Oh my God they're really gonna have Becky be revealed to have done it.
Stop disrespecting the first Universal Champ!Meme wrestler's
Dean was amazing, but he needed like 3 Paul Heymans to cover for him on the mic.
Dean didn't really need to talk , he was an intimidating dude just watching him walk into the ring. He had that body language.
Really? I kind of think Ambrose can suck in the ring sometimes but he's one of the best they have on the mic.Dean was amazing, but he needed like 3 Paul Heymans to cover for him on the mic.
Oh...oh no.Oh god at Daniel Bryan bringing up Ayn Rand.
Why is the WWE partnering with Crunchyroll and why is the offer valid only with new subscribers only? Fuck this, fam.
I'm watching King of the Ring 1996 and I really like how Stone Cold does the stunner during that period. It looks like a move that would actually hurt. They made the move look so Anime later on in his career.
Yup! I'd also like to add that Mankinds old theme still disturbs me. He had his regular entrance theme and then he would have a creepy piano outro theme that would play when he wins. I can't think of any other wrestler that did something like that.yep, it looked like a neckbreaker. the comical selling of guys like the rock and owen really ruin a lot of finishers lethality(like the DDT)
So when Bryan is on food stamps will he use an alias to get his health care?Oh god at Daniel Bryan bringing up Ayn Rand.
It could be they record them and add the live crowd reaction in with fan reaction from the live crowd.SD's backstage segments seem so much more well-written than Raw's, but maybe it's just down to performance.
Alexa's reaction to Nattie doing lyrics tonight was gold. Alexa is going to be such a star if they push her right.