Phire Phox
Any hard numbers for PS4?
Yeah. I mean not having it out for Watch Dogs seems like a gigantic mistake
But why announce it and essentially forfeit a good chunk of sales in May? Why not wait until E3 to announce it? This whole situation has been weird.
It's a failure as a system seller, which is what Microsoft bankrolled the game to do.
And a certain other site said xbox>ps4 lmaoPS4 close to 2:1 again? Domination baby.
Indeed it's possible.
Happy for inFAMOUS:SS.
Any numbers for inFAMOUS or Kinect Sports?
Because Sony isn't sharing them since the end of the PS2 gen, if I remember correctly.Why no PS4 hardware numbers?
Nope.Any hard numbers for PS4?
Yes, it does.
My only guess is that they're trying to give people a fair and honest warning. To avoid the influx of complaints we'd hear of they announced a $400 sku at E3. "I just bought one a month ago you assholes!" This way everyone gets a fair warning. If you want a $400 XB1, it's coming soon.
The 360 was a masterpiece though, I don't think we'll see something like it again for a long time.
It wasn't just the titanfall sku. There was also a $450 sku that included forza. At least on the microsoft store.
It's why I hate how short these lists are (and am kind of glad they ARE lumped together because we could easily get situations where it's like 5 different CoDs and the other titles are also largely repeats, leaving effectively 3 titles on the list.)It's only the best selling when you separate SKUs and ignore all 360/PS3/etc software and just count next-gen.
It's a failure in the fact that it's not pushing the amount of hardware like it was hyped to do.
I even bought a titanfall bundle and have already quit playing.
The price cut and pay wall stuff was originally an E3 announcement.
there are lots, 70k just picked up a 360 in April, 6months after the next generation started.
No, there were sales at $450 but I'm pretty sure the normal price was $500.
The XBO can only rely on so many temporary boosters. To be quite honest, I don't think the $399 Kinect-less SKU will do much at all. Titanfall did very little to stop the PS4's momentum and if the XBO keeps lagging like this, then it's going to track behind the 360 by the end of its first year in the market.
It was nice knowing you, gaming.
These numbers are bad all around. Geeze.
It's why I hate how short these lists are (and am kind of glad they ARE lumped together because we could easily get situations where it's like 5 different CoDs and the other titles are also largely repeats, leaving effectively 3 titles on the list.)
The price cut and pay wall stuff was originally an E3 announcement.
Wait... Isn't 115k really bad? What are PS4 estimates at for April?
That reminds me, wasn't there that pricing mistake on the Microsoft store last month where the promotion code gave $100 off the $499 bundle?
Because I couldn't take a shit this year without seeing a TF ad.Why is it surprising that inFamous : SS outsold Titanfall?
It failed to sell a $499 system much beyond its first month, but quite a few bought into X1 due, in part, to the pre-release anticipation. Once the system is down to $399, we'll see how many it can sell when the price is more competitive with the other next-gen console. So, June should be the month to see if TF has a bigger future with its debut release.
The price cut and pay wall stuff was originally an E3 announcement.
We are looking around 180k+ roughly.Wait... Isn't 115k really bad? What are PS4 estimates at for April?
The industry is becoming an ever more dangerous place. As I suggested in my debate thread about the the problematic times ahead for us gamers and the industry, there were many troubling trends even in January. There is a bit of an illusion due to the hasty start of the generation and how it exploded that this meant everything was OK. But the issue was there were unique qualities to the generational transition that created a one-of-a-kind pent up demand. Additionally, vast improvements in console manufacturing and the proliferation of online pre-ordering made access much simpler, and many took advantage of the opportunity to order earlier.
But it may be soon we realize that the most passionate people already brought in, and the middle road for this industry might just be much lower than we all thought. Which means there will have to be some serious re-evaluation of what makes sense as a business model to develop a game.
Indeed, no way they would intentionally announce those beforehand.
So did they really "run out of time" to not include them? Or was it damage control for April NPD? Maybe even both?
Because I couldn't take a shit this year without seeing a TF ad.
You'd think it would have more legs.
The "run out of time" thing is bullshit. Announcing a price cut literally takes two minutes.So did they really "run out of time" to not include them? Or was it damage control for April NPD? Maybe even both?
For a forum that promotes itself as being as smart as NeoGAF does, I'm surprised to see these "Kill Vita" comments. SCEA killed the platform on February 20th, 2013. Everything they've announced since then had a noticeable lack of money put behind it. SCEA hasn't advertised the platform since 2012. Remote Play and PlayStation Now are there to fill in the gaps caused by their software investment in the platform dwindling to just indie games and shoddily made ports. That's an exit strategy out of the handheld business, but they can't afford to just kill it off officially. If they do that, they stand to sour a userbase likely made out of their most loyal fans. Worse off, if they discontinue Vita they'll piss off a good amount of Japanese publishers as the platform is relevant over there. Given PS4 is currently underselling Wii U, Vita, and PS3 in Japan, Sony really can't afford to do that. So instead you'll see the hardware languish on store shelves until enough time has passed for Sony to pull the plug. Then they'll use their "consolation prize" of Remote Play and PlayStation Now as their mobile strategy.
Indeed, no way they would intentionally announce those beforehand.
But why announce it and essentially forfeit a good chunk of sales in May? Why not wait until E3 to announce it? This whole situation has been weird.
It was also something fielded to me last week as being as such. But then they announced it this week due to poor sales performance, regardless of the PR line.
Yep. Which is why we're really excited to see how our RPG does there.
That's perfectly fair.Lets be real here, it's a failure as an XBO seller not as a game itself, people need to separate the two because the game charting at number one for two months in a row makes people saying it's a failure look insane.
In short I think you are on to something. Things have changed. There is still a market- PS4 proves that- but IMO it has absolutely shrunk since 2005/2006 and the costs of making games that appeal to the market that still exists are only getting larger.
That is trouble.
Their PR spin: "We want to spend the time on games at E3 you guys!" - Because they do not have 22 seconds at E3 to announce the price cut.
The very likely reality: Retailers have put immense pressure on Microsoft to fix this problem, or they will simply order far less stock, hamper their production and effectively stop the XBox One dead in their tracks
The announcement is meant to send the signal to retailers that they are taking drastic measures to fix the problem. And this is their main market. The stores ive spoken to in Europe all say the XB1 sells as much as PS3, a even worse situation.
It will kill them during Watch Dogs month, but the pressure from outside sources must have been immense to have them throw this month under the bus just to save the product.
Why is it surprising that inFamous : SS outsold Titanfall?