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NPD Sales Results for April 2007


pgtl_10 said:
IF MS waits too long then Wii will sell on name brand alone. GCN got a price drop to $99 but Nintendo couldn't keep interest in the console after the holiday season 2003.

MS is being too stubborn. They need to see that cutting the price now will HELP them achieve profitability later, not hurt them like Xbox 1 did (because of the old licensing they had on components they could never cut the cost of manufacturing very much).


Totally agree with Bebpo: the PS3 is not going to be saved by a 100$ pricedrop.

and man, the DS totally butchered my predictions (damn you Anihawk for sucking me into your ridiculous prediction numbers). I also high-balled the PS3 by a good margin. I didn't expect so many like-minded individuals stateside.


Broken water pistol loaded with piss
Anybody want to borrow a grand to PS360 up? I'll do anything I can to stop the Wii train.


Junior Member
Phoenix Fang said:
Well the Elite came out at the end of April, not enough time to bring up the numbers plus you have to factor in that they released them in limited numbers. People still can't find Elites in stores.

I understand that, but I doubt people who were not buying the 360 were waiting for the Elite. I doubt there is anyone who was thinking "If only it cost 80 dollars more, had a huge hard drive, HDMI, and was black, I would Jump In." There are those people, but it is the tech freaks and fanboys who are going to go with a product like that, not Joe Shmo who is considering which console to buy. Maybe if it had the new chip in it, and people knew that it was less likely to break down it would have had an effect.

It is supply constrained though, but not to the point that it had much of an effect. It is not like the Wii which you have to work and probably wait to find. It takes 5 calls instead of 20.

It is just too expensive. 400 plus dollars is a shitload to spend on a console. 10 million people have payed that much, but that is probably as many as they are going to get, plus 300K a month worldwide. They could sell double that. If they went with a $250 core with a memory card, and a $320 premium, they would be set for another year.
beermonkey@tehbias said:
How can you tell how the public at large feels about the 360 games (or PS3 games for that matter), when the price of the hardware has scared them away anyway? $400, $500, $600 are not mainstream hardware prices for game systems. There is no 'killer app' or 'system seller' at those prices, as far as your 'public at large' goes.
But xbox fans always say that. Gears, Halo etc right?


fernoca said:
Again, because I don't get why people are saying that Spider-man 3.."bombed"..

Unless I'm missing something...

I'm confused about that too. As far as I knew, SP3 was out may 3. Those could be pre-orders. Do they consider those numbers?


Dragona Akehi said:
360 is 400$, and then they raised the price to 479$ by releasing the Elite.

I think it's pretty clear that consumers want little to do with >400$ consoles.

It sad to think consumers would pay that much for some fanciful phone or mp3 player but not a console that is selling for a loss which has a much wider and longer use.


Deku said:
360s problem is MS may have found its niche a bit too well, a bit like Nintendo's old problem where they have a slate of games that appeal to the same group of people. while the software is highly desired, it doesn't translate well to the truly mass market public at large who may be looking for more variety.

And the Wii is selling because of its variety? The 360 has gotten and is getting plenty of variety.

The Wii is just far more popular. It has nothing to do with the library of games.


Speevy said:
It got a big hard drive out there, so there's some good in it.
Oh for sure, for a certain segment of the population the Elite is by far the best 360 sku and the bigger HDD is out there. Unfortunately it doesn't really make sense for most consumers and has created more backlash than anything else.


thanks for the laugh
..pakbeka.. said:
speaking of price drops.... I'm sure Reggie has his fingers on the big red "price drop to 199,99 US dollars" button, and he'll press it as soon as either the x360 or the ps3 have a 100 bucks price drop

End of the world.


Well with Halo 3 set for September, it's looking like MS will price drop after that to give it a huge boost leading into the holidays. If it price drops a few days before GTA4 is out, but got it's hardcore surge from Halo 3, it is the best case for MS. It would also force Sony to price drop or be completely run over.


Well I already got my ps3 back in december(499$ taxes included with 3year warranty )and I'm pretty happy about the great blu-ray player (ah it's a game console ok I got 2 games on it Oblivion and motorstorm, nothing interest me till the fall and I will probably buy no software on it except PSN games). Bought the 360 at the end of april and I already got 5 games on it. I'm waiting to find a Wii without waking up in the wee hours.

All in all These numbers proves that SONY and Msoft sold all they could at their current pricepoint (sony can maybe milk 200k-300k more, Msoft 500K-750k) The problem is that while Msoft can Increase their buyer base quite big by dropping 100$ Sony will only gain peanuts the only way for them to get some buyer is dropping to maybe 350$max which is impossible so I think Sony is pretty ....ed up.

