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NPD November 2011 Sales Results [Update 7: Skyrim, CoD Wii, PC Retail Sales Up 57%]


It puts a huge smile on my face to know that a game like Skyrim can have this sort of market appeal. I look forward to seeing the hardcore Action RPG market experence a revival. I was very unhappy with the direction Bioware was taking that market. It's good to see Bethesda holding it down <3

Skyrim is my game of this generation and I'm happy to see Beth rewarded for it.


Could be wrong, but wasn't the 16 million number for March 2011 until March 2012?
Why would they need to sell 12.93 million between October and March 2012, when by September they were at 6.6. That means they'll need 9.4 million between October and March.

As of September 30, they were at 6.6 million.
Since then, they've hadded 2 million more (just in Japan and the US) and whatever they've sold in the rest of the world.

So, let's put it at 9 million (overall) as of this week. That means they have to sell the remaining 7 million in 4 months.

No, the fiscal year started on April 1st.
Wii already did the damage this gen,it won.

But at what cost. At what... cost.

We'll see what kind of victory it was. It certainly lit the world on fire, but it's also the first console to run out of steam, and it remains to be seen if Nintendo can carry those Wii consumers into the next generation or if they're content to migrate to Microsoft and Sony.


Won what?

It has zero momentum and it's selling at a slower rate than a console that came before it. It blew up, the fad is over.

Considering that from 2006 the sales of the Wii were astronomically high and they finally came down in 2011 to reasonable levels I don't see how you can say that. Microsoft has done a great job of relaunching the Xbox 360 by employing a Wii strategy.


With 10 year old hardware. Respek.

The Wii has had a very interesting life-cycle.

- In 2005, if you told people here that the Wii would become the fastest selling console of all time worldwide, you would have been laughed at.

- In 2008, if you told people here that the Wii would fail to beat the PS2's LTD despite a gigantic lead, you would have been laughed at.


I'm amused by the elephant in the room.

9 million sales and on the whole everyone is "meh, pretty much what we expected". :D

I think its safe to say gaming digiroties of the world are aware of MW3 success in spite of their desires and perspective. I think people want to sell-down the success and move on.


Think it's frustrating to read this now? Wait till next month when the Wii outsells the PS3, and yet it will still be the same Nintendo is doomed... look at dat Sony momentum!.

Not every console has equal expectations. If Blops 2 sold 5M copies next year, it would be fair to say that it was a disastrous outcome, even if it was technically the 4th best first month sales number in gaming history.


It's for the fiscal year.

No, the fiscal year started on April 1st.
Yep, said March (mixed months) but the rest still stands. On every report, they talk about 16 million "in this fiscal year" and that includes the 6.68 million as of September 30, 2011.

16 million
-6.6 million
= 9.4 million

Which is why I was wondering were the 12.9 million came from. Since they haven't talked about selling 16 million on top of the 6.6 million they already did. They've talked about selling 16 million by the end of this fiscal year.

So, in that case it would be like:
16 million
-6.6 million
= 9.4 million
- 2 million (US/Japan October/November/early Decmeber)
= 7.4 million
- Whatever they've sold in Europe, Australia, etc.
= What they need to sell by the end of the fiscal year

So, I was wondering if there was an update in that aspect, as to why not include the 6.6 million in the 16 million estimate (?).

:p ?

Found answer, post 981. ;)
Because the majority of those 1.7 million customers are late-adopters, the same types of consumers who choose to spend their money on bargain bin and pre-owned games.

Microsoft needs to get the core and early adopters excited again and the only way to do that at this stage really, is with brand new hardware*. That said, I still think 2013 is when that will happen.

* Especially with Nintendo releasing Wii U so soon.

I agree.

PS3 - 900K -- To infinity and beyond.
WII - 860k -- The fad is over.

One is improving yoy and one is not .....


Gold Member
Could you imagine what the response would have been a short time ago if you said that the 360 would sell equal to the wii and ps3 combined? Crazy. Can't wait to see what December brings.


Yes, just like the original Xbox did. I agree.

Well you got to imagine that MS will not kill off something this successful as hard. You are talking about a company that has a legacy of supporting things that make them money and grow their user-base far longer than most businesses would consider reasonable. It's arguable that the original Xbox wasn't able to do so and was sacrificed gangland style because of it.
Launch sales don't count for the current fiscal year which started on April first. They shipped 3.07 million in the first two quarters of the current fiscal year.


Wii already did the damage this gen,it won.

Tell that to Nintendo's recent stock performance. I'm wondering if the success of the Wii and their ability to not react correctly to it didn't end up hurting them more in the long run.

I do acknowledge that part of Nintendo's financial woes of late is also tied to the strong Yen but the dramatic drop off in sales and the waining performance of their new platform and software is preventing them from breaking out of the downward spiral the Wii put them into.


