Gomu Gomu said:Rhythm Heaven <90 k?
I was hoping it would break the top ten :( I thought Beyonce could have made it happen.
Cruzader said:wtf? 360@$199 and doing this bad?
pizzaguysrevenge said:Is Aerosmith still $10.
I was completely unaware of it being $10 and now I wanna buy it.
AniHawk said:The price drop happened around Gears of War 2's release date.
Mrbob said:Maybe a PS3 price drop won't be as big of an impact as we think.
chubigans said:This is a clear example of why you're wrong. Marketing didn't do this game any favors whatsoever.
:lolA.R.K said:Looks like its time for ....
Kusagari said:Who on Earth expected Killzone 2 to be a Gears of War level hit for PS3?
GameGamer said:Should Sony discontinue the PS2 so people have to go PS3?
Flying_Phoenix said:- DS nearly outsells PSP by literally 10 times (I know about the DSi but still PSP is really low)
I agree there, and I also think FPSs aren't nearly as popular on the PS3 as they are on the 360. I don't think they could have broken records here, but they could have done a lot better.charlequin said:I really think attributing KZ2's soft impact to "marketing" is just punting. The game did very solid numbers for a given random exclusive shooter, but it was never going to catch fire like Gears did because the uniquely receptive conditions (a ravenous early-adopter base desperately looking for a new online title) just aren't present in the same way.
Is Aerosmith only $10 on 360?OldJadedGamer said:I rented it and it wasn't that bad. For $10 bucks you could do worse.
Struct09 said:I was hoping it would break the top ten![]()
The game quality is a great success. Guerrilla isn't to be blamed.Johann said:Killzone 2 was supposed to sells systems and help migrate the 360 shooter userbase into the PS3 but we've seen nothing resembling that. For that much money Sony could have bought a lot of exclusives or funded a hundred PSN games.
GH Metallica and GH Aerosmith were the third and fourth best games for the month when you combine sales of all SKUs and platforms.
Johann said:If I gave someone four years and a huge budget to make a game, they better hit it out of the ballpark and sell a lot of systems.
Killzone 2 was supposed to sells systems and help migrate the 360 shooter userbase into the PS3 but we've seen nothing resembling that. For that much money Sony could have bought a lot of exclusives or funded a hundred PSN games.
OldJadedGamer said:I rented it and it wasn't that bad. For $10 bucks you could do worse.
are you counting godfather? maybe aaa team should do license games for the hypes?charlequin said:So yeah. It is now official: if your game doesn't have a top ten franchise name (or "Nintendo") on the package, you should just pack your fucking office up and get a job selling solar panels or something, because no one is going to buy your game.
GDGF said:I haven't seen a single Excitebot commercial. Are they even advertising it?
I guess going to the local gamestop and asking the manager how much theyve been selling isnt the best way to predict sales?Jon said:EEDAR analyst Jesse Divnich pedicted 154,000 units sold for Rhythm Heaven. He said its sales were "Nothing short of amazing."
...What happened?
It has already been stated that the average price sold on a 360 is $290.Balb said:I'm not buying this logic. It's a well established fact that the best selling SKU for the 360 is the $300 model.
EagleEyes said:It has already been stated that the average price sold on a 360 is $290.
Didn't stop SF4 and RE5 from selling awesomely on the PS3. Cmon man, you're picking at straws here.Maxrpg said:Existing userbase has little money to spend as well, and there have been increasingly cheap titles offered on PSN as of late I hear?
Wollan said:The game quality is a great success. Guerrilla isn't to be blamed.
Lack of heavy marketing is the genuine excuse here.
chubigans said:I agree there, and I also think FPSs aren't nearly as popular on the PS3 as they are on the 360. I don't think they could have broken records here, but they could have done a lot better.
Wollan said:First month.
It got a price drop on the first April NPD day actually, max usage.
DeaconKnowledge said:Quick analysis; I'm willing to bet it will outsell the PS3 for the month.
Yup. TV commercials alone are not enough. They need to do stuff like MS does with Halo and Gears.Wollan said:The game quality is a great success. Guerrilla isn't to be blamed.
Lack of heavy marketing is the genuine excuse here.
Excitebots is a recognized name?w3stfa11 said:With the current Wii install base, good reviews, accessible gameplay and a recognized name, wtf happened that it couldn't muster 91K+ in sales?
w3stfa11 said:With the current Wii install base, good reviews, accessible gameplay and a recognized name, wtf happened that it couldn't muster 91K+ in sales?
Wait, 60? Last I heard was 42 million. >_>ghst said:you really think it's worth $60 million?
SF4 and RE5 are highly popular franchises with a much more dedicated fanbase than Killzone, I believe.chubigans said:Didn't stop SF4 and RE5 from selling awesomely on the PS3. Cmon man, you're picking at straws here.![]()
Haunted said:Wait, 60? Last I heard was 42 million. >_>
iceatcs said:Sony need cut the price much more not $50 will help. I think they may kind in stuck but will see. New SKU or massive price cut only way?
Microsoft, hmm I hope it won't dropping too much because they have already cut the price not long ago. I have no idea they will do it again soon but $199 to $299 didn't do any closer to Wii. So another price cut look like won't work. They need something on those markets. Maybe wait for E3?
Killzone 2 cost more than 21million $.Haunted said:Wait, 60? Last I heard was 42 million. >_>
before 360 got the 199 drop and PS3 dropped to 400, PS3 was selling fine...just sayin.Karma said:When the PS3 gets dropped to $299 some of you should hope it outsells the 360 at that same price. If not there isn`t enough crow in the world.
Don't think they can afford it yet.AniHawk said:MS price cut to $100 arcade and $200 pro. The system's 3.5 years old. At this point last gen, MS was about to unveil the 360.
.Haunted said:Wait, 60? Last I heard was 42 million Euros. >_>