-ImaginaryInsider said:Nintendo's benefit to turn core-gamers into casual gamers.
Don't see this happening...I would rather not play video games than have my only option be a Wii.
-ImaginaryInsider said:Nintendo's benefit to turn core-gamers into casual gamers.
Exactly. You know what you're getting when you buy a Wii, coming into a sales thread and complaining about it's hardcore offering is useless. It's not like Neogaf is the casual gamers hideout. We're all informed of Jade's underwear, let alone a hardcore game coming out for the Wii.Linkup said:If you don't like the games in the library then why would you be a fan, heck even Amirox could come up with 16 games he liked. If you look then I'm sure you can do the same. I'm looking forward to them and we already have confirmation early this year for one. The amount of core titles hitting the wii next year should only worry wii owners in America who may not even get half of them. DQ10 was just announced! That's should make a lot of owners optimistic.
Relix said:I question you though... what do you mean for best games?
High budget awesome hardcore stuff like MGS4 and Gears?
Not defending the Wii though, it's gathering dust (Okami is being cleaning that though), but I wanna hear your points on what "best games" are. Mario Galaxy certainly is much better than most other games out there, and TP was great. Smash was pure fun.
Armada said:
Y2Kev said:The yen is at its strongest since 1995.
skyfinch said:Does anyone know how many Wiis sold during the month of November?
soldat7 said:Sure new owners are playing these games/activities, but aren't old owners a tiny bit concerned? Or is it all roses because sales of the favored console are great.
"What are you playing?" is a legitimate question; I'm getting a Wii in two weeks and plan on playing all the usual suspects. I'm excited for Muramasa and Mad World but you have to admit, the hardcore are not being catered to on the Wii.
So again, lots of folks are happy with the Wii's current line-up, but are you?
I certainly realize that holiday 2008 has been light on Wii releases, but I'm not going to piss and moan about it because I know that 2009 is looking to be better. Punch-Out, S&P2, MadWorld, HotD, MH3, the new Tales, with more to be announced. And NMH2 and Dragon Quest in 2010. It's actually looking like there's more than I'll probably be able to afford to buy, so that's pretty telling... For me, anyway, but since you're asking me, I guess that's more important.soldat7 said:Sure new owners are playing these games/activities, but aren't old owners a tiny bit concerned? Or is it all roses because sales of the favored console are great.
Sure, why not? I expected out of Wii what I've expected of every Nintendo console - primarily used for Nintendo's first-party efforts with the occasional third-party gem.So again, lots of folks are happy with the Wii's current line-up, but are you?
Between XBLA and XNA, lots and lots.Flying_Phoenix said:How many small/medium developers do you see working on the PS3/360?
BishopLamont said:Exactly. You know what you're getting when you buy a Wii, coming into a sales thread and complaining about it's hardcore offering is useless. It's not like Neogaf is the casual gamers hideout. We're all informed of Jade's underwear, let alone a hardcore game coming out for the Wii.
Aaron Strife said:I certainly realize that holiday 2008 has been light on Wii releases, but I'm not going to piss and moan about it because I know that 2009 is looking to be better. Punch-Out, S&P2, MadWorld, HotD, MH3, the new Tales, with more to be announced. And NMH2 and Dragon Quest in 2010. It's actually looking like there's more than I'll probably be able to afford to buy, so that's pretty telling... For me, anyway, but since you're asking me, I guess that's more important.
Sure, why not? I expected out of Wii what I've expected of every Nintendo console - primarily used for Nintendo's first-party efforts with the occasional third-party gem.
skyfinch said:Does anyone know how many Wiis sold during the month of November?
Tabris said:Why would anyone make gifs and happy comments while witnessing the slow death rattle of traditional gaming? Do you want traditional gaming to die? If so, well then good game. You guys are winning.
My hope is still there, there's still time to come back. Tides turn all the time.
Tabris said:Why would anyone make gifs and happy comments while witnessing the slow death rattle of traditional gaming? Do you want traditional gaming to die? If so, well then good game. You guys are winning.
My hope is still there, there's still time to come back. Tides turn all the time.
Well, for some people, traditional gaming, particularly on the consoles, died a long time ago.Tabris said:Why would anyone make gifs and happy comments while witnessing the slow death rattle of traditional gaming? Do you want traditional gaming to die? If so, well then good game. You guys are winning.
