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Norman Smiley doing a dark match next RAW...

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Can this be? Is the timing great or what? The WWE is going downhill, they need someone as charismatic, as energetic, as handsome as Norman J. Smiley (ok I made up the middle initial).

Let's hope things work out for him!




*multi-page bump!*

The match is tomorow...Oh God I hope that it they may reconsider and would at least show the match on HEAT. I'd actually tape HEAT.



I almost thought this place was a good place to go to for intellects. Then I found a wrestling topic.



keep your strippers out of my American football
b00duh said:
omfg, all they need is earnest the cat miller, and RAW is on TOP

Cat has come and gone. After his remarks on the way out, I doubt he will ever be back again.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Vargas said:
What did the Cat say?

He basically trashed Vince and the entire company. Saying that everyone basically kissed Vince's and HHH's ass so much that they didn't care about the finished product. He said that is why WWE sucks. Then he was asked had he ever watched WWE programming even when he was on, he admitted he hadn't. He talked about how Smackdown had the better wrestlers and Raw just had the ass kissers. Considering how he admitted to not watching WWE programming at all, he lost all credibility on all that. He said that the morale was horrible, worse than it ever was in WCW.

Alot of statements like that. Trying to tear down WWE anyway he could on the way out. While some of it may be true, when you go off like that and freely admit you have never watched WWE programming, it hurts your case.


This will be his third or fourth dark match I think, his previous ones have been on the Smackdown shows I believe.


I know that this isn't his first, but I didn't know that this was his 3rd or 4th. Quite interesting!

I think the timing is great this time around. Maybe it's just me, but I think the WWE is going downhill fast. There've been declines in the past, but it seems the pace of decline is getting kinda scary (if you're a fan). Well, this is just my opinion...I haven't checked out the ratings or anything, I could be alone on this opinion, maybe I'm getting disenthralled with wrestling in general.


I've long dreamt of a Norman Smiley/Ernest Miller fued. Guess that won't be happening. Hope Smiley sticks around at least.
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