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NPD Sales Results for February 2010

Eteric Rice

Classic_Gs said:
I for one, am glad to see Dante's Inferno do so well, as I really enjoyed the game. Nice to see Heavy Rain break in too. Go HD gaming!

God, I can't stand people like this. Trying to seperate gamers into groups. It's worse than the people seperating gamers into casuals and hardcores. It's all bullshit.



Y2Kev said:
Looks good. Looks better than most expected I think with Heavy Rain. Dante's Inferno sold okay. They put a lot of muscle behind it to sell 500k. That's worse than Dead Space's first month, right? Or marginally better?
Quite a bit better actually.

NPD said:
#10. Dead Space (X360) - 193k
#11. Guitar Hero: World Tour (360) - 191,000
#12. Guitar Hero: World Tour (Wii) - 183,000
#13. Kirby Super Star Ultra (NDS)
#14. Fallout 3 (PS3)
#15. Dead Space (PS3)
#16. Rock Band 2 (PS3) - 118,559


I'm still pretty surprised that PS3 hasn't been able to beat the 360 again, despite it's improvements.

spwolf said:
that was a joke, right? Because no way anyone else would take risky expensive game like HR but Sony...

Wasn't Indigo Prophecy an Xbox game?


WiiHD coming this fall confirmed. :lol

Nah, I'm sure Metroid and Mario Galaxy 2 will shoot HW numbers back up....right?
I think there is more buzz for FFXIII than XII ever got. Its been in development forever and the first on the new gen seems to be a bigger deal, 360 fans will get it just cause of the fancy graphics/adverts and to see what all the fuss is about and the PS3 one will sell just as usual.

Whether it'll do better than Battlefield though I don't know, I'm playing BOTH atm and loving it. :D

GOW3 idk, never got into the series myself but I know its one of those 'big deal' releases so it will be an interesting month indeed.

Also: Yay BioShock 2! :D Borderlands 2 now please 2k.


Can't believe "year of the ps3" isn't a banned meme.

Also can't believe people are surprised dante's inferno ps3 beat 360 dante. Arkham Asylum proved that people will go for the extra content.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Bizzyb said:
WiiHD coming this fall confirmed. :lol

Nah, I'm sure Metroid and Mario Galaxy 2 will shoot HW numbers back up....right?

Wii is supply constrained, NSMBW being a close second shows that. That game's the definition of system-seller.


Snuggler said:
I don't really care about DI but I am disappointed that Bayonetta didn't get the sales it deserved (1 million +).

No...it got the sales it deserved. See any Bayonetta thread with criticism.

Heavy Rain sold a lot more than I thought it would. Well played Sony, well played.

/eats crow


Once And Future Member
Andrex said:
Wii is supply constrained, NSMBW being a close second shows that. That game's the definition of system-seller.
So you're saying the people who couldn't buy a Wii went ahead and bought NSMBW anyway? That doesn't make too much sense..
Microsoft must be pretty happy. Awesome 3rd party game sales on the console. Big opener for Bioshock 2, while Mass Effect and MW2 continue to perform, Not only are they handily outselling the PS3, they pretty much have a full deck of cards to play.

They should take advantage of the momentum and drop price now right in time for Splinter Cell and Alan Wake, ride out the summer then Halo Reach launches, then Natal. If they really play their cards right they could be the #1 selling console in the States this year.

PS3 was supply constrained. Expect them to come back big next month with FFXIII and God of War. Should be neck and neck with 360 or even edge them out.

I don't know how the Wii was supply constrained. I saw them everywhere in February. Anecdotal, I know, but I'm just not sure if I buy that at least here in the United States. PS3 on the other hand I know was sold out at a few places in my area last month.
Haunted said:
You know, it never occured to me to ask how many retail games are released in a given month on average.

Does anyone know how many were released in the US in February? and I don't mean the large ones which had a chance to crack the Top 10 (Bioshock 2, Sonic All Stars Racing, Aliens vs Predator etc.), I mean all of them.
Using BuddyC's Weekly Release Threads, and not counting games released on multiple platforms separately, I count 48
Completely forgot about The Last Rebellion :lol


Eteric Rice said:
God, I can't stand people like this. Trying to seperate gamers into groups. It's worse than the people seperating gamers into casuals and hardcores. It's all bullshit.


How is it bullshit? I see no problem in dividing gamers on the basis of what they enjoy, what type of games they play, and what type of software they purchase. Not all games are equal, and not all gamers are the same. Quit being so butthurt.
Wii and PS3 are both BEYOND constrained. People are calling from 2 states away looking for them.

We were taking reservations on them all month (Feb) and slowly, slowly filling them.

Sony picked a bad time to have the supply issues, lots of people out looking to spend their tax returns and they don't want to wait. They literally go to the HR Block in the mall and get their refund on a debt card then walk around the mall blowing it. 360 was the only home console with out supply issues. Plenty in stock all month and no problems restocking as they sold.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Mass Effect 2 baby!

As I expected, it charted again this month - get that million!

Actually, after that Amazon Deal of the Day special, it's probably already there now according to NPD...


By the way, where is Anihawk?
That cranky nature of his sure spice things up. Besides I'm curious about TvsC and NMH2.


Im having trouble figuring out how the fuck both Nintendo and Sony cannot seem to make enough consoles and yet Microsoft has NO problem and manages to outsell them.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Sage00 said:
So you're saying the people who couldn't buy a Wii went ahead and bought NSMBW anyway? That doesn't make too much sense..