My hope is still there, there's still time to come back. Tides turn all the time.
soldat7 said:I have similar concerns for the other consoles as well. MS hasn't shown their cards and I'm not terribly interested in many of the '09 Sony properties; however, I'm much more concerned about Nintendo. I'll probably burn through all of the Wii games I'm interested in in 6 months and I'm simply trying to understand the frothing optimism and gloating over Wii sales when none of the Wii games that charted high in the NPD are even remotely 'hardcore'.
As someone mentioned (you?) why does Nintendo need to do take action to make more money when they're already making plenty? Likewise why does Nintendo need to take action to satiate the hardcore when they're doing just fine and the 'Nintendo hardcore' seem happy?
Just some thoughts.
Tabris said:That's like saying "The economy is going into a recession, no matter what I say it will happen... so I will be happy about it"
Tabris said:Why would anyone make gifs and happy comments while witnessing the slow death rattle of traditional gaming? Do you want traditional gaming to die? If so, well then good game. You guys are winning.
My hope is still there, there's still time to come back. Tides turn all the time.
SovanJedi said:And unlike most Wii fans I went through that entire post without mentioning Super Mario Galaxy. Or Metroid Prime Corruption. Or Twilight Princess.
Oh wait... shit. Sorry.
EDIT: And Geometry Wars Galaxies was a fun hardcore title, especially when attempting to get all the Gold spiky medal things.
Shaheed79 said:Traditional gaming would be alive and well if they put more QUALITY traditional games on the market leading console. They are digging their own graves. I'm just pissed that games like Mirros Edge didn't stand a chance. F*CK!
What can I say? Emotions are ultimately internal things, and ultimately each of us can decide whether we want to be happy, sad, angry, or whatever. Am I happy about the recession? Nope. Do I make a lot of tacky jokes about it and cheer the Dow to make new record drops just for the sake of seeing how much things can burn? Yeah, I do. It's how I deal with things.Tabris said:That's like saying "The economy is going into a recession, no matter what I say it will happen... so I will be happy about it"
Fredescu said:Between XBLA and XNA, lots and lots.
Who said anything about "barely"?HK-47 said:Thats great. Nintendo: Barely meeting Aaron Strife's expectations. Hooray!
1) Wii Fit 2 doesn't even exist, though I'm just splitting hairs on that one.soldat7 said:I just hope that Nintendo is focused on a diverse library that can include WiiFit 2 as well as titles I care about.
-ImaginaryInsider said:Why would Nintendo want to do that?
Casual gamers make Nintendo more money and it take less resources than traditional core games, if anything it would be in Nintendo's benefit to turn core-gamers into casual gamers.
This isn't it either. Publishers are releasing the same amount of holiday titles they always have been it's just that before most of those were being made for the market leader and not the 2 runner ups. Publishers have been releasing games on HD consoles all year long and we still see quality games bomb because the HD market just isn't big enough to support it.soldat7 said:I think traditional gaming is very alive and well. The market is big enough to support both camps, to put it simply. Graves were dug not by excluding the Wii, they were dug by shoving everything out for the holidays.
soldat7 said:I've picked up:
Zelda TP (GC)
Mario Galaxy
Mario Kart
I plan on picking up:
MP, MP2, MP3
Zelda WW
Zelda Collector's (for MM)
GW Galaxies
Zack & Wiki
I will have plenty to play for the here and now. I just hope that Nintendo is focused on a diverse library that can include WiiFit 2 as well as titles I care about.
Shaheed79 said:This isn't it either. Publishers are releasing the same amount of holiday titles they always have been it's just that before most of those were being made for the market leader and not the 2 runner ups. Publishers have been releasing games on HD consoles all year long and we still see quality games bomb because the HD market just isn't big enough to support it.
That is exactly my point. This is the first generation where the publishers don't put the majority of their resources and support behind the MARKET LEADER and it's really starting to show. This isn't just about Mirrors Edge. This about all the games. Really look at that top 20. Most HD games seem to have terrible legs. There are great games that came out last month that are now nowhere to be seen. They get like a blip in the top 10 or 20 then their gone. This is because the userbase is way too strained.JudgeN said:Mirror Edge was released on a 18.5M userbase, which is higher then the Wii's. The problem was it was crowded with a lot of high quality games, there are going to be failures at Christmas time. There always has been, even during the PS2 era there was.
