Junior Member
When will we get Sony numbers got dayum??
EDIT: NBA2K14 needs to stop selling. Trash game.
Who is not accepting it? Not one person is disputing it. But any reasonable discussion must include the fact that this month's sales are likely not indicative of the future.
And did I say it is good news? I said "breathes".
Sony needs to divert supply to the US before demand wanes. Strike that iron while it's hot.
I agree. This is December numbers and MS is responding to December numbers, but there are so many here flying the flag of the other console talking Liftetime sales. MS got a lot of crap for the PR statements last time, so this time, they are speaking about December and get crap for it as well.
I mean, the number of people that said the PS4 would outsell the Xbox One in December seem really bitter ight now. Why can't everyone just accept that the PS4 was outsold for the month and only for the one month? It is too much to accept for some of you?
I have both consoles, I like both consoles and I am glad they are selling a ton of hardware and this can only be good for our hobby overall. The hatred some of you have makes it feel like you have a vested, personal interest in who outsells who. It is just gaming guys/gals. When 2 of the top companies are selling like they are selling, you need to know that is a GOOD thing for the industry.
3DS top system of year
When will we get Sony numbers got dayum??
As long as something sells 10k or whatever, you can point to that as breathing and no reason to panic. If the Doctor comes in and says "It appears your console has contracted Dreamcast disease", everyones gonna gasp aloud and start crying.
How Ghosts managed to get top spot is beyond me.
Which one? There's so much spinning in this thread it's making me dizzy.
If Sony allocated the same amount of PS4 stock that MS did with XB1...well I'm sure you know.As someone in retail in NA, if Sony could have met demand? Ohhhh boy...
did you miss that meltdown
If Sony wasn't selling in over 53 countries and just limited themselves to the amount MS has how do you think those numbers would be looking at the moment? And we'll see how well MS does next month without the crutch of the holiday rush.
On a slightly related note, Nintendo's The Pitch contest found no winners.
I doubt it will happen next yeargood for the 3ds but i doubt it will happen again this year
If Sony wasn't selling in over 53 countries and just limited themselves to the amount MS has how do you think those numbers would be looking at the moment? And we'll see how well MS does next month without the crutch of the holiday rush.
Yeah it doesn't matter that much. I just like to talk about numbers =). Q1 is going to tell us much more.Mort said the number was closer to 2.8 million than 3 million, but in the end it doesn't really matter that much. We are only talking about a 200K difference. For me the biggest guide will be the next fiscal year forecasts from both Sony and MS.
As long as something sells 10k or whatever, you can point to that as breathing and no reason to panic. If the Doctor comes in and says "It appears your console has contracted Dreamcast disease", everyones gonna gasp aloud and start crying.
On a slightly related note, Nintendo's The Pitch contest found no winners.
Is this for real?We need to enter this:
On a slightly related note, Nintendo's The Pitch contest found no winners.
"Nintendo 3DS, the best selling system of all of 2013--not just December"
It's not like there's no demand in other countries though. US is not the only market.Sony needs to divert supply to the US before demand wanes. Strike that iron while it's hot.
We need to enter this:
We need to enter this:
Guess I did? Maybe I should've said "not one reasonable person".
@jimreilly: NPD: "Xbox One led consoles sales in Dec, while PS4’s two-month total makes it the best selling console during the two-month launch window."
Why are people cheerleading for corporations.
Is this for real?
I fully expect Xbox One to win in January as well. Stock problems have been reported to this very day and with the Japan launch in February....its not looking good for Sony. The only think that can have Sony win these next few months is if Xbox One demand fall off a cliff.A little surprised with the Xbone lead that month.
Unfortunate for Sony PR but thats about it. Thought they would have moved heaven and earth to get 1m in the US in December.
Will be fun to see what happens in Jan now that the supply is kind of there but the Christmas rush isnt. For both systems.
Guess I did? Maybe I should've said "not one reasonable person".
People with franchise loyalty have to get burned on a game before they stop buying the next one.
I bought Ghosts, regretfully, but I won't be purchasing this year's version. I didn't like MW3, either, so Sledgehammer making this year's doesn't inspire confidence, anyway.
3DS won against Vita, Wii U and 8 year old consoles.
Oh my word...
So what's the stitch on the Wii U? I'm assuming it tanked horribly?