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NPD Sales Results for February 2011 [Update 4: PS3 Hardware, TONS Of Games]


I still don't see proof that Call of Duty is hurting other modern military FPS. I think Call of Duty will raise other military shooters up in the long term.
seady said:
Dead Space 2 didn't do very well…. :(
With all the talk and hype I thought it would do much better.

between 740-800k in its first two months, much better than the first. Don't know what EA's expectations were.


user_nat said:
Goes to show how much stronger the industry is overall.

Xbox and Gamecube weren't even close to the PS2.

Not only that, but all three systems are selling in the same range as the PS2 at a similar point in it's life cycle (Year 5 for Wii and PS3 and Year 6 for 360).

The combined LTDs of the WII, PS3 and 360 should be AT LEAST 100M in the US by the end of this generation. Compare that to 60 something million for the PS2/Xbox/GCN.
rosjos44 said:

I understand its the SAME game but seriously if you break it down by platform it would not be at 10 million. I'm just saying that having a game on multiple platforms is beneficial to your overall number but I think its more of a feat to accomplish that 10 million sold mark on a single platform better than a game that passed that number with the combined SKU of each platform.

I'm not downing the game at all but why ignore that fact?

Yes Wii play has a controller with it and that is extra incentive too.

That's kind of the point though. It's like saying Kinect Adventure has a controller, and that is the extra incentive. In that case, expect KA to overtake both of them by Christmas.

Permanent or at the very least, long-term pack-ins that originally launched as bundled with a console or an accesory are typically not considered "fair play" when it comes to these types of rankings(with the exception of things like Guitar Hero, Rockband, Wii FIt, etc..... pack-ins that had a relative price increase).


seady said:
Dead Space 2 didn't do very well…. :(
With all the talk and hype I thought it would do much better.
Well, we have 452K for the first month plus somewhere between 286K and 553K this month, meaning its total so far is 738K to a bit over 1 million.

It's definitely not Resident Evil numbers, but I would say it sold quite well.


Motorstorm will not do well. Maybe this new Split/second style will make some people jump in but some old school Motorstorm fans will no buy so i doubt it will be relevant, as most racing games this gen though. MAybe will do better than Blur though

I wonder what will Socom do, it used to be Sony's flagship shooter long ago.

The fact that sony's line up, exclusives at least, may not do great numbers but offer a variety of games and genres that help gain fidelity amongst customers.


Sho_Nuff82 said:
between 740-800k in its first two months, much better than the first. Don't know what EA's expectations were.
I'm not sure what people were expecting for a niche genre game, I think its doing quite well actually. Well deserved.


Super Member
Appollowexx said:
Does anyone else find it a little disheartening that Call of Duty Black Ops is the top selling game of all time in the US? Not trying to troll as COD is enjoyable and all, but with all the innovative and quite frankly higher quality titles out there; a rather generic, cookie cutter FPS game doing so well just rubs me the wrong way.

The direction our industry is going I fear.
Postulate: Everyone bought it for Online Zombies

If that were true I wouldn't blame them, it's addictive, AND you can play as two US Presidents and Fidel Castro and Robert Macnamara


LosDaddie said:
-BS > KZ3 is....kinda surprising. I figured KZ3 would at least get 500k on launch day alone.

What would make you think that?

And we have no actual idea on how many KZ3 actually sold, since it makes sense to think that a lot of the PS3s sold were bundled with the game. Most likely sold better than both BS and KZ2


MariusElijah said:
If Uncharted 3 underperforms then there is no hope, but thats unlikely.

Uncharted 2 did about 550k sales in its first month,however, we still cannot optimistically predict it would sell over 1m in Nov.

The cold fact is undeniable. The sales performance of first-party PS3 titles are really mediocre in America.


Zzoram said:
Kevin Butler ads only matter to people who are Sony fans already. Anyone who doesn't already have a PS3 doesn't give a shit about Kevin Butler, and may be outright turned off by him.