Ow Wow.......:lol :lol_dementia said:
Shaheed79 said:That is exactly my point. This is the first generation where the publishers don't put the majority of their resources and support behind the MARKET LEADER and it's really starting to show. This isn't just about Mirrors Edge. This about all the games. Really look at that top 20. Most HD games seem to have terrible legs. There are great games that came out last month that are now nowhere to be seen. They get like a blip in the top 10 or 20 then their gone. This is because the userbase is way too strained.
Exactly his point.JudgeN said:Mirror Edge was released on a 18.5M userbase, which is higher then the Wii's. The problem was it was crowded with a lot of high quality games, there are going to be failures at Christmas time. There always has been, even during the PS2. Publishers need to be smarter about releasing there games.
:loltitiklabingapat said:Exactly his point.
edit: beaten by 9 minutes! :lol
I think people should stop assuming the 360 and PS3 userbases are mutually exclusive. There's obviously plenty of overlap between the two.JudgeN said:Mirror Edge was released on a 18.5M userbase, which is higher then the Wii's.
Tabris said:Why would anyone make gifs and happy comments while witnessing the slow death rattle of traditional gaming? Do you want traditional gaming to die? If so, well then good game. You guys are winning.
My hope is still there, there's still time to come back. Tides turn all the time.
1) One Gamecube is not enough, you need two to attract the massesGanondorfo said:1)Why couldn't gamecube be this successful?
2)I don't get it, xbox 360 and PS3 have more games than Wii every month released, yet they are getting ass kicked by the wii.
sprocket said:Thwe Wii is just like the DS no one thought it would do anything .. then it sold a bit. and a bit more and bit more. It wasnt until the end of the 2 year that some big name games were announced for the DS. from then on it got a lot of big time support.
The question is. if that time comes for the WIi ar eyou guys going yto sit in the corner and pout or actually play the games?
Armada said:
Accident said:
- Total third party sales for the Xbox 360 since launch is currently 67,929,999 units, followed by the Wii at 33,394,311 units and the PlayStation 3 at 19,976,325 units.
- Third party sales for the Xbox 360 since the launch of the Wii and PS3 is 54,065,728 units, still almost double the Wii's 33,394,311 units.
- If you take the total number of units sold and divide that by the number of titles released since November 2006, the Xbox 360 and the PS3 are selling more units per title on average than the Wii. This puts the Xbox 360 at 217,252 units per title, the PS3 at 156,065 units and the Wii at 132,517 units.
I need to refresh more, sorry!Shaheed79 said::lol
I think the more troubling aspect is that it's getting easier and easier to predict the games that are going to do well. The 360 has been trying it's best to escape its branding as the shooter box but look what sells.Shaheed79 said:What I find amusing is that during the slow months when a quality HD game sold poorly or below expectations the excuse was "what did you expect? These are the slow months." and now that we see quality HD games selling poorly during the big holiday sales period we get "they should have released more games during the slow periods.". I'm not saying timing isn't important but that is not the major problem here. The problem is the stagnation of the HD market. We see 2 or 3 HD games a month do great numbers and the rest will do ok then plummet off the charts. I see this especially bad since HD games cost that much more to develop and the quality ones deserve to sit on the top of the charts for months on end.
The only story these numbers aren't telling is the humongous fucking gap between the quality of 3rd party games on the HD consoles and the Wii. Those games have huge budgets and the best 3rd party talent behind them with great advertising campaigns and the Wii has......what? Those are fantastic 3rd party Wii numbers considering the shit they put on the console.liuelson said:This...
and this...
Edit: Not sure exactly what this tells us...
To be fair it is the shooter, sports and western RPG box with a side order of racing games.Saint Gregory said:I think the more troubling aspect is that it's getting easier and easier to predict the games that are going to do well. The 360 has been trying it's best to escape its branding as the shooter box but look what sells.
Shaheed79 said:That is exactly my point. This is the first generation where the publishers don't put the majority of their resources and support behind the MARKET LEADER and it's really starting to show. This isn't just about Mirrors Edge. This about all the games. Really look at that top 20. Most HD games seem to have terrible legs. There are great games that came out last month that are now nowhere to be seen. They get like a blip in the top 10 or 20 then their gone. This is because the userbase is way too strained.