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NPD Sales Results for April 2007


Geezer said:
This gen is going to be so shit. The 360 and PS3, both truly brilliant next-gen consoles got outsold trampled by a ****ing toy.
I feel the time is opportune for my new Reggie gif.

meltpotato said:
:lol in reference to 82k being understandable for a 600$ console but more than twice being unacceptable for a 400$ console.


All I said was that the PS3 deserves the low sales it's getting (because of price and software), the 360 doesn't.
Bebpo said:
I wonder if MS dropped the X360 $100 if it'd be enough to start outselling the Wii on a monthly basis and stay as the #1 console this gen.

well they have certainly shown that they have saturated the current pricepoint


Cosmonaut X said:
July? What titles are due then? Don't recall anything major, unless there have been some notable recent announcements I've missed.

Hot Shots 5 will probably be the biggest seller for the system (and is one of Sony's main mass-audience franchises) and Boku no Natsumi 3 in the same month may boost sales as well since it's a popular franchise.


MS might have made a mistake with the elite. Any chance that people in April were waiting for it and holding off buying a 360? Or is the 360 sales just soft all around?
minus_273 said:
off topic, but i'd be careful using that flag, I'm assuming you dont know that to many asians outside of japan, thats the literal equivalent of a German nazi flag.

on topic:

we see once again that one version of pokemon sells more than the other. How much you want to bet tons of boys didnt want to get the pearl one :)

It's an image I got from Wired magazine =/
MS has the Halo3/GTAIV combo, + Mass effect and Too Human and Lost Odyssey etc, coupled with the Price drop, think MS is gonna be fine. They are hurting now, but beggining September the 360 will really shift gears, i just think MS should drop the price now, and then lead it to the Halo3 launch, but whatever, MS just likes the pain it seems.

Nintendo is owning.

Sony...well the PSP is selling well.


i think i can see the psp outselling the 360 from now on.
and also by the way why is the american market is so different from the japanese market
in japan the gba and the ps2 are almost dead, yet in north america they keep sellin, are people cheap over here?
for the record, the xbox only managed to sell more than 174,000 in April once.

the drop for the ps3 and the 360 match up with previous drops from march to april over the last five or six years also.

it isn't unexpected and it isn't showing a slowing down of interest in the systems.

microsoft aren't going to price drop while they're beating the ps3 by such a large margin... sony are the enemy. Nintendo went from being something not worth bothering to worry about, to something they have no chance of competing with.


psycho_snake's and The Black Brad Pitt's B*TCH
:lol @ PS3 sales.
Where is that Tretton quote about seeing the effect of more supply in April sales? :lol


Bish loves my games!
PSTriple not reachin' triple k sales :-(

Just goes to show there's a big disconnect between the online community and, well, reality.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
GBA wins again! Three months in a row is nuts, 3rd party publishers releasing games on PS3 soon can't be having good thoughts.

PSP sales up 300%! :lol They desperately need to release PSP Lite.


Bebpo said:
Hot Shots 5 will probably be the biggest seller for the system (and is one of Sony's main mass-audience franchises) and Boku no Natsumi 3 in the same month may boost sales as well since it's a popular franchise.
ninja gaiden and folks soul next month should help as well
C4Lukins said:
I cannot believe the Elite did not bring those numbers up.

Well the Elite came out at the end of April, not enough time to bring up the numbers plus you have to factor in that they released them in limited numbers. People still can't find Elites in stores.


KTallguy said:
Wow, that's super gory :lol
Robocop FTW.

FlightOfHeaven said:
So, I wanna ask somethin'.

Ok, so 130k, 127k, 82k = "What do you expect from hardware that costs 600$ and doesn't have much software?"

So, when are you going to say "Oh, shit, this is bad?"

80k? 70k? How about 50k? Something easily divisible by 4? 52k? 13k per week is still above Japan's trend. What about 28k? That'd make it 7k a week, certainly below PS3's new low in Japan. Would it be in trouble then, or is that to be expected?
don't even bother. Denial is strong during the first few months when the catastrophe happens.

Just search for the people saying 'this is to be expected for a 600$/€ console' in old (2005/early 2006) prediction threads. It's so much fun. :lol

Man, these are interesting times.


skinnyrattler said:
Wow, 1.7 million. Pokemon is a terrible fad. 360 will continue to get good SW support but I don't think devs will really be able to ignore Wii in a year. For the next year, I predict 360/PS2 will dominate.

But looking at the SW numbers, many 360 games fell out. Nothing really makes sense. Good show for Paper Mario. I didn't think it would do decent here in the US.

pokemon is hardly a fad. Generally fads dont remain strong for over a decade. Thats like saying final fantasy is a fad.


