utter gobshites just being fucking headcases. Well, not headcases. But what I want, genuinely, is somebody with a fucking drug habit, whos not Pete Doherty. Do you know what I mean?
Fun stuff. More at the link.