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NPD Sales Results for December 2008


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Leondexter said:
That's one perspective. Another would be: maybe we won't be getting launch hardware at $500-$600 again. If they're smart, they'll launch at $250 and keep their costs in line to reduce to $200 after all of us rabid hardcore launch buyers have ponied up our cash.



FutureZombie said:
Even though there are more Toyotas sold than BMWs, that doesn't mean they stop making BMWs.


everyone take a shot!

perfectchaos007 said:
In a tough economy, consumers are always looking for freebies with their purchase.


Leondexter said:
That's one perspective. Another would be: maybe we won't be getting launch hardware at $500-$600 again. If they're smart, they'll launch at $400 and keep their costs in line to reduce to $300 after all of us rabid hardcore launch buyers have ponied up our cash.

Oh I agree that we'll definitely see lower launch prices as well.


Trucker Sexologist
RSTEIN said:

Honestly, this is the pie chart of the century. All previous pie charts bow down to its greatness. In one simple image, as if communicating its unquestionable superiority wasn`t sufficient, Nintendo went the extra distance to demonstrate that its competitors, combined, are actually meaningless flecks of dust.
I don't really know what this chart is supposed to show. If it was pure revenue in 2007 Blizzard alone would take up a quarter of the chart.
bdizzle said:
I'm surprised no one said MK Wii sold only because of the wheel.
Because even those delusional enough to call Wii Fit an accessory know Mario Kart is a real game.

FutureZombie said:
Even though there are more Toyotas sold than BMWs, that doesn't mean they stop making BMWs.
It ain't an NPD if it doesn't contain car analogies. :lol


SapientWolf said:
I don't really know what this chart is supposed to show. If it was pure revenue in 2007 Blizzard alone would take up a quarter of the chart.

It's growth of revenue yoy, not total 2008. Nintendo makes a lot more cash than Blizzard.


SapientWolf said:
I don't really know what this chart is supposed to show. If it was pure revenue in 2007 Blizzard alone would take up a quarter of the chart.
The total video game market has grown this year from last year. Nintendo is saying that its competitors sold .035 billion dollars more worth of video game stuff in 2008 than in 2007 (I think). And that Nintendo is the one responsible for the actual video game industry growing. (Something like that)


Comics, serious business!


Cheers for the DS sales. Despite my misgivings over that rumored price of DSi, I pretty well hope the system lives another several years and preserves the non-downloadable side of 2D gaming along with it.


Cirekiller said:
I love how NPD has turned into a thread comprising of posters with a month worth of pent up fanboyism going wild the same GIF's every month. But w/e :lol

It does seem like Microsoft took the cake this month though. They got the momentum swinging their way with a price cut. Xbox 360 selling 1.44m units seems more impressive to me then Wii selling a little over 2 mil. Sony relinquished any chances of high sales by not having a price cut. And I'm sure the Wii could've sold more if more was on the shelf. It boggles my mind how to this day Nintendo can't meet the demand of the consumers.

But all this Sony gloom and doom is short sighted. No one expects a PS2-esque performance anymore. That chance flew out the window when the Wii took off. But 700k units with no system seller this holiday is respectable to say the least. It's a shame LBP never found the mass market audience and R2 say what you will wasn't a hit among the hardcore. But MGS4 does show that when good exclusive software does come people gravtitate towards PS3. But this is the only game so far for the PS3 that has done this.

Sony doesn't need to worry about price of the PS3 but worry more about perception. Get the AAA games out, these delays are really killing them. Convince 3rd parties to develop with PS3 as lead sku (which is almost impossible nowadays but go bribe the devs with japanese hookers if they need to :D .) And stop doing PSP bundles and give it a real price drop with an 4 GB stick and market it as a PS1 portable then flood the market with downloadable PS1 games. Anything to jump start an otherwise dead PSP software situation. A game like Resistance Retribution that comes around every 8 month does jack shit for the system.

DS seems to have the best eco system though. Huge install base with hardcore, casual, budget titles all having a share of the pie. Still have no idea how DSi would do for the US market at $180. Unless there's strong software support I don't see it usurping the DS lite.
I'll probably upgrade though.



