Sorry for the bump, I presented this study to some anti-gluten believers I know and one responded that they believe that the controls on the studies were not good. The first objection was using whey protein as a control for gluten, as many people claim to be sensitive to dairy and gluten. I don't see why this would be a problem as the study is about gluten sensitivity, not lactose intolerance, but this person believed it wasn't an adequate control. Secondly, they objected to testing for only three days in the second, large study (as opposed to ten days in the 37 person studies) because, and I quote, "it can take longer than that for symptoms to clear (up to a week)".
Anyone on science GAF care to refute? I'm not a GI or dietician, so I go by what information I know and my own BS alarm. "Non-celiac Gluten sensitivity" falls into that BS alarm category for me, along with Atkins, no-egg, Goji berries, and other random dietary panics that have come and gone over the years. But I'm always open to new information.