Sales should be crazy when Super Mario Galaxy comes out. Most likely Nintendo's most important title in quite some time to be honest. If Nintendo can cement to the gamer's/non gamer's mind that 3D Mario can bring the rebirth of SMB3/SMW... then the Wii could do some serious damage in the later months of the year.

I wonder how Brain Age for kids and Pokemon Battle Stadium will do here in the states.

360 does not deserve those low sales though. Why do I have this feeling that even if the platinum dropped to $299 in Christmas it still won't be able to outsell the Wii?

PS3... yeah, if by Christmas 2007 it doesn't do much, then it's basically a 2 horse race in 2008 and beyond.
speaking of price drops.... I'm sure Reggie has his fingers on the big red "price drop to 199,99 US dollars" button, and he'll press it as soon as either the x360 or the ps3 have a 100 bucks price drop
_leech_ said:
All I said was that the PS3 deserves the low sales it's getting (because of price and software), the 360 doesn't.

360 is 400$, and then they raised the price to 479$ by releasing the Elite.

I think it's pretty clear that consumers want little to do with >400$ consoles.
Hopefully this will send a message to Microsoft that the Elite is a RIPOFF at its current price.

Not only that but cmon:
-HDMI spec 1.2 and it can't even do uncompressed PCM past 2 channels? LAME.
-120GB HDD is priced WAY TOO HIGH
-People don't really care for black that much and it looks tacky


Regarding Spider-Man 3
Wasn't Spider-Man 3..released in May??
So the sales are for like 2-3 days...and obviously the 360 and PS2 versions were going to get the biggest sales since both were the ones with most preorders???

Anyone knows??


Bebpo said:
I wonder if MS dropped the X360 $100 if it'd be enough to start outselling the Wii on a monthly basis and stay as the #1 console this gen.

It will come closer. Right now, the Wii has the hype and that carries a lot of weight. M$ would need a price drop and game that sales systems. Thus, thinking price drop in September $299 Premium + Halo 3 will put M$ on top.
speculawyer said:
PSP - 170K/183K (Price drop did only have slight effect.)

Sony is clueless when it comes to the PSP. Price drops and redesigns do nothing to fix the system's core problem, which is obviously the unappealing software. This system is simply coasting off the Playstation name and nothing more. I'll bet the upcoming redesign will have a similarly negligible effect on sales, especially since the PSP's look is actually one of its strengths.
JDSN said:

Is it possible that the Wii is starting to cannibalize 360 sales? It's been declining while the Wii just continues on to chug along. The Wii's already done it's irrepairable damage to the dead Sony console.


Bebpo said:
Hot Shots 5 will probably be the biggest seller for the system (and is one of Sony's main mass-audience franchises) and Boku no Natsumi 3 in the same month may boost sales as well since it's a popular franchise.


Hot Shots Golf 4 for PS2 only sold 260k in its first week... may cause a decent week of PS3 sales in Japan but that's it. They need the real big guns to stop the bleeding.


C4Lukins said:
So I wonder if Microsoft is going to wait it out on that price drop. They could start bringing the thunder right now, or wait for Halo3. I cannot believe the Elite did not bring those numbers up. I figured you would have a ton of current 360 users upgrading, and then some newbies buying it up. When I say ton, I mean about 50,000 current owners and then the premium sales would stay steady. Turn the knife already Microsoft. There does not seem to be a significant enough amount of people willing to spend 400 on a console to keep this up.

And wtf with that God of War drop off? I cannot recall a game taking that big of a hit before.

The PSP price drop was barely worth the effort. Sony if you are going to do a price drop, make it large enough that people actually notice a price drop has occured.

With the PS3, they just need to start stripping shit from it that we do not need. Those three strange memory slots that 1% of your users use, get rid of them. I have no ****ing clue what those are for, and I am semi tech literate, kill them, because I am sure they cost money. Wireless internet, **** that it is inferior anyway, strip it. 4 USB ports, 2 is plenty. They need to reduce costs on that thing fast, and get it down to 400 fast. Plus they need MGS4 and FF13 fast.

The DS and the Wii are an enigma that I will never understand. They are the modern day toy, and as much as I want them to die, they still appeal to a shitload of people and are quite genius. They are the Mummy, the Fast and the Furious, and the Shrek of the gaming world, and it hurts.

Really? Cause I was watching a developer interview for a certain high profile action-"adventure" game and the developer casually states there's not gonna be many puzzles. A couple light puzzles. It's mainly an arcade action game that emulates the look of an action-adventure movie. But actual adventuring? Gameplay? Why. Put em' on a ridgid path with gorgeous graphics and hope nobody notices traditional gameplay is being rapidly eroded. The big budget games are assaulting traditional gamers as much/if not more than Nintendo.
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