Speaking of which...has this been reinstated too? Or is this ban still in effect? I can't seem to find any indication of it being reimplemented.They sort of tried. They wanted to eliminate straight ticket voting in races between Dems and Reps, then make all first options Reps to get easy votes from uneducated voters in the smaller races as they just mark the first option available.
Putrid. That party needs to fade into nothing."Many of our folks are angry and are opposed to Sunday voting for a host of reasons including respect for voter's religious preferences, protection of our families and allowing the fine election staff a day off, rather than forcing them to work days on end without time off," Woodhouse wrote in the email. "Six days of voting in one week is enough. Period."
My county had their board of elections meeting today. My wife and I couldn't make it and I'm trying to find out what happened...
Speaking of which...has this been reinstated too? Or is this ban still in effect? I can't seem to find any indication of it being reimplemented.
Follow up: we lost. No voting on Sundays. I'm so angry.
I still don't understand how they avoided being placed under federal supervision after getting caught making such a racially targeted voting bill last month. Is the court the one that makes that call or the federal government?
Please tell me this meeting wasn't in new Hanover county, is it?
The chair of the board, a Republican, had said she's "not a fan ofearlyDemocrats voting.
Just out of curiosity, has a conservative ever tried to give any reason at all to justify cutting early voting? I know they have dog whistles for all the rest, just haven't heard one for this.
Wasn't that a part of the Voting Rights Act that was killed in the Supreme Court?
Putrid. That party needs to fade into nothing.
Hey there's a ton of good NC folks. Don't leave us out in the cold
Edit: Just out of curiosity, has a conservative ever tried to give any reason at all to justify cutting early voting? I know they have dog whistles for all the rest, just haven't heard one for this.
So much for everyone to have the right to vote. This shit should not even be an option for local governments.
thats cool GOP, you can have NC. not like we need it. as long as you feel better about yourselves
"Not a fan of early voting" because...
Hey I live there and I fucking hate this shit too. In fact, a lot of people here hate the state government, it's straight disgusting.
We need standard election rules to be nationalized ASAP. The GOP is just never going to stop and it will only get worse when they lose this one.
"Many of our folks are angry and are opposed to Sunday voting for a host of reasons including respect for voter's religious preferences, protection of our families and allowing the fine election staff a day off, rather than forcing them to work days on end without time off,"
This is the best you could come up with?
You know that like...gas stations somehow manage to figure out how to staff people seven days a week right?
Why go through all this trouble. They may as well forge all the ballots and only leave themselves as the vote option.
"Many of our folks are angry and are opposed to Sunday voting for a host of reasons including respect for voter's religious preferences, protection of our families and allowing the fine election staff a day off, rather than forcing them to work days on end without time off," Woodhouse wrote in the email. "Six days of voting in one week is enough. Period."
Also it's a relatively important swing state.Fuck that noise, NC and it's people are awesome. We need to find a way to keep the GOP out of the government and back to their racist hollers.
I still don't understand how they avoided being placed under federal supervision after getting caught making such a racially targeted voting bill last month. Is the court the one that makes that call or the federal government?
This kind of stunt, which is time and again only pulled by the GOP, makes them all look like mustache-twirling villains. How can anyone support politicians who are so blatant in rigging the electoral process to benefit their own party? That's not democracy, not in the least.
Seething right now. I just can't believe the blatant evil Republicans commit and they just get a pass.
This kind of stunt, which is time and again only pulled by the GOP, makes them all look like mustache-twirling villains. How can anyone support politicians who are so blatant in rigging the electoral process to benefit their own party? That's not democracy, not in the least.
Seething right now. I just can't believe the blatant evil Republicans commit and they just get a pass.
The NC GOP is scrambling and getting desperate, cause these motherfuckers are getting voted out in November. I can't wait to do my part. Fuck McCrory. Fuck him.
The NC GOP is scrambling and getting desperate, cause these motherfuckers are getting voted out in November. I can't wait to do my part. Fuck McCrory. Fuck him.
I really do hope this bites them in the ass and many many many Republicans aren't allowed to vote.
if hillary gets elected and appoints her supreme court justice they should definitely have another look at that decision and reverse it.Wasn't that a part of the Voting Rights Act that was killed in the Supreme Court?