Most people find the Kevin Butler ads funny and enjoyable even if they're non-gamers. Something I can't say about the 99% other ads that exist...


Nirolak said:
Well, we have 452K for the first month plus somewhere between 286K and 553K this month, meaning its total so far is 738K to a bit over 1 million.

It's definitely not Resident Evil numbers, but I would say it sold quite well.

Like it or not, but make the game more actiony and less horrory and it could do that in 1 month like RE5.

REV 09

One problem with both KZ and Resistance is that the devs have focused on the villains more than building a likeable protagonist. Uncharted is about Drake. KZ is about space Nazis and Resistance is a chimeran invasion.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
This should pretty much be the crow to end all crow eating threads for Treyarch doubters. Regardless of what you think of the game, or Bro shooters, they delivered big time.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
chris0701 said:
Uncharted 2 did about 550k sales in its first month,however, we still cannot optimistically predict it would sell over 1m in Nov.

The cold fact is undeniable. The sales performance of first-party PS3 titles are really mediocre in America.

Except for GoWIII.

Over 1m first month, which was a really good result.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I guess the secret to mass market success this gen is to sell 5 year old hardware with some motion controlled gimmickry. First the wii, then Xbox turns 5 and boom so I guess by this theory next year is PS3's.
Sinatar said:
I guess the secret to mass market success this gen is to sell 5 year old hardware with some motion controlled gimmickry. First the wii, then Xbox turns 5 and boom so I guess by this theory next year is PS3's.

I think you're on to something.
I keep saying that Activision can't live on CoD and WoW alone.

But if it keeps selling like that, maybe the can live on CoD and WoW alone. Kinda risky though with such low diversity though.
user_nat said:
Except for GoWIII.

Over 1m first month, which was a really good result.

A game that's actually different than the norm, has a recognizable character, and great art direction. Hmmmm......I see a pattern here.


Sinatar said:
I guess the secret to mass market success this gen is to sell 5 year old hardware with some motion controlled gimmickry. First the wii, then Xbox turns 5 and boom so I guess by this theory next year is PS3's.

If only they had kept BC in. They could have sold PS2 waggle!
Gravijah said:
If only they had kept BC in. They could have sold PS2 waggle!

Would have be interesting if those old rumors of PS2 being repackaged with a Wii ripoff controller had panned out and how the market would have reacted to it.
Sinatar said:
I guess the secret to mass market success this gen is to sell 5 year old hardware with some motion controlled gimmickry. First the wii, then Xbox turns 5 and boom so I guess by this theory next year is PS3's.

fernoca said:
That's what I said. ;)
Then it disappeared the next NPD chart from the Top 20. And that was during NPDs that didn't combined sales.

Little Big Planet 2 sold in one NPD what the first one did in 2 NPDs, and disappeared in the next NPD (though LBP2 was tracked in combined NPDs).

So far Killzone 3, just seems to be doing as expected if anything; not better, not as bad as some imply.

It was released in October, disappeared in November and then RE-ENTERED the top 10 in December with even higher numbers than debut month if memory serves me right.
xbhaskarx said:
LOL, Playstation ecosystem again. Why does this guy even have a job, he should at least come up with a new phrase every few months...
"Family" has been replaced with "ecosystem". I guess it is more green that way.
Bizzyb said:
Call of Duty?? Really? Good Lord, are gamers brain-dead sheep or something now? A fucking first person shooter? WTF is going on in this industry?

You don't really have anything to complain about seeing as though a 1 on 1 fighting game sold almost 1 million copies in a single month. 4 years ago that would have been unheard of. Amazing the resurgence of the genre after SF IV.
REV 09 said:
One problem with both KZ and Resistance is that the devs have focused on the villains more than building a likeable protagonist. Uncharted is about Drake. KZ is about space Nazis and Resistance is a chimeran invasion.

The helghast and the chimera are the draw for me. They have that stormtrooper like quality. They look cool, they're fun to shoot, and they all would make great action figures.


speculawyer said:
"Family" has been replaced with "ecosystem". I guess it is more green that way.