OK yeah that came out a bit wrong. :lol NSMBW is selling because it's NSMBW. But it also sells systems, as Wii's groundbreaking 3.8 mil December showed. There was NOTHING for Wii except for NSMBW and it almost completely reversed Wii's lowered YTD from 2009.


Arpharmd B said:
Microsoft must be pretty happy. Awesome 3rd party game sales on the console. Big opener for Bioshock 2, while Mass Effect and MW2 continue to perform, Not only are they handily outselling the PS3, they pretty much have a full deck of cards to play.

They should take advantage of the momentum and drop price now right in time for Splinter Cell and Alan Wake, ride out the summer then Halo Reach launches, then Natal. If they really play their cards right they could be the #1 selling console in the States this year.

PS3 was supply constrained. Expect them to come back big next month with FFXIII and God of War. Should be neck and neck with 360 or even edge them out.

I don't know how the Wii was supply constrained. I saw them everywhere in February. Anecdotal, I know, but I'm just not sure if I buy that at least here in the United States. PS3 on the other hand I know was sold out at a few places in my area last month.

According to Sony PS3 will be looking at a supply constraint until nearly June. No reason for MS to drop the price until this fall on the 360. Let the SW do the talking until then. Redesign with a proper price cut this fall would be the best bet for MS. Again I believe this just reaffirms the fact 360 didn't need that proper price cut last fall. Redesign may not happen but a healthy price drop is near 100% I'd say. Skip $179 and go straight for $149 like the big drop to $199 and the SW plus Natal will do the rest during the holidays.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Boney said:
By the way, where is Anihawk?
That cranky nature of his sure spice things up. Besides I'm curious about TvsC and NMH2.
It's only 5:30 here in California. He's probably still out and about.


Chumly said:
Im having trouble figuring out how the fuck both Nintendo and Sony cannot seem to make enough consoles and yet Microsoft has NO problem and manages to outsell them.


Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
KittyKittyBangBang said:
When was the last time this happened??

When Halo 3 launched in September, which was 3 years ago.

Great job by Microsoft for February even though they didn't have any exclusives during that month. :)


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Chumly said:
Im having trouble figuring out how the fuck both Nintendo and Sony cannot seem to make enough consoles and yet Microsoft has NO problem and manages to outsell them.
Probably has something to do with MS selling much less consoles outside of the US.

Japan in particular.


KuwabaraTheMan said:
Well, I was more talking about Pokemon and Final Fantasy than about God of War. I think Final Fantasy can do that between both platforms. I might be overestimating FF somewhat, but I just get the feeling that it's going to put up really huge numbers in March.

Either way, I don't think Bad Company 2 is cracking the Top 5 in March.

And you're wrong. A game does not make the top 5 on the Xbox Live list it's first week and not sell 600k+ first month.
Arpharmd B said:
They should take advantage of the momentum and drop price now right in time for Splinter Cell and Alan Wake, ride out the summer then Halo Reach launches, then Natal. If they really play their cards right they could be the #1 selling console in the States this year.

They could even release a 360 Slim this year too.


Chumly said:
Im having trouble figuring out how the fuck both Nintendo and Sony cannot seem to make enough consoles and yet Microsoft has NO problem and manages to outsell them.

Here are some awesome guesses:

1. Both Sony and Nintendo make a fuck ton more money internationally than they do in the States. Allocating to Europe garuntees 50% more profit.

2. PS3 was recently *exploited*, so you can be damn sure they are putting the brakes on the production side of things to make a fool proof version.

3. Both Sony and Nintendo produce more than just Wii and PS3. The PS2, PSP, DS Lite, DS XL, and some other shit I'm probably forgetting is probably produced just as much.

You don't gotta hate playa.

Eteric Rice

thuway said:
How is it bullshit? I see no problem in dividing gamers on the basis of what they enjoy, what type of games they play, and what type of software they purchase. Not all games are equal, and not all gamers are the same. Quit being so butthurt.

No, I mean holding one type of game above another. Shit like HURR DURR GO HD gaming is annoying as hell. It's as if people actually think there's some kind of war going on.

There are good games, and there are shitty games. If you're for good games, I'm with you. But if you're going to discount or look down on a game because it's not HD, or on a handheld, or some other shit, you're part of the problem.


Arpharmd B said:
Microsoft must be pretty happy. Awesome 3rd party game sales on the console. Big opener for Bioshock 2, while Mass Effect and MW2 continue to perform, Not only are they handily outselling the PS3, they pretty much have a full deck of cards to play.

They should take advantage of the momentum and drop price now right in time for Splinter Cell and Alan Wake, ride out the summer then Halo Reach launches, then Natal. If they really play their cards right they could be the #1 selling console in the States this year.

PS3 was supply constrained. Expect them to come back big next month with FFXIII and God of War. Should be neck and neck with 360 or even edge them out.

I don't know how the Wii was supply constrained. I saw them everywhere in February. Anecdotal, I know, but I'm just not sure if I buy that at least here in the United States. PS3 on the other hand I know was sold out at a few places in my area last month.

Microsoft isn't stupid enough to throw away money. The Xbox 360 is at a perfect spot.


What's really surprised me about the top 10 is that Wii Fit Plus isn't on it.
I wouldn't know, but I'd guess that there weren't any supply issues with it.
MikeE21286 said:


That dog is plain ole creepy...:lol :lol
Am I the only one who thinks the numbers for all consoles were good?

Maybe not for the wii which is used to like 600 or 700k a month, lol, other than that...
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