BruceLeeRoy said:
So I never really was worried about this before but how can the Wii not affect the future
of gaming consoles. I am sure Sony and Microsoft are having meetings focused solely
on how the next iteration of consoles can be more mass market and cheaper to produce.
I mean what real reason do either of them have investing in creating another console
with bleeding edge technology. It makes me sad for the potential future but I am probably
blowing this out of proportion.
Just try to look at it this way: Games are going to continue to advance, it will just be at a slower pace.
If all had gone well for Sony and MS, we would have been absolutely blown away next gen, as they would have continued the "arms race"....we will still see these games, but instead of next gen, maybe it will take two or three gens.
For all the doom and gloom, we need to remember that companies aren't going to move backwards...maybe we will see a lot more duck taping in the future, but it's not like companies are going to revert back to N64 days or something.
Also, regardless of the casual dominance, there is still money to be made on us niche, hardcore, irrelevant enthusiast....

4 million copies sold or not, you think that Bethesda isn't making money off of Fallout 3? You think that Halo or Gears don't make money? I'm not sure what these publishers are going to do, but I'd be shocked if they all completely left that money on the table. They know that just as they will never get soccer moms to buy Gears, they will never light a college dorm on fire with Boom Blox either. Rest assured, Microsoft is going to come out with another Xbox, Halo will be apart of that, and it will not be cartoony or family orientated in any way.
What I hope to see next, or maybe what I expect to see, is less core games, but a higher average quality for such games when they come out. I can't see companies wasting resources on games like The Darkness or Fracture next time.
The only thing I'm really, really worried about is that the style of games I like simply won't be doable on consoles because of new control schemes. I'm playing through Fallout 3 now and I can't imagine how this would work as comfortably on the wii-mote as it does on 360 (And yes, I understand that PC games probably feel the same way about 360 controller in comparison to m/kb).