Launch sales don't count for the current fiscal year which started on April first. They shipped 3.07 million in the first two quarters of the current fiscal year.
Oh!! that's what I was wondering. :p
I had in my mind that the release of the 3DS was April 2011; so was wondering "why not include those?".


(Editing prior posts, to avoid late quotes :p)
- In 2008, if you told people here that the Wii would fail to beat the PS2's LTD despite a gigantic lead, you would have been laughed at.

In 2007, maybe. In 2008 Nintendo was already blowing their lead with a bad software strategy and some of us were already pointing out the likely consequences of that.


Won the generation, the profit wars, we can continue this all night

Really it won the generation? Doesn't look like it. Sold the most, made the most money? Cool for Nintendo. Does it look like Wii is a gateway drug to 360 and PS3 and not exactly Wii U? Looks like it to me. I don't see much confidence in the Nintendo corner going in next generation.
Well you got to imagine that MS will not kill off something this successful as hard. You are talking about a company that has a legacy of supporting things that make them money and grow their user-base far longer than most businesses would consider reasonable. It's arguable that the original Xbox wasn't able to do so and was sacrificed gangland style because of it.
Blame Intel and Nvidia.
Really it won the generation? Doesn't look like it. Sold the most, made the most money? Cool for Nintendo. Does it look like Wii is a gateway drug to 360 and PS3 and not exactly Wii U? Looks like it to me. I don't see much confidence in the Nintendo corner going in next generation.

Sales equals the winner. Also most wii owners wont transfer to ps3 or 360 since they are old,. When they see the next set of systems they will look at that.
Really it won the generation? Doesn't look like it. Sold the most, made the most money? Cool for Nintendo. Does it look like Wii is a gateway drug to 360 and PS3 and not exactly Wii U? Looks like it to me. I don't see much confidence in the Nintendo corner going in next generation.

Well winning a generation means selling the most consoles+software. Not sure how you're trying to twist it as if we were still in 2006, with the "fad" word and such


I do not think UC3 sales is good. It had almost full month of sales period but only did 700k.

UC2 sold 537k at Oct,half of month sales.
Won what?

It has zero momentum and it's selling at a slower rate than a console that came before it. It blew up, the fad is over.

Yes, it's in decline.

- after a longer life cycle than any of their consoles since the NES
- after making more profit than Microsoft or Sony will make this generation combined.

Calling it a "fad" is a joke. Nintendo's plan was for a 5 year lifecycle for the platform. It's been 5 years exactly now, and it still sold 850k. It's successor is coming out in less than a year.

If there were ever to be a "winner" this generation it would clearly be Nintendo.


In 2007, maybe. In 2008 Nintendo was already blowing their lead with a bad software strategy and some of us were already pointing out the likely consequences of that.

January 2008 then :p

Still crazy how things ended up. Granted, I never actively searched around my city for one, but it was a year before I first saw a Wii on store shelves. I bought mine partly due to the novelty of actually seeing it in stock (also because I wanted Fire Emblem and Mario Galaxy which came out the next month). Now the console battles PS3 for a distant second every month.


I do not think UC3 sales is good. It had almost full month of sales period but only did 700k.

UC2 sold 537k at Oct,half of month sales.
UC2 also was out of the top 20 the following month. Which means that it did way less than 300k, since #10 did around 300k.

In that aspect:
Uncharted 3 - 26 days (1 NPD) > Uncharted 2 - 40 (or so) days (2 NPDs).

Not saying that "OMG big improvement", but still nice.


I do not think UC3 sales is good. It had almost full month of sales period but only did 700k.

UC2 sold 537k at Oct,half of month sales.

Uncharted 2 didn't release right after bf3 and right before mw3, skyrim, assassin's creed, saints row, zelda etc.

09 was a pretty weak year.


Really it won the generation? Doesn't look like it. Sold the most, made the most money? Cool for Nintendo. Does it look like Wii is a gateway drug to 360 and PS3 and not exactly Wii U? Looks like it to me. I don't see much confidence in the Nintendo corner going in next generation.

How do you win a generation, by selling less consoles and bleeding money? It totally reversed Nintendo's decline in the console industry. Looked like they were heading for major decline and instead they rose like a phoenix. Sure they ended the generation in poor form because of their consistent inability to provide proper support to their consoles but they still made a killing no matter what. They have a huge giant warchest as a result and they can keep going even if Wii U fails, even if Wii 3, 4, and 5 fail.


I do not think UC3 sales is good. It had almost full month of sales period but only did 700k.

UC2 sold 537k at Oct,half of month sales.

Posted earlier, but worth repeating:

Haven't we seen enough NPDs to know that twice as long on the market doesn't mean anywhere near twice the sales? Games that get 3 days of sales in an NPD period for their first month MAY get close to their first month sales again in the entirety of their second month. The only exception (for non-casual HD sequels) is if the second month happens to be a December.

Arkham City only had 10-11 days in last month's NPD when it sold ~1.5M. This month, even though it had 28 days plus Black Friday, it didn't even do half of that number.
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