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November Wrasslin |OT| CM Punk's Countdown to RESPECT


EDIT: Also this is perfect GIF reaction time don't let me down Wrestle-GAF
The things I put up with .. FINE

Go fuck yourself you wwe cock sucking piece of fucking shit, whatever the hell you get out of prancing around like a faggot on forums putting down the competition that shits all over your shitty as fuck failing fanboy cocksucking company. Do me a favor, turn off the livestream your watching and shit a pint of blood.. cuz we all know your too fucking cheap to buy a ppv anyfuckingway.. you probably dont even buy your beloved wwe ppvs either.. you think vince likes that shit? He not only needs you to suck his cock and stand up for his bullshit mind numbing charade of a wrestling promotion he needs you to reach up your ass and pump out 60 bucks a ppv.. surely you can sell some pills or whore out your mother to get vince what he wants, afterall thats all you livefor. fucking nigger


A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Go fuck yourself you wwe cock sucking piece of fucking shit, whatever the hell you get out of prancing around like a faggot on forums putting down the competition that shits all over your shitty as fuck failing fanboy cocksucking company. Do me a favor, turn off the livestream your watching and shit a pint of blood.. cuz we all know your too fucking cheap to buy a ppv anyfuckingway.. you probably dont even buy your beloved wwe ppvs either.. you think vince likes that shit? He not only needs you to suck his cock and stand up for his bullshit mind numbing charade of a wrestling promotion he needs you to reach up your ass and pump out 60 bucks a ppv.. surely you can sell some pills or whore out your mother to get vince what he wants, afterall thats all you livefor. fucking nigger



Great ladder match, it delivered 100%.....after a snoozer of a PPV. The real test is what they do with Austin Aries now that he is out of the title picture for the near future.


Colt Cabana will on on Marc Maron's podcast tomorrow.

That's both awesome and kind of weird. Can't wait for Maron to shit all over pro wrestling the entire time. He's the most aggressive passive aggressive guy I've ever heard. But, if you cut the first and last 10 minutes off the podcast, it is usually pretty great.


Gotta give it to Hardy. He could've mailed it in if he's thinking of bolting in a couple months. He didn't. He took at least four serious bumps in that match that could've seriously injured him.


Gotta give it to Hardy. He could've mailed it in if he's thinking of bolting in a couple months. He didn't. He took at least four serious bumps in that match that could've seriously injured him.

I swear I saw a ref check his pulse on his hand after he fell off that ladder on his back that one time.


Solid main event. boring PPV, Jeff's still champ, MEH everything

That about sums it up. Instead of trying to be interesting, TNA is just following the WWE's lead and having faces win every match ever.

Austin Aries is the best though. I would watch that guy wrestle Giant Gonzales.
That's both awesome and kind of weird. Can't wait for Maron to shit all over pro wrestling the entire time. He's the most aggressive passive aggressive guy I've ever heard. But, if you cut the first and last 10 minutes off the podcast, it is usually pretty great.

Just like Colt's podcasts, then?
Go fuck yourself you wwe cock sucking piece of fucking shit, whatever the hell you get out of prancing around like a faggot on forums putting down the competition that shits all over your shitty as fuck failing fanboy cocksucking company. Do me a favor, turn off the livestream your watching and shit a pint of blood.. cuz we all know your too fucking cheap to buy a ppv anyfuckingway.. you probably dont even buy your beloved wwe ppvs either.. you think vince likes that shit? He not only needs you to suck his cock and stand up for his bullshit mind numbing charade of a wrestling promotion he needs you to reach up your ass and pump out 60 bucks a ppv.. surely you can sell some pills or whore out your mother to get vince what he wants, afterall thats all you livefor. fucking nigger



Great ladder match, it delivered 100%.....after a snoozer of a PPV. The real test is what they do with Austin Aries now that he is out of the title picture for the near future.

That really was a fantastic main event. It started off a little awkwardly, but once it got going, man...4.25/5 for me.
That's both awesome and kind of weird. Can't wait for Maron to shit all over pro wrestling the entire time. He's the most aggressive passive aggressive guy I've ever heard. But, if you cut the first and last 10 minutes off the podcast, it is usually pretty great.

It should be good. I used to listen to WTF but Maron gets on my nerves. Hopefully he'll be respectful. Foley was supposed to be on WTF at some point too.


Two cool spots in the main event. Other than that, I would say worst PPV of the year. Boring matches, boring winners, nothing of importance happened, no storylines advanced, and some sloppy performances, even in the main event. God awful crowd on top of all that.


Pretty good main event for TNA but....

