PepsimanVsJoe said:
Symphonia 1 did do really well but just look at these sales. Everything is down. Resistance 2 and MS2 sold at a fraction of the originals, same with Saint's Row 2(despite being a better game and having a PS3 version)
Even looking outside the JRPG genre sales are just lower overall. It's a depressing state of affairs.
Well, Just noting the 3 games you choosed.
SR1 was released in like August, while 2 was in October. Even though 2 was a better game, They definitely should have released it around a different time instead of trying jam it in those last 3 months of a year.
Wasn't R2 also panned by fans as worse then R1? Not to mention R1 had the luxery of being the only game worth owning on the system for many months...pretty much till MS came out a few months later where it also got a benefit similar to R1. The lack of competition.
I think the biggest factor todate has been release dates. Some really do seem to still have their head up their ass with them. Like using R2, released right around the same time as Gow2 and CoDWaW. They still seem to like to jam in the releases, and always seem to overestimate how strong their franchise actually is. A good example could be MGS, where 3 just got killed when it came out. Next to Half Life 2, WoW, Halo 3, GTASA. Even Killzone at the time. It was a big fish, the only problem was, it was swimming with whales. They completely adjusted with MGS4, and it already did much better then MGS3. Put it in an off time of the year, around less competition.
And with JRPG's, They are still under that same notion of releasing them back half of the year. LO, seemed to have been the only one todate that did solid, I do admit, part of it probably has to do with MS's strong advertisement on it. But it was also released out of the back half of the year.
I think once publishers, specifically ones that actually have to fight for the sales, to use the entire year. Maybe even work together kinda like how movie studios seem to do with releases. You'll eventually find sturdy ground for games to sell.