360 GEARS OF WAR 2 745K*
360 LEFT 4 DEAD 629K

In December, Nintendo titles filled 20 of the top 30 spots on the best-seller list. Six games made for Nintendo systems placed in the top 10, including Wii Music™ for Wii (No. 9), which has now sold 865,000 units following its launch in October 2008

Does anyone else..not see Wii Music at number 9? I only see 5 Nintendo titles in the top 10...


Junior Member
jamesinclair said:
Some people get enjoyment after seeing PS3 due badly after Sonys cocky attitude regarding the price.

I get enjoyment from Harmonix getting slapped in the face every single month, not just by Guitar Hero, but by their lousy ports.

Why am I bitter?

Harmonix made big money on GH1, GH2 and GH80s on PS2. Two of those are PS2 exclusive. Screwing over PS2 owners with their terribly late and gimped ports was a major fuck up, and its nice to see karma money bite them in the ass.

Maybe next time around, theyll get RB Beatles launched on the same day on PS2 and Wii? And perhaps as a version that doesnt suck?

Yes having the game that brought in the largest revenue of any game for the entire year must just be a giant karma stick right up Harmonix's ass. Considering it came out in 2007 for the other systems and was not sold at massive discounts on the PS3 and 360, the Wii sales winning out 2008 is not so surprising. The Wii and PS2 owners sure did snap up those clearance priced Rock Band Special Editions that were probably being sold at a loss by Harmonix . Plus with the awesome support Nintendo has given them in helping them to make DLC a reality for the system, I am sure that they are just dying to give something back. While I do agree that it should launch for all systems in as complete of a form as possible as all games should, lets not pretend like there are not some other factors here that contribute to the delays on certain system. Launching a giant rock kit across multiple platforms simultaneously along with equally featured games on four consoles that vary wildly in features and power is not some simple thing that Harmonix was just to lazy to attempt.


I would bang a hot farmer!
RSTEIN said:
The original image is a lot bigger (1264x1127) than the one posted here and it's much easier to read.


Junior Member
Parl said:
So in the 11-20 spots, 14 are for Wii/DS and 6 are for 360/PS3/PS2/PSP.

Edit: PC data not recorded.


I think we need a new goal post.

- First it was that Wii software didn't sell, now it drawfs 360's.
- Then it was third party software, which is now in front too.
I wouldn't get too excited, yet. Wii outsold 360 in software sales last December and they are only now just getting around to besting 360 in 3rd party sales. I expect now to be a turning point with quite a few 3rd party announcements but I'm can expect 360 to do well in the 3rd party department early in the year. Probably in the 2nd half, the userbase difference will be too massive.


CrazzyMan said:
Yet, some developers moving to a ps3 as main platform for creating PS360 games.

That's another bit of news that was taken too far. Very few developers are actually doing this. Most have no plans to change what has worked for them up until this point.


RSTEIN said:

Honestly, this is the pie chart of the century. All previous pie charts bow down to its greatness. In one simple image, as if communicating its unquestionable superiority wasn`t sufficient, Nintendo went the extra distance to demonstrate that its competitors, combined, are actually meaningless flecks of dust.

Misleading chart.

Any other companies with revenue growth are swallowed by companies with losses. Nintendo is dominant either way, but the chart seems to suggest that no other company has had significant revenue growth this year, which I doubt is the case.
SapientWolf said:
I don't really know what this chart is supposed to show. If it was pure revenue in 2007 Blizzard alone would take up a quarter of the chart.
It's meant to show revenue growth YoY, but it's actually rather misleading because it's comparing apples and oranges. It's still a top class bit of spin though.

Revenue doesn't rise or fall for the rest of the industry uniformly. Most likely what has happened is that whatever revenue growth was experienced by some companies was offset by revenue shortfalls by the others. When you add the revenue growth and shortfalls of the industry up (without taking into account Nintendo), you get a net of +$35 million. Of course, this number could just as easily be $500 billion shortfall + $500.035 billion growth as it could be $0 shortfall + $35 million. It's a meaningless figure that only states that the total amount of money being spent on non-Nintendo video game products grew by $35 million this year.

They then compared this against Nintendo's own $3.31 billion revenue growth, which dwarfed this figure and put it into a pie chart as though they were part of a meaningful whole (which they aren't). As it is, the representation is broken. For example, had non-Nintendo industry revenues shrunk YoY, it would have been impossible to put them both into a pie chart.

