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NPD Sales Results for December 2008

HylianTom said:
Wha..? No uber-cool, devastating pie chart? With all of the processing power they have, surely they could've rendered something snazzy for us.. :D
...and LBP sack boy could deliver us with the news!

I'm sure that was the original plan before they found out LBP didn't even chart


Relaxed Muscle said:
...you were the first commenting about how awesome PS3 sales will be when the price drop hits! So I don't know where are you getting with that comment.

Sorry, didn't mean for my comment to be read into as much as it apparently is. I was just stating how impressive it is that over 700K PS3's were sold when it's still a minimum of $400 to dive into--I personally never thought SONY would sell that many units at such a high price.

I guess that, to appease the people who seem to think I'm a hater, I should add: it's freekin' amazing how many 360's sold in December! After seeing this console sales' numbers, it's difficult to believe we're in a recession.


From IGN

Consumers Prefer Gimped Rock Band

January 15, 2009 - The Wii and PlayStation 2 versions of Rock Band (released in June 2008 and December 2007, respectively) were mere shadows of their former Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 selves. Most of the key features had been gutted, there was no online play or downloadable content, no character creation, and they weren't too easy on the eyes. The masses didn't seem to mind, though, as the Wii and PS2 versions of the original game outsold both Rock Band and Rock Band 2 on the other systems last year.

According to data from the NPD group, the Wii version of Rock Band was the franchise's best-selling SKU last year with over a million units sold. The PlayStation 2 version was right behind it. Rock Band Wii and PS2 were the 29th and 31st best-selling games of the year, respectively.

The original Xbox 360 Rock Band came in at just under 800,000 units. Rock Band 2 on 360, available since September, sold just under 600,000 units.

The NPD data isn't clear which SKUs are Special Editions and which are the game only. Rock Band 2 on Wii was released right at the tail end of the year and moved just over 150,000 units.


BenjaminBirdie said:
I don't get it. If the PS3 is selling half as much at twice the price, that means that 360 is selling double the amount at half the price. So, when the PS3 is at $300 selling 1 million in December, the 360 (Arcade) will be at $150 selling 2. In what reality can the PS3 ever catch up? If/when it ever gets to the 360 price, the install base will be too disparate.

there IS NO catching up. not ever in the lifespan of the ps3. people should learn to accept and move on like i have. ;_;


Mama Robotnik said:
Where is the damage control? I cant really see any big spins or anything in that Sony quote with the numbers :\

EDIT: After reading that Sony quote again, do you mean the "Power of the PlayStation Portfolio" sentence?


Gaborn said:
You probably have a long while before the PS3 gets to that point. And even if it DOES start doing better at that price point compared to what the 360 is doing right now... what will that prove? and will it mean anything if the 360 is another $50-$100 cheaper still? Put it this way, in the interim you're going to have months and months of sales before the FIRST price cut, all of which Sony should be behind. Then a bump for at least one, possibly a few more months following the price cut (and for major releases of course).... but basically holding static or losing more ground to the 360. You're also right about the PS3 still getting great games but again... not relevant in a SALES discussion unless we're arguing about the potential effect of those (mostly multiplat) games.
So, you`re saying, that after some time sales won`t matter.
So untill when sales matter and when doesn`t?

Then WHAT the whole point of this?

There is a Wii, which make a profit and make great sales, but it still lack of those high rated 3rd party PS360 titles.

There is x360, which still FAIL in Japan, sell good in NA(and lately in Europe).

There is PS3, which is still expensive, which doing so-so in Japan, good in Europe and not so good in NA. There is a gap between PS3 and x360 like 7-8 mln. after 3 years of x360 sales(that gap pretty much unchanged). Yet, some developers moving to a ps3 as main platform for creating PS360 games.

BUT why does it matter, will PS3 regain 1st or stable(100 mln.) 2nd place?
It`s not like there won`t be PSP2 or PS4? Sony has most/biggest 1st/2nd party developers support, so going the way of Sega is VERY unlikely.