I hope "Playstation ecosystem" would be the new "years of the PS3" slogan,dunno how SCEA PR guys comes up this funny word.
Sinatar said:
I guess the secret to mass market success this gen is to sell 5 year old hardware with some motion controlled gimmickry. First the wii, then Xbox turns 5 and boom so I guess by this theory next year is PS3's.

LOL. Sooo much truth. You win, good sir!
plagiarize said:
it's doing well given that this is its second month. not really seeing where you'd be complaining.

We have to hand it to EA to make a sequel to a game that probably just broke even. But this is what can happen when you stand behind your brand and ideas for more than one game. I hope Activision is paying attention.
Warm Machine said:
We have to hand it to EA to make a sequel to a game that probably just broke even. But this is what can happen when you stand behind your brand and ideas for more than one game. I hope Activision is paying attention.

Shooters versus non-shooters.
Dreams-Visions said:
I feel like I'm the only mothafucka that has never bought/played BLOPS nor cares about it.

You aren't alone…although I did download and play the recently released demo out of curiosity…as I suspected, nothing new to see here.
Pretty sad numbers for Killzone 3. I think people are not putting enough thought into how much it cost Sony to produce the title. There are probably a lot of people in hot water at Sony today.


Ridley327 said:
The kid-friendly factor for fighting games these days can't be denied, and that's something MK9 assuredly does not have in its favor.

Why can't it be denied? It isn't like the M rating is a NC-17/X/AO rating. Stores will still stock it. Plenty of kids have access to COD and as long Midway doesn't show any footage of the female ninjas in ads, MK should be fine.
MariusElijah said:
CoD is usually a casual experience, nothing 'core' about it.

CoD is just a 'core' as any other shooter. It's just really fucking popular.

I think 'mainstream' is the word you are looking for.

Anyway, fantastic numbers all round (except KZ3 and BD - yikes!) and my predictions went out the window with all these YOY increases.

360 is a beast and Kinect has done wonders. Wii really impressed me given all the speak of doom and gloom. PS3 also sold surpisingly well compared to previous months.


Warm Machine said:
You don't really have anything to complain about seeing as though a 1 on 1 fighting game sold almost 1 million copies in a single month. 4 years ago that would have been unheard of. Amazing the resurgence of the genre after SF IV.

I just don't like the idea of a tired and played out genre (of the generation) with a game that hardly has any innovation being the best selling game ever. I mean MW2 deserves every bit of praise and sales sold. BLOPs on the other hand is a game with a decent single player and a run-of-the-mill multiplayer. It does nothing to advance the genre imo and quite frankly is mostly doing well because "it's cool to have this game" and all your friends have it too.

My cousin and friend who once used to play all kinds of games are now stuck on this one single game. Hell, I bought my friend RDR for Xmas b/c of how awesome it was and he still has yet to play it. Even after I kept telling him how fun the game can be...oh, but he'll put in 10 hrs a day of COD. It just makes me sick. And my cousin once commented that all he needs anymore is COD. I mean wtf is going on?? It's like People don't want to really think anymore when playing games They just want instant gratification and cinematic hand-holding. A damn shame.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
FirstInHell said:
Pretty sad numbers for Killzone 3. I think people are not putting enough thought into how much it cost Sony to produce the title. There are probably a lot of people in hot water at Sony today.

WW sales will be fine so I doubt Sony will be sweating it, I can see it reaching 1 million globally within the next 4-6 months easily.


_Alkaline_ said:
CoD is just a 'core' as any other shooter. It's just really fucking popular.

I think 'mainstream' is the word you are looking for.

For some reason core became defined as "not mainstream" this gen.

I blame the Wii.


lowrider007 said:
WW sales will be fine so I doubt Sony will be sweating it, I can see it reaching 1 million globally within the next 4-6 months easily.