A better (but only slightly less meaningless) way to represent the data would have been as a bar graph with one representing non-Nintendo industry growth in dollars and the other representing Nintendo's growth in dollars, but that wouldn't have been nearly as funny, nor screamed domination as loudly as Pac-Man with an almost closed mouth.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
It's meant to show revenue growth YoY, but it's actually rather misleading because it's comparing apples and oranges. It's still a top class bit of spin though.

Revenue doesn't rise or fall for the rest of the industry uniformly. Most likely what has happened is that whatever revenue growth was experienced by some companies was offset by revenue shortfalls by the others. When you add the revenue growth and shortfalls of the industry up (without taking into account Nintendo), you get a net of +$35 million. Of course, this number could just as easily be $500 billion shortfall + $500.035 billion growth as it could be $0 shortfall + $35 million. It's a meaningless figure that only states that the total amount of money being spent on non-Nintendo video game products grew by $35 million this year.

They then compared this against Nintendo's own $3.31 billion revenue growth, which dwarfed this figure and put it into a pie chart as though they were part of a meaningful whole (which they aren't). As it is, the representation is broken. For example, had non-Nintendo industry revenues shrunk YoY, it would have been impossible to put them both into a pie chart.

A better (but only slightly less meaningless) way to represent the data would have been as a bar graph with one representing non-Nintendo industry growth in dollars and the other representing Nintendo's growth in dollars, but that wouldn't have been nearly as funny, nor screamed domination as loudly as Pac-Man with an almost closed mouth.
This is all true... However, it must be said that even if you made a chart of only the companies that grew in 2008 I would expect Nintendo to have a very large slice of the pie.

All of this is console and US only, of course.

EDIT: Nintendo is also trying to make the point that if they had mysteriously vanished on January 1, 2008 the industry would have stagnated last year, everything else being the same. But everything wouldn't be the same, since everyone else wouldn't have to compete with them. But everyone else says they AREN'T competing with them, so... whatever.
viciouskillersquirrel said:
It's meant to show revenue growth YoY, but it's actually rather misleading because it's comparing apples and oranges. It's still a top class bit of spin though.

Revenue doesn't rise or fall for the rest of the industry uniformly. Most likely what has happened is that whatever revenue growth was experienced by some companies was offset by revenue shortfalls by the others. When you add the revenue growth and shortfalls of the industry up (without taking into account Nintendo), you get a net of +$35 million. Of course, this number could just as easily be $500 billion shortfall + $500.035 billion growth as it could be $0 shortfall + $35 million. It's a meaningless figure that only states that the total amount of money being spent on non-Nintendo video game products grew by $35 million this year.

They then compared this against Nintendo's own $3.31 billion revenue growth, which dwarfed this figure and put it into a pie chart as though they were part of a meaningful whole (which they aren't). As it is, the representation is broken. For example, had non-Nintendo industry revenues shrunk YoY, it would have been impossible to put them both into a pie chart.

A better (but only slightly less meaningless) way to represent the data would have been as a bar graph with one representing non-Nintendo industry growth in dollars and the other representing Nintendo's growth in dollars, but that wouldn't have been nearly as funny, nor screamed domination as loudly as Pac-Man with an almost closed mouth.

Listen to this squirrel!

But seriously this is dead on.


Junior Member
Evlar said:
This is all true... However, it must be said that even if you made a chart of only the companies that grew in 2008 I would expect Nintendo to have a very large slice of the pie.

All of this is console and US only, of course.

Which makes it even more needlessly deceptive.
manueldelalas said:
Something in the OP is bothering me:

MGS4 didn't chart in the top ten best selling games for the year.

So we could say that MGS4 sold 1.5M in NA (aprox.).
Japanese sales of the game were 600k.
This are numbers we know, so 2.1M for Japan + NA.

Because I'm a nice guy, and I don't really know about the European sales except it sold 1 million on the first week, I'm going to say the game got 1.6M in Europe.

Adding all, I get 3.7M units.

But a Konami financial report says they sold more than 4 million until September 2008 (probably sold to retailers, not consumers), how is this possible?

I said a long time ago in another thread that MGS4 was below 4 million, and that it sold similar to MGS3, but I got nearly killed by people saying that it sold more than 4 millions for sure; why is people so sure of this? magical european sales? Konami's report?

Bundles. I would bet that Sony ate the cost of the game for the bundle, konami gets to count it as a sale internally but those copies aren't counted as retail sales seperate from hardware.


