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November 2004: Greatest month ever for releases?



Half Life 2
Halo 2
Metal Gear Solid 3
Ratchet and Clank 3
World of Warcraft (Possibly)
I suppose you could include Nintendoods too....

I seriously do no think we'll ever have another gaming month with as many hot releases as November 2004. EVER. Ton of top tier titles coming out. Secondary titles are gonna get plowed to the bargain bin. 1998 is dead to me. 2004 >>>>>>> 1998


Add Paper Mario 2 (PAL) to the list. This year's too terrible. Would've never thought I could have not enough time to play what I want. And I'm even a GC-only gamer !
Mrbob said:

Half Life 2
Halo 2
Metal Gear Solid 3
Ratchet and Clank 3
World of Warcraft (Possibly)
I suppose you could include Nintendoods too....

I seriously do no think we'll ever have another gaming month with as many hot releases as November 2004. EVER. Ton of top tier titles coming out. Secondary titles are gonna get plowed to the bargain bin. 1998 is dead to me. 2004 >>>>>>> 1998

You forgot Jak 3 & Killzone (jury's out, but it's looking good),
Don't forget:

PoP 2 (i'm hoping its good)

Mario Power Tennis

and just to mention again


November: Armeggeddon for my wallet.
Here is what I'm picking up (if my wallet doesn't run thin):

Half Life 2
Halo 2
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Dark Age of Camelot: Catacombs
Nintendo DS (with at least 2 launch games)
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
World of Warcraft

Not to mention the week before November:
Grand Theft Auto: SA
PS2 v2



Edit: I just remembered that my LIVE subscription expires in November!!! HOLY SHIT!!


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Baten Kaitos, MGS3 and FF1-2 DOS are all I really care about in November


Unconfirmed Member
Mrbob said:
FF 1-2 DOS?

I see all the 1998 fanboys have run and hid!
While you could debate whether the software itself beats or doesn't beat the lineup from 1998 (I would say it probably does), but just the fact that we're also getting a hardware launch puts it over the top.

And yes, I know the Dreamcast launched in November 1998, but I'm talking domestically here.
MetatronM said:
While you could debate whether the software itself beats or doesn't beat the lineup from 1998 (I would say it probably does), but just the fact that we're also getting a hardware launch puts it over the top.

And yes, I know the Dreamcast launched in November 1998, but I'm talking domestically here.

Wasn't the Dreamcast launched in 1999? Certainly was in the US 9/9/99, which is what we're talking about anyway.

EDIT: Nevermind, it was launched late 1998. I thought it was Spring in Japan. Oh well.
Half Life 2
World of Warcraft
DAoC: Catacombs (maybe, need SOME INFO!!!)

I'd love to buy 20 other titles this year too, but i'm not fooling myself... those 3 will KILL all my free time. There's just no eff'ing way I can make time for anything else w/o neglecting the more important aspects of life (love, money).


And early this year we had Ninja Gaiden and DoomIII (hey, not the greatest ever but I dig it). Sims 2 in September. Grand Theft Auto in October. Nintendo DS launch. PSP in Japan in Dec possibly. This is probably one of the greatest years overall in gaming in terms of the amount of HUGE games getting released. The only knock overall is that it's very, very sequel heavy.

Musashi Wins!

Mrbob said:

hawt split screen for u and yur crue!!! I'm callin' you out Rodriguez!

This is the time of year that makes all those "collection" titles look mighty expendable.


1998 is still superior. More original games and I can't frickin' believe that was 6 years ago! OMFG, time sure flies!
" ____ : Best ____ ever?" Has got to be the most cliched, dimwitted thread title ever created. And, as per usual, this thread is pointless.
Tritroid said:
oh shit, Baten Kaitos releases in November too?
...Seriously you've got to be joking.

Nope, this month is no joke. This is basically my November preorder list:

XB: Halo 2
PS2: Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (and strangely enough, there is an LE strategy guide listing...which to me usually means 'soundtrack included')
PS2: Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
PS2: Rez (rerelease)
PS2: Wild Arms Alter-Code F
PS2: Growlanser: Generations
GBA: Final Fantasy 1+2
GC: Baiten Kaitos
GC: Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
GC: Viewtiful Joe 2
DS: System
DS: Mario 64 DS

The rest of the stuff here is just based on EB SKU dates, so generally half of it will get pushed back to december or next year, but it's still pretty awe-inspiring anyway.

Games that will probably interest others that month:
PS2: Killzone
PS2: Ratchet and Clank: Up your Arsenal
GC: Mario Tennis
PC: Sid Meier's Pirates
Multi: Goldeneye: Rogue Agent
Multi: Need for Speed Underground 2
Multi: Bard's Tale
Multi: Lord of the Rings: 3rd Age
Multi: Prince of Persia 2: Warrior Within
XB: Blinx 2

Games that might or might not make November:
PC: Half Life 2 (the usual guessing game)
XB: Knights of the Old Republic 2 (now showing an early december date at EB)
PS2: Digital Devil Saga (who knows at this point now that Atlus has gone quiet)
PS2: Chulip (mystery game)
PC: World of Warcraft (SKU is there, but Blizzard has their own pace)
DS: Any number of DS titles


Ninja Scooter said:
people say this EVERY november.

This one really is different. I wonder how many companies, even large ones like UbiSoft, will suffer because of the sheer madness.


Ninja Scooter said:
people say this EVERY november.
But this time we relly mean it! :p

Anyway, I have this pre-ordered for November (MGS3 would have been on the list if it was released here in Europe in November).