Wrestle-Gaf > TNA

Dude, the WWE hasn't done anything that brutal-looking in ages. We should be thankful for such a high-risk and entertaining main event. Both guys could have been seriously injured numerous times throughout the match. I felt uncomfortable throughout the last 10 minutes of that thing.


If we saw a ratings breakdown for these PPVs like we do for Monday Night Raw, there probably wasn't anyone left to watch the main event.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Solid main event. boring PPV, Jeff's still champ, MEH everything

Go fiddle yourself you wwe doodo sucking piece of fiddling caca, whatever the heckyou get out of prancing around like a ballerina on forums putting down the competition that peepees all over your caca as fiddle failing fanboy doodoosucking company. Do me a favor, turn off the livestream your watching and doodoo a pint of blood.. cuz we all know your too fiddling cheap to buy a ppv anyfiddlingway.. you probably dont even buy your beloved wwe ppvs either.. you think vince likes that doodoo? He not only needs you to suck his caca and stand up for his bulldoodoo mind numbing charade of a wrestling promotion he needs you to reach up your bumbum and pump out 60 bucks a ppv.. surely you can sell some pills or whore out your mother to get vince what he wants, afterall thats all you livefor. fiddling biscuit snatcher.
Go fiddle yourself you wwe doodo sucking piece of fiddling caca, whatever the heckyou get out of prancing around like a ballerina on forums putting down the competition that peepees all over your caca as fiddle failing fanboy doodoosucking company. Do me a favor, turn off the livestream your watching and doodoo a pint of blood.. cuz we all know your too fiddling cheap to buy a ppv anyfiddlingway.. you probably dont even buy your beloved wwe ppvs either.. you think vince likes that doodoo? He not only needs you to suck his caca and stand up for his bulldoodoo mind numbing charade of a wrestling promotion he needs you to reach up your bumbum and pump out 60 bucks a ppv.. surely you can sell some pills or whore out your mother to get vince what he wants, afterall thats all you livefor. fiddling biscuit snatcher.
Who are you calling a biscuit snatcher, you lint licker?
Dude, the WWE hasn't done anything that brutal-looking in ages. We should be thankful for such a high-risk and entertaining main event. Both guys could have been seriously injured numerous times throughout the match. I felt uncomfortable throughout the last 10 minutes of that thing.

Nah i get it was awesome and WWE hasn't done anything like that in a while, i wasn't trying to downplay it i just don't normally watch TNA anymore. I got burned waaaaayyyy too many times by that company i will never be regular TNA watcher ever again. Good Main Event though the rest wasn't so hot though


Go fiddle yourself you wwe doodo sucking piece of fiddling caca, whatever the heckyou get out of prancing around like a ballerina on forums putting down the competition that peepees all over your caca as fiddle failing fanboy doodoosucking company. Do me a favor, turn off the livestream your watching and doodoo a pint of blood.. cuz we all know your too fiddling cheap to buy a ppv anyfiddlingway.. you probably dont even buy your beloved wwe ppvs either.. you think vince likes that doodoo? He not only needs you to suck his caca and stand up for his bulldoodoo mind numbing charade of a wrestling promotion he needs you to reach up your bumbum and pump out 60 bucks a ppv.. surely you can sell some pills or whore out your mother to get vince what he wants, afterall thats all you livefor. fiddling biscuit snatcher.



I didn't even care for the main event. There were some seriously dangerous spots, I'll give them that. Hardy falling between the ladder and the twist of fate on the ladder at the end were amazing though.


Nah i get it i wasn't trying to downplay it i just don't normally watch TNA anymore. I got burned waaaaayyyy too many times by that company waaaay too many i will never be regular TNA watcher ever again. Good Main Event though the rest wasn't so hot though

I feel that way about both major companies. The only reason I tuned in tonight is because my daughter was in bed, and I had nothing else to do. Like most on here, I had totally forgotten that the PPV was tonight. I was also intrigued by the Hardy/Aries match despite figuring that Hardy would take it.

Again, I'm not watching any television programming from either company until at least the new year, and maybe even longer depending on the updates I read. Just don't care for either company right now outside of a few guys. In WWE, I only care about Daniel Bryan and CM Punk right now. In TNA, Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, Roode, and Daniels get my interest, but there's too much crap in the middle for me to care on a regular basis. Blah.

Just watching ROH DVDs, the Bret Hart DVD, and waiting on PWG DVDs to arrive in the mail for my wrestling fix at the moment.


Great main event doesn't make up for a shitty pointless PPV. Seriously, the only thing of consequence that happened was AJ Styles being forced out of world title matches till Bound For Glory next year......which probably wouldn't matter anyway because he probably wouldn't have got a title shot normally.

Another prediction: this loss sends AJ Styles over to Aces & Eights, providing them with a major known face from the company.
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