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NPD Sales Results for December 2015 [Up1: Super Mario Maker]

Those Tearaway numbers...

Poor game couldn't catch a break either time.

I bought mine digitally. So if I correlate that into the real world, add 9 imaginary friends, carry the 2... that means 90% of Tearaway's sales were digital and therefore beat Gears of War.

Did I do that right? Can someone check the maths?


I bought mine digitally. So if I correlate that into the real world, add 9 imaginary friends, carry the 2... that means 90% of Tearaway's sales were digital and therefore beat Gears of War.

Did I do that right? Can someone check the maths?

Almost. Demand numbers that show anything contrary. And if/when someone provides evidence of the contrary, discredit and dismiss that source.


I bought mine digitally. So if I correlate that into the real world, add 9 imaginary friends, carry the 2... that means 90% of Tearaway's sales were digital and therefore beat Gears of War.

Did I do that right? Can someone check the maths?
Depends...how fares your Passage of Voice?


I think Sony should buy the red steel IP and give it to RAD.

No, no, no. Ready At Dawn need to team up with Supermassive and make the sequel to Until Dawn. Using the engine from The Order, and the writing and game design by Supermassive. As long as RAD are kept away from any gamey parts, it would be sweet.
I'm officially retiring this graph, as the year comes to a close. Year Three complete. This started out as a WiiU vs. past Nintendo consoles but as the WiiU fades it's better to focus on the big guns in the console war from now on. So going forward I'd like to focus on Year Three [again heh] instead of going on to Year Four.

Lining up that SW takes forever/ I'm done with it.

RIP in peace Wii U

you had a go--

you had a run, for what that's worth

OK someone drop them Devil's Third numbers on us pls

Itagaki laust
Could this possibly be the last mainline FF and/or KH on Xbox?

Very likely for KH. KHIII will be the very first KH to be on an Xbox platform, but it is selling so poorly on Amazon despite the "20% preorders for Prime members" deal. In contrast, the series has had a history with Playstation (e.g. PS2, PSP, PS3) and Nintendo platforms (GBA, DS, 3DS).

FF is hard to say, though the XB1 FFXV preorders on Amazon and Abdiel's assessments are definitely not helping. If the split is worse than 80% PS4: 20% XB1, then Square will think twice.
Very likely for KH. KHIII will be the very first KH to be on an Xbox platform, but it is selling so poorly on Amazon despite the "20% preorders for Prime members" deal. In contrast, the series has had a history with Playstation (e.g. PS2, PSP, PS3) and Nintendo platforms (GBA, DS, 3DS).

FF is hard to say, though the XB1 FFXV preorders on Amazon and Abdiel's assessments are definitely not helping. If the split is worse than 80% PS4: 20% XB1, then Square will think twice.

Wasn't the split for FFXIII also 80-20? And MS had exclusive marketing for it, too...
That's a shame. I would buy 5 on PC in a heartbeat.

I honestly expect Halo 5 for PC to be announced this year. It seems insane at this point not too. Series suffered a massive decline and MS is moving into the PC gaming sphere again.

There doesn't seem to be any reason left for them to keep it console only.
We'll see I'm one of those people that LOVED Uncharted and did not enjoy TLOU. Weird I know. Sacrilege even perhaps but still the truth. As such Bruce and Neil don't give me the confidence that they do you or the many others that loved TLOU. I'm aware that they are amazing at what they do but TLOU just did not appeal to me in the way that it did so many others. So when I hear that the duo responsible for the TLOU is now heading up Uncharted 4 to me that's another cause for skepticism.

As far as it not being fair to judge the story by what we've seen, it's all we have at this point so it's the only thing I have to judge it by. I'd rather judge it by what I've seen than but I what I haven't but hope is there.

? The beta was multiplayer. As I said before I'm not at all interested in the multiplayer. I play uncharted games for the campaign.

Not sure how my having a dissenting opinion on a purely subjective matter (such as the promise of a game) is "way off base" or "head in the clouds." Unless you are claiming that having an opinion contrary to majority is inherently unreasonable to which I would say: that's absurd.

Nothing wrong with a contrary opinion, it's more the reasons you mentioned--delays, everyone saying it's good, misinformed about microtransactions, are fairly dubious.

Nothing wrong with being a skeptic, but there needs to be more to go on than that, which is why none of that actually made sense to me. I'm a high skeptic about BvS, but that's because DC's output for superhero films is spotty at best.
Not really the case here.

Publisher count has been cut in half since last gen. Many of these publishers that are now gone were chasing the quick and easy dollar with garbage. A good number of these folks have either gone away or moved to mobile in the time since.

Yep. Our industry has a lot of similarities to film/TV in that regard. Top controls most of the revenue, splintered/new hits every year or so.


Halo 5 drop is huge, but a exclusive game sell more than 2 million (with digital) in little more than 2 months in US remains being impressive sales.

Microsoft now needs to make cheap bundles and generate hype for Halo 6.
Gears of War 4 probably gon have a similar drop. Part of that is the install base, part of that is the franchise fans moving to PS4, part of is Judgement fuckin up the franchise, and I'm sure part of will be the 343ifaction of the series.