1 milion sales is a reasonable criteria as "FINE" for AAA progect like Killzone?lol


I got grudge sucked!
WHy is selling 270+K a bad thing? I didn't think the 2nd one did that great its 1st month either. Another case of Gaf reality =/= actual reality or am I missing something here?
MVC3 did way better than I thought. It seems the heavy advertising only started about a week or so ago.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
chris0701 said:
1 milion sales is a reasonable criteria as "FINE" for AAA progect like Killzone?lol

And since when did Killzone ever sell much more than that within the same time frame?
Gravijah said:
For some reason core became defined as "not mainstream" this gen.

I blame the Wii.

Yeah, I know right.

A game like COD is still a core experience, it just appeals to casuals. Just like Halo, Mario, GTA and what have you.

An actual casual game is designed specifically with the casual audience in mind and is almost always simplified and accessible as a result.

Calling COD a simplified experience is laughable in the context of things.

Suddenly though any game that sells a bajillion copies and has worldwide fanfare is labelled a casual experience - I mean all these kids play the game, so it must be casual right?'
Bizzyb said:
I just don't like the idea of a tired and played out genre (of the generation) with a game that hardly has any innovation being the best selling game ever. I mean MW2 deserves every bit of praise and sales sold. BLOPs on the other hand is a game with a decent single player and a run-of-the-mill multiplayer. It does nothing to advance the genre imo and quite frankly is mostly doing well because "it's cool to have this game" and all your friends have it too.

My cousin and friend who once used to play all kinds of games are now stuck on this one single game. Hell, I bought my friend RDR for Xmas b/c of how awesome it was and he still has yet to play it. Even after I kept telling him how fun the game can be...oh, but he'll put in 10 hrs a day of COD. It just makes me sick. And my cousin once commented that all he needs anymore is COD. I mean wtf is going on?? It's like People don't want to really think anymore when playing games They just want instant gratification and cinematic hand-holding. A damn shame.

...but that's why it sells so well.

It's not about being ground-breaking. It's a VERY EASY TO UNDERSTAND SERIES. That's the entire point.

If they innovated like crazy, or added some new amazing yet complex gameplay system, it wouldn't be as accessible.

I'm not saying you have to love it, but everything that you said trying to knock it is actually why it's such a success.


I think KZ3 will break 1 million much sooner than 4-6 months. It would have had to absolutely bomb in Europe for it to take 4-6 months to reach 1 million sold.
MisterHero said:
Postulate: Everyone bought it for Online Zombies

If that were true I wouldn't blame them, it's addictive, AND you can play as two US Presidents and Fidel Castro and Robert Macnamara

If that were, in fact, true then Left 4 Dead would be selling mad crazy.

The new generation of 'gamers' are just set in their ways - they like their guns, marines and loud noises! That's why something cool and different like Heavy Rain or Alan Wake sell poorly, while you could package a copy of Batman Forever on the SNES in a 360 case, label it Call of Duty and it would still break a few mil.

A sad state of affairs indeed.


sleepykyo said:
Why can't it be denied? It isn't like the M rating is a NC-17/X/AO rating. Stores will still stock it. Plenty of kids have access to COD and as long Midway doesn't show any footage of the female ninjas in ads, MK should be fine.
The most successful fighting games this gen have been pretty safe for anyone to play. I'm not saying that MK9 won't sell, but expecting SF4/MvC3 numbers is being optimistic, I think.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Averon said:
I think KZ3 will break 1 million much sooner than 4-6 months. It would have had to absolutely bomb in Europe for it to take 4-6 months to reach 1 million sold.

Your probably right tbh, I was being quite conservative.
apana said:
I still don't see proof that Call of Duty is hurting other modern military FPS. I think Call of Duty will raise other military shooters up in the long term.

It already has. BF:BC2 and MoH are testament to that. Hell, Homefront is getting in on that action.


Call of Duty is violent, cinematic, and appeals to young males. By industry definition that is as hardcore as you can get.
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