I love how NPD has turned into a thread comprising of posters with a month worth of pent up fanboyism going wild the same GIF's every month. But w/e :lol
It does seem like Microsoft took the cake this month though. They got the momentum swinging their way with a price cut. Xbox 360 selling 1.44m units seems more impressive to me then Wii selling a little over 2 mil. Sony relinquished any chances of high sales by not having a price cut. And I'm sure the Wii could've sold more if more was on the shelf. It boggles my mind how to this day Nintendo can't meet the demand of the consumers.
But all this Sony gloom and doom is short sighted. No one expects a PS2-esque performance anymore. That chance flew out the window when the Wii took off. But 700k units with no system seller this holiday is respectable to say the least. It's a shame LBP never found the mass market audience and R2 say what you will wasn't a hit among the hardcore. But MGS4 does show that when good exclusive software does come people gravtitate towards PS3. But this is the only game so far for the PS3 that has done this.
Sony doesn't need to worry about price of the PS3 but worry more about perception. Get the AAA games out, these delays are really killing them. Convince 3rd parties to develop with PS3 as lead sku (which is almost impossible nowadays but go bribe the devs with japanese hookers if they need to

.) And stop doing PSP bundles and give it a real price drop with an 4 GB stick and market it as a PS1 portable then flood the market with downloadable PS1 games. Anything to jump start an otherwise dead PSP software situation. A game like Resistance Retribution that comes around every 8 month does jack shit for the system.
DS seems to have the best eco system though. Huge install base with hardcore, casual, budget titles all having a share of the pie. Still have no idea how DSi would do for the US market at $180. Unless there's strong software support I don't see it usurping the DS lite.
I'll probably upgrade though.