I hope its dope tho :(
FF is hard to say, though the XB1 FFXV preorders on Amazon and Abdiel's assessments are definitely not helping. If the split is worse than 80% PS4: 20% XB1, then Square will think twice.
If FF sells 1 million, that would be 200.000 on Xbox. I guess that money is worth making the port.
For smaller JRPG it might not make sense, but for million-sellers it would be still okay. Also, Final Fantasy is one of the biggest and most traditional franchises in gaming. If SE has an interest of keeping good relations to MS they should just make the Xbox version and that's it.


Halo 5 drop is huge, but a exclusive game sell more than 2 million (with digital) in little more than 2 months in US remains being impressive sales.

Microsoft now needs to make cheap bundles and generate hype for Halo 6.

While it is, context needs to be considered. Such a huge franchise doesn't literally die overnight, so seeing such a decline is not good, regardless of how good those sales are (without context) in the current market.

Mory Dunz

Halo 5 drop is huge, but a exclusive game sell more than 2 million (with digital) in little more than 2 months in US remains being impressive sales.

But why is it impressive though?
Isn't the Xbox 1 still ahead of the 360 ltd? so it doesn't get the "wii u small userbase" excuse even.


Junior Member
No Devil's Third in the top 10!!


Crom is shocked!

(Would be funny to see the numbers so we know how many copies are actually out there)


The Amiga Brotherhood
Idk i dont even think that can save it. We are talking about a story that has been as far as 2002 in the making. Randomly buying kh3 is like jumping into a new season of game of thrones

As if people playing the previous KH games have an actual clue on what the fuck is going on. lol


Gold Member
If FF sells 1 million, that would be 200.000 on Xbox. I guess that money is worth making the port.
For smaller JRPG it might not make sense, but for million-sellers it would be still okay. Also, Final Fantasy is one of the biggest and most traditional franchises in gaming. If SE has an interest of keeping good relations to MS they should just make the Xbox version and that's it.

They can get that additional 200k on the PS4, though. So, in a sense, while it may be a peanuts port, they could just get that money on one machine and it would be of no consequence. The fanbase is on PlayStation, anyway. Good relations doesn't really matter in that case. The X1 got exclusives from companies with a great record and relationship with Sony.
But what is Halo 6? Just another Halo game? Doesn't what's happening with 5 suggest some rethinking may be in order?

They changed the gameplay up with the spartan abilities really well, I think Halo 6 building on that can do better than Halo 5 after not coming off the back of something broken and various other issues. War zone/Arena are really good in Halo 5, if they can avoid breaking Halo Wars 2 I think it can improve (although personally I think a break between Halo 5 and 6 would have been better for it perhaps an RTS is fine)

Perhaps there is the possibly of a Windows 10 version too

Mory Dunz

They can get that additional 200k on the PS4, though. So, in a sense, while it may be a peanuts port, they could just get that money on one machine and it would be of no consequence. The fanbase is on PlayStation, anyway. Good relations doesn't really matter in that case. The X1 got exclusives from companies with a great record and relationship with Sony.

wait huh?

did I miss some math?
If FF sells 1 million, that would be 200.000 on Xbox. I guess that money is worth making the port.
For smaller JRPG it might not make sense, but for million-sellers it would be still okay. Also, Final Fantasy is one of the biggest and most traditional franchises in gaming. If SE has an interest of keeping good relations to MS they should just make the Xbox version and that's it.

Oh, definitely. I'm just saying that if the ratio is even more skewed towards the PS4, then an XB1 version of FFXVI will no longer be a 100% certainty.

Though I wonder what happens if Sony manages to grab marketing rights to FFXV and release a FFXV PS4 bundle. After all, bundles are all the rage this gen.


wait huh?

did I miss some math?

Not sure if the poster meant this, but maybe he was saying that of that hypothetical 200k, maybe a large portion would have bought a PS4 (or eventually PC) to play it even if it didn't release on the Xbox One.

I would agree that the real amount of people who only own an Xbox One, but who want to play FF15, but would not be willing to get a PS4 or PC for it, is probably rather small. Also we probably need to factor in the extra sales (at least some?) that being PS4 exclusive would likely prompt. By this I mean, if FF15 was exclusive to PS4, there probably would be at least some PS4 owners who pick up the game just because it's an exclusive, where they may not have as soon or at all, if it was multiplat. Weird I know, but I know there are people like that who will buy a game just because of the "Only on Playstation" label.


From Zhuge

If you only look at console sales (no PSP), V2 did sell better.

RainBow Six has sold really great. It won't beat the Ubisoft 7 million, but those are good sales.

GeOW bundle was the main Xbone bundle in November and December. Like Mulcair said : "no other Xbox One bundle come close" Main PS4 bundle in December was SW : Battlefront ( around 600k ) as expected. And Uncharted isn't far off in December. But main PS4 bundle in November was Uncharted bundle ( 880k IIRC ).

I mean higer than Halo 5, not than Uncharted.