TheListener said:
secret PS3 game

Crazy numbers in general. It really bothers me that the top selling games were all Nintendo shovelware (yeah I said it!) or rehashes and the top 3 were packed with peripherals!!

Strange that the DS sold 3 mil and not one DS game in the top 10. What are people playing on it? Or is the love spread around to all that Babyz and shit?

Probably a combination of:

a) There were a few DS hardware bundles, so I'm guessing people decided they didn't need to buy an extra game.
b) The software sales were spread across several games.


Basileus777 said:
The two best selling PSP titles combined for 1.3 mil? Wow, that's bad.

The PSP's high hardware sales combined with the low software sales are really sad. The amount of pirating on the PSP is wild.


TheListener said:
Strange that the DS sold 3 mil and not one DS game in the top 10. What are people playing on it? Or is the love spread around to all that Babyz and shit?

Great observation. Or perhaps the DS userbase is so diverse that not one single piece of software is vastly outselling the other?

Either way, I'm glad to see the DS doing so well, 'cause that means more good games for us!
* Top-selling games for PS3 in 2008 included Grand Theft Auto IV, Call of Duty: World at War and the exclusive Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

Wait... Metal Gear Solid 4 is a PS3 exclusive?????????? They really should state this more often, people may forget.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
3rd parties really had a great opportunity on both Wii and DS this holiday but other than Activision with Guitar Hero no one else really took advantage of it.


I was going to check GAF about three and a half hours ago, but then got hit with the 500 errors. So I said fuck it, Imma go play some MGS3. :lol

The 2x November sales works for the most part, though in most cases sales were slightly lower than that. The Wii numbers are unsurprising. If there were 4 million Wiis to be sold, it would have hit that number, but since there are no hidden Wii stockpiles, hitting about the same numbers as last month is to be expected.
AwRy108 said:
I was just stating how impressive it is that over 700K PS3's were sold when it's still a minimum of $400 to dive into--I personally never thought SONY would sell that many units at such a high price.

Somehow I don't think Sony execs share this level of enthusiasm.


* Top-selling games for PS3 in 2008 included Grand Theft Auto IV, Call of Duty: World at War and the exclusive Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.
I love how Sony keep touting the MGS4 exclusive line every chance they get. Truly awesome.

I would dearly love the total for MGS4 sales in the US at the end of 08 though.


Lightning said:
I love how Sony keep touting the MGS4 exclusive line every chance they get. Truly awesome.

I would dearly love the total for MGS4 sales in the US at the end of 08 though.

MGS4 year end total would be nice.


schuelma said:
3rd parties really had a great opportunity on both Wii and DS this holiday but other than Activision with Guitar Hero no one else really took advantage of it.
Capturing 20 of the top 30 top software doesn't really imply that though.
schuelma said:
3rd parties really had a great opportunity on both Wii and DS this holiday but other than Activision with Guitar Hero no one else really took advantage of it.

Yeah, just look at the releases in the past 2 months....
DevelopmentArrested said:
Somehow I don't think Sony execs share this level of enthusiasm.

In a tough economy, people need to use different methods to apply for a job. Sucking Sony dick on a message board just might get you that PR position you've always wanted :)


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Arde5643 said:
Capturing 20 of the top 30 top software doesn't really imply that though.

How many of those game were Nintendo though? The majority I bet.
OldJadedGamer said:
Wait... Metal Gear Solid 4 is a PS3 exclusive?????????? They really should state this more often, people may forget.

lol you know the PR bullshit is for investors who probably will never play a video game their entire life. They wouldn't know who or what a "metal gear" is to save their life. That's why they have so much statistics, percentages and bullshit claims in there.

schuelma said:
How many of those game were Nintendo though? The majority I bet.

