No Drifter? :-(
You missed Punk and Roman.
One Hot Take deserves another.
You're missing Owen Hart and Razor Ramon too. And you'd need two slots for each. For Owen, you'd do Hart Foundation and Post-Bretxit and for Razor you'd do WWF and nWo.
Rick Rude's rating
worst list ever
get your biased ass outta here, HHH is more than an average 6
Cena only a 6 for promo and look? C'mon son!
worst list ever
get your biased ass outta here, HHH is more than an average 6
D is where the game at.C+ is too good for HHH, friend.
The shorts aren't great I'll give you that, otherwise I think he has a great look. As for promos I'd say he's the best in WWE right now, aside from maybe Heyman. He's definitely the best wrestler at giving promos.I have limited knowledge of his promo work. What I've seen is okay. And if it wasn't for his shorts, I'd probably bump him up to a 7 or 8 in look. But I can't get over the shorts.
I don't understand how I'm biased. If I thought Triple H was better, I'd rate him higher.
You know, basky boy, I think I've seen H wrassle at an 8 and look an 8 (probably both at Royal Rumble 2000), but the problem is that's about .01% of the Triple H I've seen. His in-ring maybe should be bumped up to a 7 overall. But his look? Probably not. And certainly not his promo. God, they're really bad, actually, from what I watch. Droning, really. But at least he shows some confidence. It's just not entertaining. Maybe I should bump that down. >_>
F - Eva Marie
HBK's promo being a 5 is the biggest travesty. He was on fire during his early DX run and he cut some fire promos later too. He's an 8 at least.
F - OwensIsNow
You are some dramatic mothers. And coked-up Shawn Michaels was not enjoyable. Talk about droning on and on. God, his hilarious tough guy voice. Amazing.
A - NeoGAF VinceMcMahon
B - SomewhatGroovy
C - Sweeney Tom
D - Professor Beef because I still have beef
D-Minus - Zach
F - OwensIsNow
Roman is a clear 8-10 look.
Roman is a clear 8-10 look.
He looks like a more handsome, wetter, maybe-just-as-pudgy-who-knows-because-of-all-the-clothes 1999 Big Bossman. I think he could look a lot better with more wrassle-y gear.
Fair points, although I still think even with the vest he has a look that doesn't make his push too shocking.He's handsome but his body really underwhelms.
But if we're living in the world where Ric Flair is a 9/10 look then sure, Roman can be an 8
You sound like an insane person.
He looks like a geek, Rollins now that a 8-10Roman is a clear 8-10 look.
This guy should go on the list as an A:
In Ring: 10
Promo: 10
Look: 10
You can't teach perfection
A - NeoGAF VinceMcMahon
B - SomewhatGroovy
C - Sweeney Tom
D - Professor Beef because I still have beef
D-Minus - Zach
F - OwensIsNow
I prefer this.
Roman is Hollywood handsome, far better looking than The Rock, but his overall look is detracted from by the vest and by the fact that he really isn't that well built or toned. If to get a 10 you need to look as close to being the archetypal WRASSLEMAN as possible then Roman is a 7.
Pretty goofy from the neck down. I mean, I'm kinda okay with it. It was kinda cool for a minute. But high marks for that? Nah.
Kane has a terrible look.
Big dumb pajamas
Put him in Strowman's tank top.He looks good there. Are we sure he looks like that, though? I'm guessing he'd ditch the top if so.