In my situation I don't really care as I will have the 3 consoles and will buy the few good exclusives of Sony(looking at HS, Ratchet and Drake at this time, FF13 and white knight in the distant future), same for Msoft + probably the best multiplatform versions.

The only gripe I have is the lowest common denominator of the wii which is really not in the same ballpark (graphism, IA, Physics) as the other 2. Some games are fun but I prefer Epic RPG'S and adventure so I don't think the wii will cater to my tastes very much.
MS really needs that Price drop if they want to slow down the Wii, or not even Halo3 will cut it.


Maybe MS really thinks Wii is a different market. Well **** it, i don't know.

I just Think MS is having a bit too much fun kicking the Ps3....and forgetting about the Wii


The sad thing is this thread will be more popular than the awesome Gamer's day one. Certain people (you know who you are :p i.e. 90% of the people in this thread) prefer bad news about Sony than good news.
Jahaya said:
It sad to think consumers would pay that much for some fanciful phone or mp3 player but not a console that is selling for a loss which has a much wider and longer use.
Not in the 360's case :p
Can we get a GAF collective, Pachter, Actual Number comparisons please?

Jahaya said:
It sad to think consumers would pay that much for some fanciful phone or mp3 player but not a console that is selling for a loss which has a much wider and longer use.

But those things have UTILITY, not for "playing games".
Zzoram said:
Well with Halo 3 set for September, it's looking like MS will price drop after that to give it a huge boost leading into the holidays. If it price drops a few days before GTA4 is out, but got it's hardcore surge from Halo 3, it is the best case for MS. It would also force Sony to price drop or be completely run over.
unless someone else moves first they won't price drop before halo 3 or gta 4 have come out. get as many people to buy the system at full price that wants it for either or both of those games before dropping the price.

heck, they may go the route of keeping the price $400 but throwing in halo 3 or gta 4 for a bit before the price drop.

that is, unless sony moves first.


I think having lower 360 sales will be good for consumers in the long run. It shows that you cannot keep the same high price on a console without saturating the market since only hardcore gamers and the wealthy can afford to buy at those prices. Releasing Elite at $480 was anothe colossal mistake by Microsoft. They need to right their ship by cutting $100 across all their SKUs and improving their crappy hardware. It's been more than 17 month since release and consoles are still getting red rings way too regularly. At this point I don't think anyone can question that 360 is the most likely console to break down to date.


What if Nintendo drops the price of the Wii to $149.99??? (if the others drop the price too) :lol

After all, they would still be making some profit.


Thanks for the great graphs Bildi. Very interesting. * thumbs up*

Count Dookkake said:
So how's that 5 million without software coming, Sony?

HA HA HA hubris FTL!
I like the cut of your jib.

**** the naysayers, the three-generation-rule is real.


Not Banned from OT
Jahaya said:
It sad to think consumers would pay that much for some fanciful phone or mp3 player but not a console that is selling for a loss which has a much wider and longer use.

That is because MP3 players and phones have always been expensive. If apple anounced the price of the next gen of IPods was going to double you think it would sell like it is? Sony tried to double the price of a game console in 1 generation and it back fired thank fully.
Still can't get over those numbers for Pokemon... And wow, the GBA...over the PS3 :lol . Can we just completely assume that Nintendo has not only bought Japan, but the rest of North America as well?


Tabris said:
The sad thing is this thread will be more popular than the awesome Gamer's day one. Certain people (you know who you are :p i.e. 90% of the people in this thread) prefer bad news about Sony than good news.

Nintendo's NPD Response (old?):


"Already riding a streak as America's No. 1 seller of video game consoles, No. 1 seller of portable game systems and No. 1 publisher of video games, Nintendo added more chips to its pile in April-with not just one, but the country's four best-selling games.

Nothing is more valuable in the entertainment world than an evergreen franchise. These new Pokemon titles have cemented their place alongside the most enduring intellectual properties of the book, music and movie industries. And that appeal will expand even further with the introduction of Pokemon Battle Revolution to our Wii home console next month."


plagiarize said:
unless someone else moves first they won't price drop before halo 3 or gta 4 have come out. get as many people to buy the system at full price that wants it for either or both of those games before dropping the price.

heck, they may go the route of keeping the price $400 but throwing in halo 3 or gta 4 for a bit before the price drop.

that is, unless sony moves first.

My god, could you imagine the 360's all keeping current price but getting bundled with GTA4 for free for the holidays? Sony would be destroyed.
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