God damn. I would have never expected Mario Kart Wii to outsell Mario Kart DS. It honestly doesn't make sense considering how many DSes there are.

Eteric Rice

So how far off is the Wii from overtaking both HD consoles in the US now?

I think it overtook both worldwide a while back, didn't it?
Evlar said:
This is all true... However, it must be said that even if you made a chart of only the companies that grew in 2008 I would expect Nintendo to have a very large slice of the pie.

All of this is console and US only, of course.
That graph would still be nigh-on useless regardless of what it looked like, however.

Ideally, they'd give us a bar graph comparing revenue growth and contraction for each of the major publishers and a number at the end stating total revenue growth. Of course, we'd notice that both the Nintendo growth and aggregate Industry growth numbers would be very similar, but then it'd be obvious that it's just a coincidence.

Adumaha said:
:lol I love the :awesome smiley in the corner.


AniHawk said:
God damn. I would have never expected Mario Kart Wii to outsell Mario Kart DS. It honestly doesn't make sense considering how many DSes there are.
This strategy of understocking Mario Kart DS is really starting to piss me off. Damn you, Nintendo!
viciouskillersquirrel said:
That graph would still be nigh-on useless regardless of what it looked like, however.

Ideally, they'd give us a bar graph comparing revenue growth and contraction for each of the major publishers and a number at the end stating total revenue growth. Of course, we'd notice that both the Nintendo growth and aggregate Industry growth numbers would be very similar, but then it'd be obvious that it's just a coincidence.
It ties back into what Anita said in the NPD analysis: How can the industry be performing so well as a whole while so many companies are going bankrupt or shedding staff? Because the riches aren't evenly distributed. Nintendo is just pointing out that the uneven distribution is very much in their favor right now.


Eteric Rice said:
So how far off is the Wii from overtaking both HD consoles in the US now?

I think it overtook both worldwide a while back, didn't it?

I think it might've overtaken them worldwide sometime last month. As far as the States go, it'll be a while, considering the US is the 360's best market.


Junior Member
TheGreatDave said:
The Beatles game will be outsold by GH:5 for sure.
A Beatles game with primary Wii marketing is CAN'T LOSE. I can think of 5 Beatles songs that would go perfectly to Wii marketing. It actually has the potential to bring in even more of the casual gamers and be a possible evergreen title, well, except for them releasing a new one each year. It's something they should put some real backing behind and try to capture everybody's attention with.
Sony has been pretty lucky thus far in that it hasn't completely lost a title to MS. Since publishers see 360/PS3/PC as one platform, it wouldn't be farfetched to say that it's not 360 vs PS3 vs Wii but rather HD consoles vs Wii.
BigBlackGamer said:
There bread and butter is still on the 360/PS3. every single week they get a constant flow of money coming in from DLC. HMX is probably the most successful company this gen in regards to DLC.

I bet most of those GHWT sales on Wii are 1 and done purchasers. RB2 and GHWT on 360/PS3 are getting people to spend 5-10$ and in some cases with full albums up to 20$ on there platform EVERY WEEK.

Your getting people to buy your game and then commit a small portion of money every week until they are done releasing DLC.

From recent reports a huge percentage of online DLC purchasers are on 360/PS3.

1) RB2 on Wii supports DLC, as does GHWT. Unlike Activision, Harmonix launched 3 days before Christmas.
2) Even with downloadable content.....Harmonix has dropped the ball. Only a small portion of the songs can be downloaded onto the wii. It doesnt make sense
3) Only 50% of Xbox360 users are connected to the internet, and the 360 is supposed to be the most online integrated platform. Most gamers cannoy or do not want to purchase DLC.

Harmonix is ignoring a massive user base (two actually) and only they know why. Activision proved that you could provide the full band experience, with DLC, with creatable characters, with multiple stages on Wii (and PS2). Obviously, technical limitations is not an excuse.

This industry is still based on retail software, and the enormous Wii numbers show how much theyre missing. A few pages ago, it was posted that RB1 for Wii outsold every single other version of RB1 and 2 in 2008. Harmonix COULD have had DLC available, they chose not to.

Harmonix COULD have sold 800k+ copies on the Wii, and another 400k+ on the PS2 in December, like Activision did. Instead, they barely managed 150k.

Thats 35 million missed out on, not including a single instrument.

How much money does DLC make again?
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