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Now I've seen everything....

So MTV2 had these videos on tonight, right? Yeah, they actually fuckin play videos now and then. Nevermind that they're the "24/7 music videos" channel. So anyway, they had videos on. These were some new type of video though. They were a hybrid of videoGAME previews and music videos all combined into one big cheesy cluster of selloutica. First thing we saw as we were flipping through the channels was this Evanecence video that had BLOODRAYNE as the singer for the band. Actually, nobody in the band made an appearance at all. It was Bloodrayne lip-syncing the words with like a werewolf and some shit playing guitar, drums, and bass. It looked so cheesy I was embarrassed to admit to my girlfriend that I wanted to stay on the channel just to see what would happen next.

After a few minutes of watching Bloodrayne dance around, the video ended and a new one started up. This time the song was Lil' John and the game was these characters from the new Fight Club game. No idea what the fuck these people were thinking with this. They had this big fat plain looking black dude from the game bobbing around lip-syncing to the song. Very bad. Hurt my eyes. The rest of the goofballs just paced around and jumped at eachother (didn't throw punches while I was watching though). This video cracked me though. I was worried my girlfriend may never look at me the same if I kept watching (I was laughing at the TV) so I had to turn the channel. But still, is this the kind of crap that I'm going to have to see from time to time now until gaming goes under the radar and isn't mainstream anymore? God-awful shitty music videos featuring characters from B-class game franchises? Oh boy. I just fuckin pray I never see Crash Bandicoot or Sonic wearing sunglasses and romping around with fucking Ludacris or something. Brings back bad memories of that Paula Abdul video "opposites attract". Barf. Bloodrayne at least fit the part though. They really just needed to have her kicking ass instead of singing some heart-felt rock ballad. What's next though? I'd better not fucking see Master Chief selling out like that. Maybe for Fear Factory or something but he'd better be kicking a metric fuck-ton of ass.

Lastly, a big "Fuck you" to all the people who voted to make Shenmue the 2nd worst game of all time on G4 TV's "Worst games of all time" countdown. Every game on that list deserved to be there except that one. It probably wouldn't have even been a nominee if it wasn't for the retard Tommy Tallarico and his ADD.

"Uh...there's not any explosions or boobs or anything! Put this game on the list for worst games ever. Where's the boobs? Not even any peeing on things!"


"BMX XXX? Best game ever. A+++++++ Go buy it now. Could have used some chest-pooping though. But still, very awesome."
maybe it has less to do with the fact that it doens't have explosions or guns or titties, and more to do with the fact that it was boring as fuck.
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