Punk's absolutely going to be back at some point, especially after he realizes he's never going to see a major UFC PPV ever again.
Gotta give Punk time for the money to run out. His wife has a book deal, so that is extending things a bit, but we'll see.
Given the state of ufc , I wouldn't be shock to see him in another fightPunk's absolutely going to be back at some point, especially after he realizes he's never going to see a major UFC PPV ever again.
Given the state of ufc , I wouldn't be shock to see him in another fight
They'll just bring Cena and Orton back every now and then, and then Roman and Rollins, and it will go on and on, having less and less impact for every new generation.
Serious answer though. The three biggest former WWE stars that haven't come back in years are
-- Kurt Angle
-- Matt Hardy
-- Jeff Hardy
I could see Punk back in the UFC. Dana has no integrity and neither does Phil, they'll make a deal no matter what they say.
Wait until the day old man DM has to mark for the one night only return of old man Braun
Someone in Pokemon Sun/Moon just dropped the "to be the man, you gotta beat the man" line.
Which one of you was on translation!?
Someone in Pokemon Sun/Moon just dropped the "to be the man, you gotta beat the man" line.
Which one of you was on translation!?
And it'll be sooooooo sweeet!I've said it before and I'll say it again, Punk will return to the WWE and live long enough to see himself become the villain, AKA, the part-timer taking away the big spots from the guys working 24/7.
Peak Paul Bearer. So good.
Dana has more integrity than that though.
It's okay to just say you don't follow MMA, friends
He's aliiiiiiiiive, Undertaker!
I mean, I don't as much as the next guy, but from what I've seen I'd like to think he's got enough integrity to protect his fighters from being hurt by someone too green. Plus, I seriously doubt the money is there in another CM Punk fight.
I think the idea of Punk's redemption would draw and, man, if there's any money to be made Dana WILL go for it. I mean, Brock Lesnar had a title shot with a 2 - 1 record. Dana doesn't give a shit.
What if last night was laying the seeds for Ambrose vs Shane at 'Mania?
rip fork done
HHH's projects sure don't know when to shut up
What if last night was laying the seeds for Ambrose vs Shane at 'Mania?
What if last night was laying the seeds for Ambrose vs Shane at 'Mania?
Man, could you imagine showing this article to a person who didn't watch wrestling.
Man, could you imagine showing this article to a person who didn't watch wrestling.