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November is gonna be an extremely expensive month...


Just took a look at the Nov releases (after someone realized that Forza got bumped to 1/05). (EB dates, so bring along a grain of salt...)

Now, I pick up quite a few games each month, but the majority of you guys on here blow me outta the water.
So, as much as I'm gonna be hurting in November, I reallllyy feel for some of the addicts out there. Here's my November list:

Sonic Mega Collection + PS2 - 11/2
R&C3 PS2 - 11/2
Halo2 XBX - 11/8
GT4 PS2 - 11/14
WoW PC - 11/15
LotR RTS PC - 11/15
MGS3:SE PS2 - 11/15
MP2:E GC - 11/15
PoP2 XBX - 11/16
Jak3 PS2 - 11/16
Capcom Fighting Evo PS2 - 11/16
Forza XBX - 11/16 (rumoured delayed /till 1.04.05)
Splinter Cell 3 XBX - 11/16
Star Fox GC - 11/29

So, that's what...$500+ in one month? and by no means a complete list of major releases...

...and then there's the DS on the 29th as well...




Simple solution: don't buy them all at once. There's no way you'd have time to play all of them at once, so why buy them all right at the same time?

Deku Tree

manji said:
Forza XBX - 11/16 (rumoured delayed /till 1.04.05)

I hadn't heard that delay rumor before... where can I read about it?

Wario64 said:
yeah i'm gonna buy most of them when they hit $10 at Circuit City in 2 months, muahaha

that's my plan too... I'll wait for you to create a topic about the price dumps.


hrm....well, that's a disappointing load of comments.

I thought that I had posted a little thing about Nov being expensive, but it seems to have come across as OMGWTFAZZLOADOFGAMES!!!!!111

bjork, deep: you're right, but there's no way I'm gonna hold out on GT4, PoP2, MP2, WoW, or Halo2. 4 of those are in the same week. I'm also gonna pick up the DS at launch. Of course I'll try and pace myself, but still, the temptation with games as potentially great as those is gonna be a bit much to bear.

And again, I was actually just wondering about the poeple who *do* buy every big title at release.

Thought it was interesting is all...I searched, made sure this wasn't an *exact* copy of another recent post, and decided to throw down a small topic...but if all I get for posting is a bunch of craptacular replies (especially from Wario and Kobun, people who's opinion I usually really enjoy hearing), then I'm incredibly sorry for wastin' your time.

p.s. that is, of course, unless Kobun actually meant that there are an assload of good releases every fuckin' week of Nov...but maybe that's just wishful thinkin'...


What da hell? Both GT4 (possibly) and Forza delayed? I guess Burnout 3 is the only racer I will be getting this year :(


manji said:
And again, I was actually just wondering about the poeple who *do* buy every big title at release.

I used to, but then I realized that I'd never catch up on my backlog, so now I'm more selective with what I buy. I still probably buy 1-3 games per month, but I was buying like 10 per month for about an 18 month span... and I still haven't played some of those.


I don't understand what all the bitching and moaning is about either.

If you can afford to spend $500 on games (read: you have a full-time job and make in excess of $2000 a month) then there's no chance in hell that you can play all of those titles in a month or two. Wait until the post-Christmas price drops.

It's not that hard to eliminate games if you just apply some common sense. Are you (speaking in the general "you", not at anyone in particular) really gnawing your arm off for Splinter Cell 3? Didn't you just play through new Splinter Cell game like 3 months ago? And if your plate is this full, why fuck around with a huge time-sink game like World Of Warcraft? The first couple months of any MMORPG are going to be shitty anyway. "Classic" compilations get cheap pretty quick, so you might as well hold of on Sonic Mega Collection.

If you love everything equally, I say the smartest thing to do would just be to spend now on the games you will spend the most time with (online stuff) and leave all the 10-hour-wonders for the January bargain rack. That way you will be getting the most out of your money.


AssMan said:
Reason why with the negative comments is that there has been a thread like this at least twice a week.

That's odd...I searched for "November" in particular, and scoured down through about 4 pages...didn't find one topic re: how many "must buy" titles are coming out in that one month.

I could've easily missed one, but I don't see how I might've duped a twice-weekly topic...or how this one could've been so offensive. I don't post often, and I'm generally polite and considerate about it when I do. I guess I'll try and be even *more* careful next time.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
border said:
That way you will be getting the most out of your money.

Woops! It's July 25th!
Gotta Cancel AnalMidgets!
(Today, 05:46 AM)


GAF's Bob Woodward
EQ2 is out in november too!

(yes, i've suddenly started watching it thanks to that thread earlier today..GAF controls me :( )


GBA actually seems pretty light in November (at least compared to Aug/Sept/Oct). FF1+2 being the only game I want (and Zelda if it makes it). :/


border said:
If you love everything equally, I say the smartest thing to do would just be to spend now on the games you will spend the most time with (online stuff) and leave all the 10-hour-wonders for the January bargain rack. That way you will be getting the most out of your money.

Well, that actually makes a lot of sense. Things like Sonic collection were already gonna be kind of "last purchases", but I can definitely wait on'em 'till later on.

I didn't really intend to come across as "bitching and moaning", but I guess that's the impression ya got...sorry 'bout that. Since I don't play everything that comes out, I'm usually safe...6+ interesting games in a month is a rare occurrence for me. I'm happy that there's gonna be good games around to play, there just seemed to be a LOT in one chunk right there. Yes, it's November, I understand what that means...but I usually get off easier than this.
It just happens constantly here, whether the post says "November" in the title or what. Yes, every year, right between Thanksgiving and Christmas, they release one metric fuckton of awesome games. Yes, every week, somebody posts an identical list of the games and goes OMGWTFBBQ like we didn't expect it or something.

Nothing against you personally, it's just, you know, EFWIS.

And yes, the DS releases in November.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Kobun Heat said:
It just happens constantly here, whether the post says "November" in the title or what. Yes, every year, right between Thanksgiving and Christmas, they release one metric fuckton of awesome games. Yes, every week, somebody posts an identical list of the games and goes OMGWTFBBQ like we didn't expect it or something.

Nothing against you personally, it's just, you know, EFWIS.

And yes, the DS releases in November.

The journalist hiding in the strange lego man-bot speaks truth!
Kobun Heat said:
It just happens constantly here, whether the post says "November" in the title or what. Yes, every year, right between Thanksgiving and Christmas, they release one metric fuckton of awesome games. Yes, every week, somebody posts an identical list of the games and goes OMGWTFBBQ like we didn't expect it or something.

You do realize, of course, that these sort of responses to the annoying posts also fit squarely into the happens-every-fucking-time category.

And then people like me respond to people like you in the exact way that I'm responding, prolonging the idiotic message board one-upmanship.

And then someone else probably has some shitty response to my response, except I never know about it because I never bother reading the rest of the thread. Who knows how long the cycle continues!
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