Is that supposed to be a slight against Nintendo? Outside of GH/RB franchise, I think Capcom has been the only pub to even attempt to release decent games on the system. It's the console with the highest software and hardware sales and most 3rd party publishers and devs refuse to release anything for, so Nintendo is just sitting back and collecting money hand over fist on the high quality software it releases for the system. Imagine if Sony/MS had Wii's level of 3rd party support. There would barely be any games in the top 50.


TheListener said:
secret PS3 game

Crazy numbers in general. It really bothers me that the top selling games were all Nintendo shovelware (yeah I said it!) or rehashes and the top 3 were packed with peripherals!!

Strange that the DS sold 3 mil and not one DS game in the top 10. What are people playing on it? Or is the love spread around to all that Babyz and shit?
Did you intentionally miss Mario Kart DS at #8?
lowlylowlycook said:
They don't want you to get depressed and start smoking again. They're looking out for your health.

I appreciate their concern, but if they would just post a KZ2 gif in the press release that would make the depression go away....


TheListener said:
secret PS3 game

Crazy numbers in general. It really bothers me that the top selling games were all Nintendo shovelware (yeah I said it!) or rehashes and the top 3 were packed with peripherals!!

Strange that the DS sold 3 mil and not one DS game in the top 10. What are people playing on it? Or is the love spread around to all that Babyz and shit?

Mario Kart DS says hai.
So NPD is no longer giving us LTD data (where's 360 Rockband #s for 07?), and just flat out omitting games from their analysis (Gears 2 in the 360 top 10).



perfectchaos007 said:
In a tough economy, people need to use different methods to apply for a job. Sucking Sony dick on a message board just might get you that PR position you've always wanted :)


TJ Spyke

Grimm Fandango said:
I did a triple take on it.

3 year old game returning to a top spot is fucking nuts.

A nearly 2 year old game (nevermind WHY it sold) was the #1 game for the month. Wii Play came out back in February 2007 and has never left the top 10. Nintendo games usually have strong legs.


Mrbob said:
I really wish NPD would move Wii Play and Wii Fit to hardware sales.

Both Wii Play and Wii Fit are games. o_O That's like saying you want the Wiimote and Balance Board (whenever it starts getting sold separately) to be listed as software. NPD even corrected Link's Crossbow Training by moving it to software from the accessory chart.

Mrbob said:
With only 10 numbers total, it is a waste of space having these two in the software list month after month when they aren't purchased as software endeavors.

Wii Fit is purchased for the balance board? Is it all the crazed Shaun White fans buying the board and tossing the game inside it away now?


perfectchaos007 said:
In a tough economy, people need to use different methods to apply for a job. Sucking Sony dick on a message board just might get you that PR position you've always wanted :)

Wow, now THAT is some quality contribution. Well done, sir.


Mrbob said:
It still a hardware purchase akin to the Wii hardware. Wii Hardware sells because of Wii Sports...which is an included software package. It is the same thing with Wii Fit. Outside of Wii Fit, the balance board doesn't matter. It shouldn't be considered a software purchase.

Do you consider Wii hardware as a software purchase as well? People are buying it in droves for Wii Sports.

This is completely bizarre. Wii Fit buyers are buying it just to have the Balance Board and use it on nothing. Thats like GH WT buyers buying it just to play air guitar on the plastic guitar and not the game. :lol What a strange spin.

TheGreatDave said:
The Beatles game will be outsold by GH:5 for sure.

GH Metallica will outsel the beatles game :/

Anyways. Great for L4D. Love that game

Amazing numbers for DS, Great Numbers for Wii, Good Numbers for X360 and Bad Numbers for Ps3.

Hoping to get some Prince of Persia numbers myself


1cesc said:
Gears 2 sales LTD: 4 million
Gears 1 sales LTD: 5 million

Just to clear things up.
Stoney Mason said:
People really need to stop this line of Gears 2 is teh flop.



He stated that Gears 2 saw an unexpected plunge in December. Seeing as how the company that made the game is called Epic, I thought it funny to label such a plunge an "epic" plunge. I was not trying to make a broader statement on its sales strength vs. the original Gears.
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