Btw, Uncharted bundle did not sold 880k in November, this was just the total PS4 sales withouth Star Wars and Cod bundle.

Of course Uncharted bundle is the major of those 880k, but we have no idea of what are the sales of Uncharted bundle.

Mory Dunz

Not sure if the poster meant this, but maybe he was saying that of that hypothetical 200k, maybe a large portion would have bought a PS4 (or eventually PC) to play it even if it didn't release on the Xbox One.

I would agree that the real amount of people who only own an Xbox One, but who want to play FF15, but would not be willing to get a PS4 or PC for it, is probably rather small.

oh, ok. well that'd be an assumption I guess.

yeah, anything from 10-20% wouldn't surprise me when the game releases.

By this I mean, if FF15 was exclusive to PS4, there probably would be at least some PS4 owners who pick up the game just because it's an exclusive, where they may not have as soon or at all, if it was multiplat. Weird I know, but I know there are people like that who will buy a game just because of the "Only on Playstation" label.

maybe, but would these be the same people who got burned last gen on PS3 lol? A KH3 being exclusive could have that effect. It's name hasn't been dragged in the mud as much.

Mory Dunz

Was better than 1/3. Isn't impressive for Halo standards, but for the market standards is.

I mean yeah, but if the next pokemon did like 6 million, it'd still be impressive for the general market, but everyone would rightfully say it bombed.

The thing I'm confused about, as someone who doesn't follow Halo, is what exactly happened? Xbox1 isn't doing wii u numbers. Shooters haven't died in popularity as far as I can tell. Was all the stuff about 343i killing Halo right? I'd always though that was GAF gaffing.


I think they will get going on it very soon. Sam Lake tweeted about press going to their HQ to play it so previews will be soon, Aaron Greenberg mentioned they had some interesting plans for its marketing on a podcast a few weeks ago (I think thats what he said anyway) they are just waiting until a bit nearer the time to get the ball rolling.

Still need to find out if they have any plans for a collectors/limited edition, possible DLC (seasons pass etc), pre-order bonus crap and console bundle(s)

The bundle is a given, its MS.

I am really excited for this game, pretty sure gameplay and story will be awesome to my standards, Remedy are a amazing developer and I have loved all of their console games. Only thing that worries me is the TV show, and how it might affect the pace of the game, which could be a huge problem.

My RAD vote goes to Deadly Creatures

I know its not the conversation, but I think Santa Monica should have given the GoW franchise to RAD care for their first game home console game. Its the franchise they worked so well on PSP. SSM should make The Order 1887 and give them the development of the next God Of War
I mean yeah, but if the next pokemon did like 6 million, it'd still be impressive for the general market, but everyone would rightfully say it bombed.

The thing I'm confused about, as someone who doesn't follow Halo, is what exactly happened? Xbox1 isn't doing wii u numbers. Shooters haven't died in popularity as far as I can tell. Was all the stuff about 343i killing Halo right? I'd always though that was GAF gaffing.
Franchise fatigue and the mcc debacle seems to have done it. Cant say the install base because that was debunked by many already.
I mean yeah, but if the next pokemon did like 6 million, it'd still be impressive for the general market, but everyone would rightfully say it bombed.

The thing I'm confused about, as someone who doesn't follow Halo, is what exactly happened? Xbox1 isn't doing wii u numbers. Shooters haven't died in popularity as far as I can tell. Was all the stuff about 343i killing Halo right? I'd always though that was GAF gaffing.

Halo 4 MP and Halo MCC matchmaking issues really hurt the brand. Halo 5 is a return to form, IMO, but it'll take continued support and a more satisfying story in Halo 6 to win back some fans who left the franchise.
Wait what happened there? did the 360 catch up? Or was the sw competition on the 360 easier at the time?

Halo 3 sold close to double of Halo 5 at a lesser install base is one example.

Another note recent example is where Titanfall at launch had a better attach rate than Halo 5, which shows that even in the latest FPS climate, Halo's draw has weakened to the level that it can be matched by a popular new FPS IP.

The joke is how Titanfall was said potentially be to be the next Halo-ish sales driver for Xbox... In hindsight that was true.


I'm officially retiring this graph, as the year comes to a close. Year Three complete. This started out as a WiiU vs. past Nintendo consoles but as the WiiU fades it's better to focus on the big guns in the console war from now on. So going forward I'd like to focus on Year Three [again heh] instead of going on to Year Four.

Lining up that SW takes forever/ I'm done with it.

So... the Wii U only beat the Gamecube one month its entire life.

my fucking god.


Her name wasn't in any of my posts though. I didn't even mention her.

Well.... :p

How on earth did you get "Amy Hennig defense force" out of my post?.

Just kidding

Halo 3 sold close to double of Halo 5 at a lesser install base is one example.

Another note recent example is where Titanfall at launch had a better attach rate than Halo 5, which shows that even in the latest FPS climate, Halo's draw has weakened to the level that it can be matched by a popular new FPS IP.

The joke is how Titanfall was said potentially be to be the next Halo-ish sales driver for Xbox... In hindsight that was true.

Titanfall 2 should be pretty big, especially with it now being multiplat
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