Wii U's are available everywhere, and the price isn't a barrier.
Considering those two very important points, things don't look rosy. But it is true that the software lineup and marketing efforts by Nintendo are weak thus far.
Also, I would say it's imperative for Nintendo to change that box, because it just looks like they are selling a touchpad that can work with the Wii, which means that once the initial roundup of sales that are mostly done by hardcore Nintendo gamers, sales have the potential to look terrible in the not so distant future.
They have an awareness problem right now along with a poor software lineup, in the sense that these WiiU games look nothing more than what 360 and Ps3 are putting out.
Change that box, show the big guns in terms of software, and sell the Wii U in the marketing, not solely the touchpad. Because that thing isn't anything near what the Wii Mote was in its time.
If they don't act light on their feet, and plan for significant price cut come the end of the year....we are looking at a GC story at best.
It's a silly argument in any case. Hardware sales are really just a shorthand way of looking at what really matters, which is software sales, because that's where most of the profit lies. And the 360's software sales are, if anything, understated by that shorthand.
Well you know, silly people make silly points.