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NPD June 2011 Sales Results [Update5: Most HW in, Infamous 2]


BurntPork said:
By the way, the DS got it's first price cut 15 months after launch. A year from now is the absolute latest that they'll cut the price.
Actually, DS got its initial drop (to $130) on August 2005, 10 months after launch.


outunderthestars said:
Sorry, just trying to make sense of the rambling mess that was your post.
thanks for pointing out something that didn't need pointing out. maybe i should have gone with 360 $299 launch vs ps3 $499 launch. instead of the 399/599 thing. point still stands.
Scum said:
But wouldn't that require the Wii to sell 0 units every month though? If you see what I mean... :p
No, that is not the case. Wii currently is ahead of 360 by almost 9 million (Wii being at 37 while 360 at 28, not sure exactly, but something near that).

it's just the difference that matters, 9 million equals 3 million to fill the gap in 3 years, equals to exactly 250K per month. he was refering to the difference.


Holy shit at the 360 numbers.. :O Incredible attach rate for Zelda (no surprise but still very impressive).


Synless said:
Wow, 360 fucking killed it this month! Kinect might be having an effect on sales after all.

360 has been killing it every month.

It's hard to believe this is the same system that was putting up such poor numbers in 2008.


outunderthestars said:
That still means that it is contracting. The Boom of the Wii/DS doesn't show any signs of repeating itself. The overall market for console/dedicate handheld gaming is shrinking.
*looks at 360 and DS sales*


Dr. Malik

outunderthestars said:
Sigh.. As I have said over and over, it's the free windows laptop promotion:

Good point by @NicolasVerge, the 507k Xbox figure included all of the "free" 360s given away under the Windows 7 PC promotion"

I figured this was the case being June and all. I wanted to jump on this deal too
The_Technomancer said:
Actually....that's a very good point that might explain this abnormality. Do we know if NPD would count those?

EDIT: Already answered. Yeah, thats where I'm betting 200k or so of those came from.
how you know it was counted?
outunderthestars said:
Sigh.. As I have said over and over, it's the free windows laptop promotion:

Good point by @NicolasVerge, the 507k Xbox figure included all of the "free" 360s given away under the Windows 7 PC promotion"

larvi said:
There were only 3 vendors where the purchases quailified for the promotion, Best Buy, Dell and HP. And it had to be a $700 and up purchase and even then Dell and HP limited it to only specific models. And you had to purchase it with a valid student ID. So this was a very small subset of the laptops purchased in the month.

Dont think that had as big an impact as your making it seem.
Conflict NZ said:
Bet you were one of the idiots who though that Refurbished Red Ring units counted as well. Some people...

Michael Pachter confirmed it.

Why is this confusing people?

That said, it's a hell of a promotion. MS knows that the future of their business is increasingly dependent on a post-pc world. They continue to add more non-gaming services and drive the price down on their system.


Where is the real confirmation of that free 360 with laptop being counted as sales? All i saw was a post from outunderthestars.


cnizzle06 said:
What in the world is giving the 360 this momentum?


Kathie Lee obviously.

Amazing 360 numbers. I love the PS3 but it seems to me that Sony is going to have to move first next gen. Anyone remember that Bernie Stolar interview during the PS1 days when he said that he asked Kutaragi "who do you think will be our biggest competition in the years to come?" He said that Kutaragi replied, "Microsoft. And we will crush them." That's not really working out the way he envisioned.


I highly doubt 300k college students were A. without a computer to begin with and B. were swayed to buy a 700 dollar computer because it came with a 360. Hell, the promotion didnt even run during the beginning of fall when people would actually be in the market for a computer.


statham said:
thanks for pointing out something that didn't need pointing out. maybe i should have gone with 360 $299 launch vs ps3 $499 launch. instead of the 399/599 thing. point still stands.

I think part of the difference is PS3 took out stuff. Ie BC, USB ports etc. While 360 added HDMI and both mess with HDD.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Speevy said:
How much was this laptop that they were giving away Xboxes with?
We don't know, but seeing as sales bumped from 2-300k to over 500k with no major holidays or system-selling software releases I'm betting a good chunk.


MasterShotgun said:
Until NoA starts marketing the ever living fuck out of the 3DS, the sales are going to be slow. I hope they do this by the holiday season, but they need to do it sooner to attract children who will ask their parents/Santa for one. Same for adults who might gift/get one from another person. They have the titles lined up for the holiday, but you can't play those games without the system. If they can get the idea into people's head that it the 3DS is the next big thing, then they will see great sales.

