HazySaiyan to win WrassleGAF Rookie of the Year
I just told you, Rookie of the Year. You need to clean your ears out friend
My girlfriend was absolutely elated and cheered when Roman got pinned by Bray at Survivor Series.
And when I told her Cena was pretty much part time now she just said "good".
Where's Curt Hawkins gotten to? I'm missing his camera-zoom "Face the facts!" spot.
Vince found Ellsworth to be far more entertaining I guess
The Kamehameha vs Galick Gun spot was legit but I wasn't too keen on the Yajirobe run-in.Goku Vegeta and Trunks vs Zamasu was the most overbooked fake combat event since Bash at the beach 2000
Any time they advertise a wrestler with "coming soon" teasers it always feels like it's going to end in disappointment. I tend to prefer in-show teasers of someone showing up than just mini trailers.
God dang it.This Alf Christmas Special got me legit shook
It's like a top WCW Saturday Night feud at the height of the Monday Night Wars. More like Jumpin' Joey West vs. British Mike Enos.Data vs Monsoon has gotta be sleeper feud of the year
It's like Okada vs Tanahashi, because it's been going on for years now.
.Data is Okada
You still got it, Beef. But that implies you lost it, which you never did!
Matt Riddle vs. Jeff Cobb booked for the next NYC Evolve show. Thank you, GabeS.
You still got it, Beef. But that implies you lost it, which you never did!
I was listening to the F4W overweight classic song competition and one of the entries was just samoa joe's current wwf song with scott steiner screaming "fat" to the beat.
True! I was expecting Beef to respond with a "I always had it."Nah man, "You still got it" means that the person, well, still got it despite its age, and that he's never lost it!
I have this unfortunate feeling WWE will make Brock vs Goldberg III at 'Mania a proper lengthy match. And then we'll come full circle truly.
Brock's going to eliminate Goldberg from the Rumble. Goldberg wants a title, Brock takes that opportunity away from him. So then there's the Mania match.I think the 10 mins call is right, actually, but by the end they both look like they've gone 40. It's power move after power move. No locking up. Goldberg swallows a few F5s, a load of suplexes. Brock is speared over and over, Jackhammered. No idea who wins. Probably Goldberg. Then he announces he's done, that Brock showed him how far he can go - and he can never go that far again.
Goldberg would be the bad guy in that situation. Old man part timer stealing the spotlight from the current talentOne thing they could do, that would actually be funny and cool, is if they want Roman to main event three manias in a row - turn him heel and have him go up against Goldberg. spear vs spear...a battle of cataclysmic proportions!
Don't you dare no sell the possibility of a Dick Togo vs Tim Thatcher match!
Dirty Dick vs. Trashy Tim would be a bit wasted in that NYC venue, which is really small.
Ratings would skyrocket after a pipebomb like that
I've come around on Becky Lynch. That "we're rough/tough/had enough" promo, as bad as it was, kinda won me over.
She's no Alexa Bliss, though.
It's a shame Irie's excursion has gotten almost no fanfare. He's really talented and has been having some great matches in the states of what I've seen.
Dude was awesome in his match with Hero at AAWIt's a shame Irie's excursion has gotten almost no fanfare. He's really talented and has been having some great matches in the states of what I've seen.