Cena shops at Wal-Mart?
Wrestling in the 90s
Wrestling today
Glamour shot of Renee Young! Thank you.
He's given up. I think that's kinda sad, even if I do intensely dislike the Miz.
If I was engaged to Maryse, I wouldn't try anymore either. No point, I've already gotten to the mountain top.
Cena looks like Thanos.
John Cena wish he can look and pump like that guy...lolWho's that guy? Was he a NWA champion or something?
Yeah, good luck with that one. I feel kinda bad for the kid! But that just isn't happening.
The promotion announced four live event dates for January, and two shows are slated to emanate from high schools (in Arkansas and Tennessee). Adding to the uniqueness, tickets to the Tennessee event are being sold through a cupcake shopHaliHannigan's Cupcakery
Textbook case of choosing the wrong gear for your body type. If he was wearing Bret Hart style gear, DMczaf wouldn't have batted an eye when this pic crossed his monitor.
I would imagine that seeing the life your parents could provide for you through their profession over that of your classmates or whatever, might be a factor. Or, before he killed people, seeing how well-respected his father was, hearing the crowd pop and all that. Or, maybe he wants to prove that the apple can fall far from the tree. There's a lot of things that could be at play, really.
Cena looks like Thanos.
John Cena is the World's Heavyweight Champion. What do you think?I think Cesaro has the best physique. Dude is solid.
I just got home a few minutes ago, is it even worth tuning into Smackdown?
I think Cesaro has the best physique. Dude is solid.
I just got home a few minutes ago, is it even worth tuning into Smackdown?
John Cena is the World's Heavyweight Champion. What do you think?
Your just in time. The good stuff starts right now with the tag match that goes on for 45 minutes to an hour.
Have you guys seen the commercial for the new Hobbit movie? Why do they say 'Smaug' like that? It sounds like a Trey Parker voiceover for a South Park parody, "Smah-oog".
Some things just feel right. Wyatts/Shield was one of those things, and WWE seem to have dropped the ball on that, for now.
Hopefully they see the potential in Big E and Mark having a partnership/alliance.