I don't think the 3DS is going to pick up sales in kids like the DS did. The 3D aspect has scared off numerous parents (talk shows and news made sure of that), nevermind the $100+ difference between the two systems.
DatBreh said:
I highly doubt 300k college students were A. without a computer to begin with and B. spent 700 bucks on a new computer just for a 360.

As one who is going to school this fall, you'd be amazed how many kids are getting brands new expensive ass laptops. App State puts all incoming students into a facebook group, and someone asked about laptops and over 200 different kids replied saying that they had either gotten some $1000 windows rig or a macbook pro.

Jadedx said:
Where is the real confirmation of that free 360 with laptop being counted as sales? All i saw was a post from outunderthestars.

DatBreh said:
I highly doubt 300k college students were A. without a computer to begin with and B. spent 700 bucks on a new computer just for a 360.

And yet that's easier for a lot of people to accept than the suggestion that people might just like the 360. We live in strange times, friend.


Trucker Sexologist
outunderthestars said:
Michael Pachter confirmed it.

Why is this confusing people?

That said, it's a hell of a promotion. MS knows that the future of their business is increasingly dependent on a post-pc world. They continue to add more non-gaming services and drive the price down on their system.
That's why.


Junior Member
walking fiend said:
No, that is not the case. Wii currently is ahead of 360 by almost 9 million (Wii being at 37 while 360 at 28, not sure exactly, but something near that).

it's just the difference that matters, 9 million equals 3 million to fill the gap in 3 years, equals to exactly 250K per month. he was refering to the difference.
Ah. I knew I had it wrong. :lol
Reasons Xbox 360 is doing well:

1. Lowest cost HD system
2. Lots of Walmart/Amazon gift card deals
3. Big library of good games
4. Third Party Support
5. White xbox 360 owners ditching their consoles for slim + kinect
6. Kinect
7. Wii uniqueness has worn out.
8. Wii users transitioning to Xbox 360 as their next console
9. Blu-ray is not breaking out like DVD did for PS2 (people are moving to DD for movies)


Pretty pathetic sales for the PS3 to essentially sell only as many units as the Wii that has definitely taken the PS3's old moniker of "the console with no games".


outunderthestars said:
As one who is going to school this fall, you'd be amazed how many kids are getting brands new expensive ass laptops. App State puts all incoming students into a facebook group, and someone asked about laptops and over 200 different kids replied saying that they had either gotten some $1000 windows rig or a macbook pro.

I edited my post, but yeah if it was during the fall sure. But this ran when people were out of school. Didnt you also need a valid college ID with this? You cant get one of those months before school starts.

I would have expected this to have an impact in August.
outunderthestars said:
You're going to give me a tumor.

What part of "overall market" confuses you?

Also, sale of anything shoot up when you give them away.

15 billion app have been downloaded on Apple appstore since it was invented, even if they were all 2$ game, that would amount to a 30 billion revenue. PC software alone was 16 billion last year. What are you at?

potential, yes; current threat, no.

Apple has paid developers over $2.5 billion to date.


360 laptop deal started May 22nd. Should have seen some impact last month. The card deals I say gave it a much bigger jump.
Stumpokapow said:
Select models, all $700+.
well at that price then i can only assume a small percentage came from this deal then. i though it was any laptop. but in hindsight that is a great deal get two quality systems for under a 800 bucks.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
jim-jam bongs said:
And yet that's easier for a lot of people to accept than the suggestion that people might just like the 360. We live in strange times, friend.
A jump of this size without any traceable cause would be somewhat anomalous. NPD numbers tend to follow a pretty steady curve until something disrupts them.

I mean, what else was moving 360s this month that wasn't last month?


jim-jam bongs said:
And yet that's easier for a lot of people to accept than the suggestion that people might just like the 360. We live in strange times, friend.

The free 360 with laptop deal started may 22, if the laptop deal really had that much of an impact the may npd for 360 would have been bigger.
I agree the card deals were great. I picked up a new 360 from the amazon +100 bucks deal, and those deals were all over - amazon, newegg, wal mart, target, etc.
outunderthestars said:
As one who is going to school this fall, you'd be amazed how many kids are getting brands new expensive ass laptops. App State puts all incoming students into a facebook group, and someone asked about laptops and over 200 different kids replied saying that they had either gotten some $1000 windows rig or a macbook pro.


But you needed a student ID which freshman dont get till they start school.


Rimfya said:
MS under no pressure at all to make a new console.


Best to launch your new product while you're hot rather than fading.

I still can see a holiday 2012 release.
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