Z is better than Super, but Super is better than Dragon Ball, and DB is better than GT

Dragon ball is better than DBZ friend
Z is better than Super, but Super is better than Dragon Ball, and DB is better than GT
Gohan's SSJ2 and Goku's SSJ theme are awesome too.Dumb question - why was it called 205 Live? Is 205 the Cruiserweight cut?
Faulconer's Vegeta themes and Cell theme's are GOAT. But yeah, the sound mixing in the US version of DBZ had issues. Faulconer's music makes Cell's death way more awesome though
A lot of NXT people were before they had TV debuts. Strowman, Becky, Alexa, Carmella, Gotch, fuck I think even Kalisto showed up as one while wearing his actual mask, pretty much all known stars who were Rosebuds ended up being a lot more successful then Rose.LOL Braun Strowman was a Adam Rose groupie
Gradezcember comin' up.
I'm watching right now. RIP Ellsworth.I'm excited to go home and watch Smackdown tonight.
I'm watching right now. RIP Ellsworth.
That fucking Clash man. After Elsworth tucked previously, I cringed at what could have happened if he tucked again.
There's a poetic irony in thatA lot of NXT people were before they had TV debuts. Strowman, Becky, Alexa, Carmella, Gotch, fuck I think even Kalisto showed up as one while wearing his actual mask, pretty much all known stars who were Rosebuds ended up being a lot more successful then Rose.
Hah yep. When they came down his head looked like it came so fucking close to hitting the stairs.not only that, I don't know if it's the angle but he appeared so close to the stairs, his head could've bumped on it holy shit
Why were the ascension treated like such a joke when they were called up?
I mean they arent particulary good or anything but they do the menacing strong badguys role well from what im seeing?
Why were the ascension treated like such a joke when they were called up?
I mean they arent particulary good or anything but they do the menacing strong badguys role well from what im seeing?
Also Victor uses a STO and I love that move.
Vegeta was robbed of his WrestleMania moment.
There's a poetic irony in that
Why were the ascension treated like such a joke when they were called up?
I mean they arent particulary good or anything but they do the menacing strong badguys role well from what im seeing?
Also Victor uses a STO and I love that move.
Don't lie to us, Zach. The gradez are over. As in over, not over.
if I had no life i'd pick up the gradez where Zach left them
When The Ascension debuted on the main roster their whole thing was talking up how they are like classic WWF ass kicking tag teams but better. After a few weeks they had a segment where old ass DX and APA annihilated them in the middle of the ring with some really stiff shots. They got no comeuppance. They were killed and that was it. I thought they were getting put back to development after a burial of that magnitude.Why were the ascension treated like such a joke when they were called up?
I mean they arent particulary good or anything but they do the menacing strong badguys role well from what im seeing?
Also Victor uses a STO and I love that move.
So why are you such a HHH stan?Vegeta sold out AND gave everything away for a girl, who's basically a psychotic maniac
You should feel bad. You DESERVE to feel bad.: (
: (
So why are you such a HHH stan?
I can't even defend Vince on this bullshit, it was pure bullshit. I bet if Hawk were alive, they would've brought them in to squash the ascension as well. I mean look at how The NAO got the heel heat, they basically went week by week calling out and mentioning how the lod were old and they were better. Of course they got beat up but I'm the end they snuck their victories in and got over.Why were the ascension treated like such a joke when they were called up?
I mean they arent particulary good or anything but they do the menacing strong badguys role well from what im seeing?
Also Victor uses a STO and I love that move.
This kind of ugliness wouldn't fly if NeoGAF Vince McMahon were still alive.
Looking back on the match, the way the table was set up looked like it played as much a part as Sasha's weight did. Sasha didn't have the table with the legs pulled up and propped against the top turnbuckle, she awkwardly slotted it between the top and middle with the legs up.And I was just starting to appreciate the Ellsworth/Styles/Dean arc.
I heard the Becky/Bliss match is a tables match? I hope they learned something about tables from the Charlotte/Banks HIAC.
We're a better more open place.
I wonder if this is a sign for what WWE will be like once Vince croaks?
How were we worse and less open with NVM around? Is that what you're saying? I'm confused. Where are my friends imbask and Biggest-Geek-Ever? Menome, the dog with the funny walk. Gloria?
was this the most recent chapter?
I wouldn't be shocked if the fact Konnor has violated the Wellness Policy twice plays into the Ascension doing nothing on the main roster. Same with Gotch getting into a fight with Sin Cara.I know what happened with Ascension, I was wondering why it happened, whose cereal did they piss in.
Anyway Sami vs Tyler Breeze was fantastic as its quickly becoming a trend everytime Sami is in a match. Tyler's finisher is shit tho.
How were we worse and less open with NVM around? Is that what you're saying? I'm confused. Where are my friends imbask and Biggest-Geek-Ever? Menome, the dog with the funny walk. Gloria?
Ascension have gotten really doughy of late too. They've given up.
The reason Ascension does nothing on the main roster is because they suck
That's why every thread needs a snitch.Wasn't Vince a bully? Don't be a bully, Vince.
Why are we pining over this particular guy? This thread seems to attract people who, for whatever reason, can't manage to keep their accounts.
Wasn't Vince a bully? Don't be a bully, Vince.
Why are we pining over this particular guy? This thread seems to attract people who, for whatever reason, can't manage to keep their accounts.
How were we worse and less open with NVM around? Is that what you're saying? I'm confused. Where are my friends imbask and Biggest-Geek-Ever? Menome, the dog with the funny walk. Gloria?