Halo 2 Limited Edition
King Arthur: Director's Cut (DVD)
Spider-Man 2 (DVD)

I want Killzone and Prince of Persia 2 too.. but I really want to take my time with GTA:SA and Halo 2. Plus GT4 is out in December O-O


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
siamesedreamer said:
The sequals to the two greatest games this generation are coming out in next month.

Yes, yes. Its a great time to be a gamer.

ICO and Rez sequels out next month? Holy shit, where have I been?


Go Go Ackman! said:
" ____ : Best ____ ever?" Has got to be the most cliched, dimwitted thread title ever created. And, as per usual, this thread is pointless.
Yeah, the suicide booth is over there, though there's a queue this time of year.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Ninja Scooter said:
people say this EVERY november.

Yeah seriously, just look at the list...

It's VERY different this year. Some of the best games ever made are all getting sequels within one month in addition to new content AND a new system.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Let's see what I got on my plate.

Metal Gear Solid 3
Nintendo DS
Feel the Magic XX/XY
Mr Driller: Drill Spirits
Mario 64x4
Wario Ware DS

Then there are some games I want to get, but i'm not sure if I really need them at launch. Like Metroid Prime: Echoes...eugh, I barely liked the first game but the hype has me interested in the next one. Meh, I can always get that as a Christmas present, same thing I did for the first one anyway. And I would really like to get Baten Kaitos, but now it seems more likely that I'll forget about it for awhile. If I haven't beaten Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne by the release date for Baten Kaitos, then you can count me out on that GCN rpg for awhile.

Killzone can go to hell until it hits the bargain bin. Same with Prince of Persia 2. VJ2 might need a buy though, its gonna need the sales. But unless it is much easier than the first, I wouldn't see myself beating it before February. :p

I would also like to get an Xbox and join up in the Halo 2 hype. I've been trying to buy an Xbox for over a year now. I walk into the store with the money for my new Xbox, and then I walk out with PS2 games...

Shit, and there is still stuff I need to buy this month. Taiko: Drum Master, Paper Mario 2, and Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. My wallet is already dead, now the holiday season is raping it's leather corpse.


Grizzlyjin said:
Then there are some games I want to get, but i'm not sure if I really need them at launch. Like Metroid Prime: Echoes...eugh, I barely liked the first game but the hype has me interested in the next one. Meh, I can always get that as a Christmas present, same thing I did for the first one anyway.
I have to say that I'm puzzled by this... I mean, personally I loved the first game, but I haven't seen anything to indicate that those who didn't will like the sequel.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
FoneBone said:
I have to say that I'm puzzled by this... I mean, personally I loved the first game, but I haven't seen anything to indicate that those who didn't will like the sequel.

Pretty much...I'm a very sick puppy. I think it is this internal bitch device. I didn't like the first game, so I won't likeEchoes. Ok, so then I can get on here and bitch about the things I don't like about Echoes. Lots of people here have this same disease.

I don't have any real problems with the first game, I just didn't think it lived up to all the hype that was shoved down my throat. My only real reason for not liking it is the first person perspective, which some say is the core of the game. I would just like it more personally if it had a 3rd person perspective. Now from what I've been told about Echoes, there are more 3rd peson sections with the new screw attack. Those jumping sections might be enough for me to see the magic in MP:E.

I didn't hate MP, I just didn't think it was such an amazing game because it didn't have what I wanted. :p I came in expecting the same effect Super Metroid had on me, it's my own fault for putting high expectations on the game before I played it. I had actually played it a few months before release, but that was a demo version and I was kinda lost and confused about what to do. I really liked it then, but I can never tell how I'll feel when I have it at my house and play for hours.


Ninja Scooter said:
people say this EVERY november.

No way, dude. Last November sucked. Worst November release ever.

November 2003 = the suck

November 2004 = the rox

Grizzlyjin don't forget about the sexy lock on split screen mulitplayer action in Echoes.

As much as I want these other games, Halo 2 is gonna consume me. I can't wait. The last game that I held such high anticipation for was Ninja Gaiden.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Mrbob said:
Grizzlyjin don't forget about the sexy lock on split screen mulitplayer action in Echoes.

I don't have anybody to play multiplayer with...so really don't even bother anymore. I have a few friends that are really into games, but the majority aren't. And even the ones that are don't get the same games as me. I might invite them over to play some multiplayer in Echoes, but they wouldn't know how to play and would suck at it. Just like Ace Combat 4...and Gitaroo Man...and GT3...and SSX...and Virtua Fighter 4...any other fighting game except Tekken. Only game that my friends went out of their way to learn was NBA Street. They stayed up all night playing after I went to sleep and were pretty good when I woke up. They had unlocked the extra characters and beat the Arcade Mode. I know that one of them will buy Echoes, but he won't play it much.
yeah it will be a great month... and a first month in two years when I buy more than one game in one month. I'm going to buy THREE full price games. :eek

Halo 2
ESPN Hockey 2k5
Cold Shadow said:
Please say that you put that in as a mistake.

It's under the "possibly of interest to others" category, and the guys at Play magazine seemed hyped about it, so what I said was technically true. Still scheduled for about the same time as MGS3.

As you can also see, it's not on my preorder list, so take that as you will.
This has been a good month for gaming magazine demos. All I have been playing are the demos to Outrun2, MGS3, R&C3 and K:UF.

Thank you, Official Playstation and Xbox Magazines.


I think I've changed my mind and officially hate November 2004 now.
too many heavy hitters coming out at one time!

It'll be well in to 2005 before I play all the big titles, much less the smaller ones! Too much of a good thing indeed.
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